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 Your friend has doodled over the table in your tutor base and, when your tutor confronted her, she blamed you  Although you tried to explain the truth,

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Presentation on theme: " Your friend has doodled over the table in your tutor base and, when your tutor confronted her, she blamed you  Although you tried to explain the truth,"— Presentation transcript:

1  Your friend has doodled over the table in your tutor base and, when your tutor confronted her, she blamed you  Although you tried to explain the truth, your tutor did not believe you and you have detention for a month!

2 Lesson Objectives: To know the story of Joseph and how he fits into the history of Israel To reflect upon forgiveness and its place in relationships Lesson Objectives: To know the story of Joseph and how he fits into the history of Israel To reflect upon forgiveness and its place in relationships

3  The patriarchs – the ‘founding fathers’ of the Jewish nation:  These figures are Abraham, Isaac (his son) and Jacob (his grandson)  The accounts of their lives are given in Torah, which forms part of Jewish religious teaching

4  Jacob was the grandson of Abraham  He had 12 sons, who went on to become the founders of the 12 tribes of Israel  However, there were issues with sibling rivalry!

5  You are to think of some good interview questions that you would like to ask Joseph about how he felt about what his brothers did and his decision to forgive  These need to be open questions (they can’t just have one word answers)  1) You need to write down at least 4 questions  2) Swap these with your neighbour  3) Write up answers from your neighbour’s questions in your book – answer from Joseph’s perspective  Extension: if you finish, think of some questions you would like to ask Joseph’s brothers.

6  Was it easy to forgive your brothers? Why/why not?  How did you feel about your brothers when you saw them in Egypt and they did not recognise you?

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