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Quality and Patient Safety Workstreams Achievements in the last 12 months Comprehensive monitoring of commissioned Services The Quality Team have: Undertaken.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality and Patient Safety Workstreams Achievements in the last 12 months Comprehensive monitoring of commissioned Services The Quality Team have: Undertaken."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality and Patient Safety Workstreams Achievements in the last 12 months Comprehensive monitoring of commissioned Services The Quality Team have: Undertaken a programme of announced and unannounced visits to provider organisations, which identified safe practice and areas requiring improvement which have now been addressed. Been more actively involved in the quality impact assessment of service redesign and new procurements e.g. pulmonary rehabilitation service Supported the commissioning of services to include quality and innovation developments eg Mundy House project, Gold Standard framework for End of Life Care The Quality Team have ensured: Implementation and Monitoring of Duty of Candour with providers The implementation of the new Serious incident framework and provided assurance to the Governing Body on the monitoring of Serious Incident reports That Providers have established and embedded the monitoring of safer staffing levels The management of infection control investigations is complaint with national requirements. Monitoring recommendations from National Enquiries, Francis, Berwick, Keogh and Lampard (Savile) to ensure that learning is embedded National responsibilities for Safeguarding adults and children The CCG have made pledges to the sign up to safety campaign Delivery of National NHS key objectives

2 Quality and Patient Safety Workstreams Achievements in the last 12 months Review of data which acts as early warning indicator of quality concerns The Quality Team review reports and data to gain assurance and information on provider services, any concerns relating to the potential deterioration in standards would lead to quality visits and the development of remedial action plans. Patient experience reports and surveys Care Quality Commission reports National reporting data e.g. Patient safety thermometer data Outcomes from Quality visits Safeguarding alerts Serious incidents, Complaints Media and other communication reports Provision of Continuing healthcare and personal health budgets The Quality Team have ensured that there is information available to offer the following: patient choice in how health budgets can be utilised Monitor the newly commissioned Arden Gem provider to deliver safe and appropriate quality placements and packages of care Ensure that staff are trained and fit to practice The Chief Nurse has membership of the Local Education and Training Board (LETB) and is allocated a budget to provide education and training for clinical non- clinical staff within the CCG and practices. Education is provided through: Anglia Ruskin/ Essex University A key objective is the provision of support to nurses in primary care to enable them to prepare for revalidation.

3 2015/16 Quality and Patient Safety Future Plans NHS Thurrock CCG will continue to develop the following area’s outlined below: Strengthen and enhance the Quality Team within Thurrock CCG to provide the Chief Nurse with more staff on site to achieve a more reactive service. Improve monitoring, review and triangulation of data to influence quality of care provision. Establish Serious incident (SI) monitoring locally within the CCG. Support revalidation of nursing within Thurrock CCG and Primary Care to ensure a competent workforce is available and fit for practice. Strengthen understanding of clinical performance data to enable the provision of more robust assurance to the Governing Body. Further development of Governance to support primary care agenda.

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