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How to work it… This presentation is intended to make filling out an Expense Voucher easier; however, some may find the show not only dreadful, but draining,

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Presentation on theme: "How to work it… This presentation is intended to make filling out an Expense Voucher easier; however, some may find the show not only dreadful, but draining,"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to work it… This presentation is intended to make filling out an Expense Voucher easier; however, some may find the show not only dreadful, but draining, so here are a few pointers: If you have ever enjoyed a PPT show before, you will know that hitting Enter will do one of two things: stop it or start it. Escape will put you out of your misery. work it…

2 Expense Reimbursement Documents a/k/a Expense Vouchers This document is to be used when requesting reimbursement for expenses incurred when traveling on official State business. To gain a full appreciation of all that this Process entails, you must acquaint yourself with the official Travel and Expense Policies and Procedures handout, readily available (free of charge!) in the Forms Repository under the letter “T” on A valiant attempt to summarize each and every conceivable base will be made here and now, but the official handout, dry and void of any entertainment value though it may be, is the place to go for clarification.

3 Ah, the dreaded Expense Voucher I warned you about… Back by popular demand, it’s Only this time, due to space considerations, you will have the first page show you where we’re at and the following page explain what you need to do there. Good luck to you, then! Paint By Numbers!

4 Follow in Dale’s footsteps… We will be using a fake voucher created with fake information to illustrate the various Voucher Principles. The trip may be phony, but the principles are real. Very real. Come, follow Dale, he’s The Man…

5 But first, let’s look at the big, beautiful picture, shall we? All absences from campus must be approved prior to departure for expenses to be reimbursed. Forms to request permission to be absent are available from the Print Shop. Whenever travel is out-of-state, the “Request to be Absent From Campus” form must be signed by the President and attached to the Expense Voucher. Traveling expenses for which reimbursements will be made are strictly confined to those essential to the transaction of official business. Expense is allowed for travel by aircraft, rental vehicle, train or bus; ground transportation to and from terminals; meals, including tips, and taxes; lodging (for State employee only); parking tolls; and any miscellaneous expenses incurred while on official college business. Personal maintenance items are not allowable expenses. Only the most cost-effective method of travel will be reimbursed. No funds will be advanced to employees for travel expense prior to the actual time the travel is completed. No expense will be paid for time shown as vacation, military leave, excused absence without pay or sick leave.

6 1. Personal Information

7 If you are an employee of CSC, you don’t need to include your address. If you are not a CSC employee, we need your address here so we know where to mail the check. *Instructions* NOTE: Only Non-Employees need to Include SSN.

8 2. License Plate Number

9 As of Oct 2014: Board policy has changed and you no longer need to include your license plate number. NOTE: YIPPIE! *Instructions*

10 3. Date

11 Enter the date the expense was incurred. *Instructions*

12 4. Name of Place/Nature of Service

13 In this case, Dale left CSC for Rapid to catch a flight to San Diego. He stayed in San Diego the next day. On the third day, he went home. Notice the wording. Simple. Elegant. The nature of service was the ABCD Conference, which is listed beneath the trip details. *Instructions* NOTE: Every Expense Voucher MUST Document the Reason for the Expense. 4. Name of Place/Nature of Service

14 5. Time Started

15 Enter the time the trip started. Use military time: 7:00 am = 0700 7:30 am = 0730 5:00 pm = 1700 5:30 pm = 1730 *Instructions*

16 6. Time Stopped

17 Record the time the trip ended. *Instructions* NOTE: You Only Need ONE Beginning Time and ONE Ending Time for the W WW WHOLE Trip.

18 7. Meals

19 7. Meal Expense Log

20 You do NOT have to break your meals down by meal here; you do that on the Meal Expense Log. You only need a total here. When this is not an overnight trip, breakfast is allowed if departure is before 6:30 a.m. and dinner is allowed if return is after 7:00 p.m. There is no allowance for the noon meal. *Instructions* NOTE: All Meal Claims Must Be Accompanied By Detailed Receipts—Credit Card Receipts Are N NN NOT Allowable. Without a Receipt Detailing the Specific Meal Items, Reimbursement Can Only Be Made for $4.99. No Reimbursement for Alcoholic Beverages Will be Made. The Daily Amount Must Not Exceed the Federal Per Diem Rate. Tips Are an Allowable Expense to the Extent that the Meal Allowance is Not Exceeded. HELPFUL HINT: Current per diem rates can be found at Cities not listed on the website have a $51 max per diem. As a guide, assume the following breakdown in daily meal allowances: 20% Breakfast 30% Lunch 50% Dinner 7. Meals

21 8. Lodging

22 Enter the amount expended on lodging for that day. Break down your daily hotel charges; do not list them in one lump sum at the end. Only lodging and taxes are recorded. Other charges, (telephone, etc.), are listed under Miscellaneous Expense. *Instructions* NOTE: You Must Include Receipt from the Hotel; Statements & Credit Card Receipts are not Accepted in Lieu of the Hotel Receipt. Expenses Will be Paid Only for the State Employee or Contracted Person; Lodging and All Other Receipts Must Indicate the Appropriate Single-Person Charge at the Government Rate. HELPFUL HINT: When making reservations, always request the government rate. If you make reservations in advance but fail to spend the night in the reserved accommodation and are billed by the hotel, it will be your responsibility to pay the charges. 8. Lodging

23 9. Mileage Rate

24 Enter current IRS mileage rate: 54 cents/mile as of 1/01/16. If a fleet car is available and you choose to use your personal vehicle, mileage will be paid at 40 cents/mile versus the IRS reimbursement rate. *Instructions* NOTE: Gasoline Purchases will not be Reimbursed in Lieu of Mileage. HELPFUL HINT: The State of Nebraska automobile insurance policy provides physical damage insurance to rental cars. When renting a car, decline this coverage, as the State will not reimburse this expense.

25 10. Miles

26 Put the number of miles you drove. Dale drove 100 miles to Rapid and 100 miles from Rapid. *Instructions* NOTE: Mileage M MM MUST be Accurate and is Checked Against Mapquest. HELPFUL HINT: For place-to-place mileage, refer to for the official website used by State

27 11. Mileage Amount

28 When this fake voucher was created, the mileage rate was 54 cents/mile. Since the IRS rate varies from year to year we are not going to attempt to keep this updated. *Instructions* HELPFUL HINT: For current reimbursement rate, go to:

29 12. Miscellaneous Expense

30 This may include, but is not limited to: Postage Phone calls Supplies Car rental Airfare Taxi/shuttle Parking/toll fees Conference Registration Attach receipts for all miscellaneous expenses. Itineraries or outlines of conference events must be attached as well. Personal maintenance items are not allowable. *Instructions*

31 13. Miscellaneous Expense Amount

32 Put the amount of the expense in this column. These need to be broken down, expense by expense. See how nicely Dale’s are listed? This is how we like them. More importantly, this is how the auditors like them. And we like what auditors like. *Instructions*

33 14. Horizontal Total

34 Horizontal addition. Add the day’s expenses and put your total here. *Instructions*

35 15. Vertical Total

36 When you’re all done, add up all your columns: Meals, Lodging, Mileage, Miscellaneous and Total. Put each total at the bottom of each column. Your Total total should equal all your columns’ totals. *Instructions*

37 16. Employee Signature

38 Here’s where you sign. You need to date it, too. *Instructions* 16. Employee Signature

39 17 & 18. Fund Controller Signature(s)

40 Here’s where the fund controller for the budget whose funds you are using signs. Every fund you use requires a fund controller’s signature authorizing the expenditure. *Instructions*

41 19. CC/WBS Budget Code

42 Enter your budget code(s) here. Obviously, every place you’re taking money from needs to be represented here.

43 20. Mileage Rate Approval

44 If you are not the fund controller, you must have your fund controller review and approve the mileage rate as appropriate per travel guidelines. *Instructions* delays HELPFUL HINT: Having the document returned delays your payment significantly. NOTE: The Document will be RETURNED if the Fund Controller Fails to Initial the Mileage Rate Approval. 20. Mileage Rate Approval

45 NOTE OF CAUTION! Per LB533, which was signed by the Governor 5/27/09, expenses older than 60 days cannot be reimbursed. Section 5 of the State Accounting Manual, Travel Expense Policies states: Such request must be made no later than sixty days after the final day on which the expenses were incurred for which reimbursement is sought. This means that if travel occurs June 15-June 18 and again on June 22-June 25, the request for reimbursement may include both trips, but the request for reimbursement for the first travel period must be submitted no later than 60 days after June 18. If an employee typically requests reimbursement for non-travel expenses and accumulates the receipts for which reimbursement is sought, each expense will have its own 60 day limit for reimbursement. (Travel is defined as being away from headquarter city longer than one day.)

46 The End. Still confused? Have questions that only an expert can answer? Call Melany Hughes at 6415. And be nice. She’s had a hard day. You’re the 698 th call. And it’s only noon.

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