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WV Cloverbud Program Volunteer Leader Training. It is neither the intent nor the objective of the 4-H Cloverbud program to duplicate the 4-H member experience.

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Presentation on theme: "WV Cloverbud Program Volunteer Leader Training. It is neither the intent nor the objective of the 4-H Cloverbud program to duplicate the 4-H member experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 WV Cloverbud Program Volunteer Leader Training

2 It is neither the intent nor the objective of the 4-H Cloverbud program to duplicate the 4-H member experience that are designed for the older youth, not to create a “mini-4-H” concept. Cloverbud (Pre 4-H Member)

3 While the 4-H Cloverbud program is a part of the overall 4-H Youth Development Program and 4-H Cloverbud members are recognized as 4-H members for the purposes of enrollment, they are considered to be in a special membership category with regard to program and policy. Cloverbud (Pre 4-H Member)

4 4-H Cloverbud groups must follow the national policies established for special membership groups and must be chartered to recognize their program and enable them to use the 4-H Name and Emblem. Chartering 4-H Cloverbud

5 The overall purpose of the 4-H Cloverbud program is to foster the development of life skills that are essential for the cognitive, social, emotional and physical maturation of youth 5 – 8 years of age. Philosophy of 4-H Cloverbud

6 Children of this age are very different from older children and youth. As a result, the 4-H Cloverbud program is designed with specific educational objectives and program policies Philosophy of 4-H Cloverbud

7 Participation, safety and personal development, learning and fun are the highest priorities in providing 4-H Cloverbud program. State and county programs are expected to be age appropriate, based on the interests and needs of youth, and cooperation-based to provide feedback and recognition. Health and Safety for Cloverbuds

8 It means that the activities need to be based on the general characteristics of an age group and adapt to meet the individual needs of each child. Supervision ratio will be higher than with 4-H club members. Activities may need to be adapted to meet the physical needs of cloverbuds What is “developmentally appropriate”?

9 Remember….. The Cloverbud Program needs to be fun and educational. It is designed for youth 5-8 years of age. It must be: Child-centered Noncompetitive Hands-on learning Open to family and community involvement

10 The Cloverbud Program Develops self-understanding and confidence in a relaxed setting Develops positive attitudes toward learning Increases knowledge through the experiential learning process Develops an on-going caring relationship between young children and caring adults

11 The Cloverbud Program Helps youth explore family and community relationships Teaches youth how to share, work together, compromise and resolve conflict Helps youth learn to make friends Develops an understanding of and appreciation for social and cultural differences.

12 Child-centered and Activity Focused The Cloverbud Program consists of activities rather than projects. The activity focuses on developing a single concept and/or skill rather than focusing on a project over time.

13 Child-centered and Activity Focused It is not appropriate for cloverbuds to participate in an ongoing, planned series of activities as a member, whether it is 4-H Shooting Sports or an animal project. 4-H Cloverbuds participate in occasional, non-competitive, sampler-type, age- appropriate, properly supervised events and activities.

14 Child-centered and Activity Focused Cloverbuds do not conduct or participate in competitive activities. Competitive activities require motor skills, reflexes and strength that often are not yet fully development in young children. In addition, research indicates that participation in competitive activities is developmentally inappropriate for children or cloverbud age.

15 Child-centered and Activity Focused Cloverbud age youth are highly sensitive to criticism and often have not develo9pment a tolerance for frustration or the full ability to manage their emotions. They find it difficult to handle failure. 4-H Cloverbud activities should be conducted in a positive environment that focuses on the child’s strengths father than deficiencies.

16 Child-centered and Activity Focused Cloverbud members need opportunities to practice skills, discover talents and learn about fairness in a non-judgmental setting.

17 4-H Cloverbud Members Exhibits and Fairs Cloverbuds are encouraged to show activity- related items from their club at appropriate venues. 4-H Cloverbuds can be presenters and be awarded based on their participation. They should never be in competitive contests or eligible to receive premium funds.

18 4-H Cloverbud Members Exhibits and Fairs Cloverbuds should not have animal projects nor should they participate as competitive exhibitors with animals. The developmental ability and maturity level of cloverbuds as well as the unpredictable behavior of the animals determine this policy.

19 Adult Supervision in the Cloverbud Program Cloverbud groups do not conduct formal business meetings or elect officers – children of this age are not yet ready to fulfill this type of responsibility. Meetings should have a structured routine Cloverbuds should not bring money to meetings nor can they conduct door-to-door fundraisers.

20 Adult Supervision in the Cloverbud Program A minimum of tow adult leaders is required to start a 4-H Cloverbud group and at least two adults must be present at every 4-H meeting and activity. For groups of 5-6 year-olds, the group should not exceed 12 children. For groups of 7-8 year-olds, a third adult is required if the group exceeds 12 children and the group size should not exceed 16.

21 Adult Supervision in the Cloverbud Program An adult or an older teen must be with the 4- H Cloverbuds at all times when in the presence of an animal or when using equipment that is potentially dangerous. This includes scissors, needles, rockets, kitchen appliances, etc. Cloverbuds should not operate anything power driven. Cloverbuds should always use appropriate safety equipment.

22 Make Sure that Cloverbuds have FUN!!!!

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