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The Personal Ministries Statement of Purpose: Equipping and Mobilizing the Membership to Accomplish the World Mission of the Church.

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Presentation on theme: "The Personal Ministries Statement of Purpose: Equipping and Mobilizing the Membership to Accomplish the World Mission of the Church."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Personal Ministries Statement of Purpose: Equipping and Mobilizing the Membership to Accomplish the World Mission of the Church.

3 Oikos Mission: To inspire and equip church members to share the gospel with family and friends

4 Matthew 28:19-20 Obedience (Not commands) What are we to teach? Disciples His command was to make what of all nations? His Disciples Who was Jesus addressing?

5 The Power of Recursion Year 2 Year 1 Now JustinJohnAlexBobJohnMargretSteveJoMargretJustinTraceyElizabethJustin

6 Measure of success: Opportunities

7 Meeting Format Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7-8pmTuesday and Thursday evenings, 7-8pm Bible Studies (30 minutes)Bible Studies (30 minutes) –Christ’s methods of personal evangelism –How to give Bible Studies Prayer Time (30 minutes)Prayer Time (30 minutes) –Praise –Supplication, specifically for soul winning

8 Program Overview #DateStudy Focus Prayer Focus Leade r 1 May 21 Oikos overview and vision Wisdom for who to select Justin S 2 May 23 Importance of Daily Devotions Justin S 3 May 28 Christ’s Methods (part 1)John H 4 May 30 Christ’s Methods (part 2)Matt P 5June 4Global Rain Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of chosen contacts Jim B 6June 6Our Need for the Holy Spirit Danny M 7 June 11 Christ at the centre (part 1) Horrie W 8 June 13 Christ at the centre (part 2)Kyle M 9 June 18 Broaching the subject Blake P 1010 June 20 How to: Daniel 2Allan L 1 June 25 How to: Second Coming Ongoing Bible Studies TBC 1212 June 27 How to: Great ControversyTBC 1313 July 2How to: SalvationRui C 1414 July 4 Praise, Learnings and Testimonies Breese R Contacts Selected Contacts Invited

9 Logistics Child MindingChild Minding Bible Study components recordedBible Study components recorded Recordings, presentation, and all material on websiteRecordings, presentation, and all material on website http://avondalememorial.adventi http://avondalememorial.adventi

10 The Movement Acts 1:15120 Disciples Acts 2:41,423,000 new converts Acts 2:47Numbers added daily Acts 4:4Another 5,000 men Acts 21:20Myriads Why did the church grow so quickly?

11 The Movement “The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers....” Gospel Workers, p. 352.

12 Why is this not the culture today? Lack of self-confidenceLack of self-confidence Unrecognized potentialUnrecognized potential Have never been askedHave never been asked No trainingNo training Limited understandingLimited understanding Lack of motivationLack of motivation Cultural church attender, luke warmCultural church attender, luke warm

13 Laos and Kleros Laos 2 Corinthians 6:16 1 Peter 2:9 Kleros Acts 26:18 Colossians 1:11, 12 Not separate and distinct groups

14 What is the role of Pastors and Teachers? Let the minister devote more of his time to educating than to preaching. Let him teach the people how to give to others the knowledge they have received {RH Aug 19, 1902} Ephesians 4:11,12

15 Seven Motivators 1.Witnessing is Biblical (Matt 28:19,20) 2.We are called to be ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) 3.Witnessing is the heart’s response to love (1 John 3:16-18) 4.Witnessing brings joy to the heart of God (Luke 15:7) 5.The church is the body of Christ (1 Peter 4:10) 6.Witnessing is related to Jesus’ second advent (Mat 24:14) 7.Witnessing contributes to character development (DA 142)

16 “God could have reached His object in saving sinners without our aid; but in order for us to develop a character like Christ’s, we must share in His work. In order to enter into His joy, the joy of seeing souls redeemed by His sacrifice, we must participate in His labors for their redemption.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 142

17 Prayer Time (1 of 5) Groups 2-4 Format 5 Minutes Duration Praise - God’s love, His character, opportunity to be used by Him Topic

18 Prayer Time (2 of 5) Groups 2-4 Format 5 Minutes Duration Supplication - baptism of the Holy Spirit Topic

19 Prayer Time (3 of 5) Groups 2-4 Format 5 Minutes Duration Supplication – wisdom for who to contact Topic

20 Prayer Time (4 of 5) Groups 2-4 Format 5 Minutes Duration Supplication – God to prepare the hearts of our contacts Topic

21 Prayer Time (5 of 5) Everyone, one 30 second prayer each in a circle Format 5 Minutes Duration Praise and request to be filled with the Holy Spirit Topic

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