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Effective Service Strategies for Hard to Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Thursday, July 7 th, 2011 Thursday, July 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Service Strategies for Hard to Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Thursday, July 7 th, 2011 Thursday, July 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Service Strategies for Hard to Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Thursday, July 7 th, 2011 Thursday, July 7 th, 2011 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET

2 2 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Webinar Platform: Participant View Attendee List Chat Room Presentation Slide Area Status Options Full Screen

3 3 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Submitting Questions  To submit a question, type the question in the text field and click the arrow button.  Please enter the name to whom the question is directed.  To send questions only to the presenters, select Presenter from the drop-down menu before clicking the arrow button.  Questions will be answered at appropriate times during the presentation. Arrow Button Text Field Gary, where can I find today's PPT? Drop-Down Menu

4 4 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance WebinarPractice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.

5 5 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar How to Participate in Polls

6 6 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

7 7 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance WebinarModerator Susan Golonka Program Director for Human Services NGA Center for Best Practices

8 8 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Featured Speakers P RESENTERS  Tom DuBois, Director of New Initiatives Instituto del Progreso Latino (Chicago, IL)  Newton Sanon, Executive Director OIC of Broward County (FL)  Lawra Baumann, Executive Director Health Careers Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati (OH) M ODERATOR  Susan Golonka, Program Director NGA Center for Best Practices

9 9 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Population Snapshot: Limited English Authorized foreign-born residents in the U.S. currently make up: 1 out of every 8 residents 1 out of every 6 workers 1 out of every 2 new workers 21% of low-wage workers 48% of low-skill workers By 2030, 1/3 to 1/2 of national labor force will consist of immigrants.

10 10 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Population Snapshot: Ex-Offenders Large population of ex-offenders who face particular challenges when attempting to enter the workforce: 65 million adults in the U.S. (one out of four) have a criminal record Approximately 650,000 people released from prison each year 75% of ex-offenders: substance abuse problem 33% of ex-offenders: physical or mental disability Formerly-incarcerated males work 9 fewer weeks and earn 40% less each year than never-incarcerated males

11 11 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar What Is Working? Opportunities & Success Strategies: Integrated basic & occupational skills instruction Combining language education with training Comprehensive support services Engage employers to find creative solutions Strategic partnerships among education and training providers, community-based organizations, and federal, state and local programs

12 12 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations: Limited English Tom DuBois Director of New Initiatives Instituto del Progreso Latino - Chicago Program Summary:  Education, training and employment services to Latino immigrants and families; serves more than 14,000 participants annually  Program highlights: –Career pathways for green jobs –Multiple points of entry for participants –Integrated language and job skills education –Diverse community partners

13 13 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations: Limited English Participant Population & Challenges:  1.6 million Latinos – 1 of every 4 in Chicago area  63% have “less than High School education”  Majority do not speak English “very well”  Median household income 40% below level of Whites. 22% live in poverty vs. 10% Whites.  Latino construction workers “on the bench”  Many - not in a union, not documented

14 14 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations: Limited English Best Practices:  Partnerships – Build relationships based on trust, regular communication/listening. Find “champions.”  Recruitment – Spanish language radio, TV, and newspapers. Bilingual flyers at one-stop, CBOs.  Orientations/assessments – Program is fully explained, English language/math levels determined.  Career Pathway – A connected series of education programs from VESL Construction, to “Tech Bridge”, to Bldg. Energy Tech (BET) 3 semester college program. Enter at “right door.” Prepare to enter college.

15 15 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations: Limited English Best Practices:  Industry certifications – Weatherization tech., Bldg. Operator Certificate 1, LEED Associate  Contextualized learning – Incorporation of technical materials into basic skills curriculum, based on language levels of students. Integrate English, math, computers.  Support Services/Academic support – Counseling, transportation assistance, tutoring, advising.  Placement assistance – Local hiring agreements: own building project, City and local CDC projects. Planning small business start-up assistance, possible worker co-ops, etc.

16 16 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations: Ex-Offenders Newton B. Sanon President/CEO OIC of Broward County, Inc. Program Summary: Provides life skills and employment readiness services to disadvantaged & underemployed residents. Ex-offender program features:  Comprehensive prisoner reentry program  Training and employment focused  Care coordination and case management key elements

17 17 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations: Ex-Offenders Participant Population & Challenges:  Target population: typically 18 and older, recently released from incarceration (within 90 days)  Challenges facing cohort: –Little to no work history and/or certification –Immediate need for income, housing, and substance abuse treatment –Face several deterrents to self sufficiency  Other challenges: Economic climate, navigating pending legal sanctions

18 18 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations: Ex-Offenders Best Practices:  The right staff – Trained (continually), committed, resourceful, thorough and strategic thinkers  “To truly impact recidivism, there is no way around training our clients/students”  Comprehensive and strategic community engagement  A job is the best social service in the world!

19 19 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations: Ex-Offenders Best Practices: Employer Engagement  Remember you have two customers: The clients/students and the employers.  Operate within a Business to Business context.  Be an extension of the employer’s human resources unit. In some instances, you can and will need to be their human resources arm!  Establish what success is and highlight it in every way: students, staff, employers, community.

20 20 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar First Things First! Employability/Vocational Skills Training Job Placement Assistance The Path to Self Sufficiency… “Training is important for there is one thing no man can take from you… A skill by which you can earn a living.” - Reverend Leon H. Sullivan Founder, OIC of America “Training is important for there is one thing no man can take from you… A skill by which you can earn a living.” - Reverend Leon H. Sullivan Founder, OIC of America

21 21 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations Lawra J. Baumann, Ph.D. Executive Director, Health Careers Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati Director of Grant Administration, Cincinnati State Technical & Community College Program Summary: Community and industry partnership to create an industry-driven Health Career Pathway Guiding Principles:  Job creation & advancement for low-income adults that meets employer needs  Mapping career pathways within sectors which are important to regional economic growth  Commitment to systemic & sustainable change within and across institutions

22 22 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations Participant Population & Challenges:  Community At Large: –Limited skill, education, work history  Frontline, low wage incumbent workers: –Limited or previously unsuccessful post-secondary education –Working poor –In need of “soft-skill” development

23 23 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations Best Practices:  Pathway Advisors & Employer-based Job Coaches  School At Work academic & career prep  Pre-pathway assessments & readiness –Key Train & Work Keys (Great Oaks & CBO’s) –National Career Readiness Certificate & Profile Plus Assessment for “Fit” & “Talent” (Great Oaks, CSTCC, CBO’s)  Pathway Expansion

24 24 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Target Populations Best Practices: Career Literacy & Pathways to Employment  Comprehensive system of intake, assessment, guidance and planning prior to formal academic work  Innovative remediation and readiness supports  Completion Advisors, Job Coaches, Retention Specialists  Employer Engagement & Job Placement

25 25 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Topic Resources: Limited English Federal LEP Program Evaluation  Evaluation of Limited English Proficiency and Hispanic Worker Initiative Pilot Project, U.S. DOL-ETA Report. State Level LEP Policies and Case Studies  US Immigration and Immigrant Integration: Implications for States.  The Urban Institute: The Integration of Immigrants and Their Families in Maryland: The Contributions of Immigrant Workers to the Economy. NGA Center for Best Practices, Immigration Integration Initiative  Issue Brief: Rising to the Immigrant Integration Challenge: What States Are Doing— and Can Do.  Immigrants in the Land of Opportunity: Benefits and Challenges for States. /?vgnextoid=17c1a1decac41210VgnVCM1000005e00100aRCRD /?vgnextoid=17c1a1decac41210VgnVCM1000005e00100aRCRD

26 26 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Topic Resources: Ex-Offenders Federal Resources and Information:  U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs:  Federal Bureau of Prisons, Employing Ex-Offenders: Resources for Employers:  Federal Fidelity Bonding Program:  Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit:  U.S. Department of Labor, Reintegration of Ex-Offenders Resources and Publications List:  National Institute of Corrections, Best Practices Tool-Kit: Employing Ex-Offenders after Release from Prison:

27 27 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Presenter Resources  Instituto del Progreso Latino (Chicago, IL):  OIC of Broward County, FL:  Health Careers Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati (OH):

28 28 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Wrap Up

29 29 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Share Your Ideas with Your Peers! Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! You have the option to submit content for review by uploading the resource or providing a link to the resource.

30 30 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

31 31 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar Stay Informed, Get Connected!

32 32 Effective Service Strategies for Hard-to-Serve Populations: ARRA HGEI Grantees Technical Assistance Webinar For more information about the Workforce Investment System:  Visit  Call 1-877-US2-JOBS

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