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Through the ERAS. COLONIZATION 1607 Jamestown This colony was founded in 1607.

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1 Through the ERAS


3 Jamestown This colony was founded in 1607

4 Mercantilism An economic theory where you sell more than buy and the colony works for the benefit of the “home” country

5 Free Enterprise The freedom of private businesses to operate with little government regulation

6 Magna Carta - 1215 The document that limited the power of the King.

7 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut The first written Constitution in the colonies.

8 Mayflower Compact The document that allowed the Pilgrims to establish self government and the idea of majority rule.

9 Treaty of Paris 1763 The document that ended the French & Indian War in 1763.

10 Virginia House of Burgesses Colony of Virginia established an elected representative assembly The first representative assembly in the colonies

11 Primary Source The original records of an event.

12 Secondary Source The later writings over a topic that includes textbooks, pictures and interpretations by historians.

13 Proclamation of 1763 This law made it illegal for colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains.


15 Declaration of Independence This document was signed on July 4, 1776 to list grievances about King George and explain to the World why the colonies should be free from Britain

16 Lexington/Concord The first battle of the American Revolution and described as “the shot heard around the world”

17 Battle of Saratoga This battle was the turning point of the American Revolution and allowed Ben Franklin to convince France to help the colonists

18 Battle of Yorktown This battle was the last major battle of the American Revolution and where Lord Cornwallis surrendered to General George Washington in 1781

19 Unalienable rights These are rights that can not be taken away such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

20 tyranny This term means cruel and unjust treatment by the government.

21 Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence was written by this person.

22 Articles of Confederation This document set up the first government of America that was very weak and gave most of the power to the states.

23 Treaty of Paris 1783 This document officially ended the American Revolution and made Britain recognize that the colonists were free.

24 Northwest Ordinance This law created under the Articles of Confederation set up the orderly expansion of the territories in the United States.

25 Common Sense This document was written by Thomas Paine to convince colonists that they should become independent from Britain.

26 Sam Adams This man was the leader of the Sons of Liberty who started the Committee of Correspondence and participated in the Boston Tea Party.

27 Benjamin Franklin He was an inventor, signer of the Declaration of Independence and helped convince France to help the colonists after the victory at Saratoga.

28 King George III He was the monarch that led Britain during the American Revolution.

29 Patrick Henry This man was a patriot who said, “Give me Liberty or Give me Death!”

30 John Paul Jones He was a navy hero that said, “I have not yet begun to fight!”

31 Parliamentary Acts These laws were the main reasons for the American Revolution. They led to the slogan “ No Taxation without Representation”.


33 Representative Government This is a system of government in which voters choose representatives to make laws for them.

34 Republic A nation in which voters elect representatives to make decisions for them and run the day to day government activities

35 3 Branches of Government These three parts make up the American style of government.

36 Checks and Balances A Constitutional principle in which each branch controls the actions of the other branches.

37 Separation of Powers A Constitutional principle in which each branch is listed and their powers are discussed.

38 Nationalism A Constitutional principle in which the power of government is shared or divided between the states and the federal government.

39 Popular Sovereignty A Constitutional principle in which the people have the final authority in government. “People Rule”

40 Limited Government A Constitutional principle in which the Constitution is more important than anyone in government.

41 Religion, Assemble, Petition, Press, Speech The 1 st amendment guarantees five freedoms. “RAPPS”

42 2 nd Amendment (double barrel) This amendment guarantees people the right to have a gun.

43 3 rd Amendment This amendment guarantees people that they do not have to house soldiers unless they want to.

44 5 th Amendment This Amendment made it illegal for you to incriminate yourself and guaranteed you due process of law (fair treatment).

45 Search and Seizure The fourth amendment made it illegal for police to do what to you or your home.


47 The Constitution was written in the following year.

48 George Washington This President was the commander of the American Continental Army and the 1 st President of the United States.

49 Federalist The people who supported the Constitution

50 Anti-Federalist People who were against the ratification of the Constitution.

51 Federalist Papers The essays written by James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton to convince people that the Constitution was good.

52 3/5’s Compromise This Constitutional Compromise settled the issue of slavery.

53 Virginia Plan This plan created a two house legislature and used state population to select representation for Congress. Favored Large States

54 New Jersey Plan This plan called for a one house legislature that was very similar to the Articles of Confederation. Favored Small States

55 Great Compromise This Constitutional Compromise settled the issue of representation in the House and Senate.

56 James Madison This man is considered the “Father of the Constitution” because he wrote the Virginia Plan.

57 War of 1812 Fought against Britain Causes- Impressment Effects- US preserved its independence from Britain


59 This is the year President Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana from France.

60 Lewis and Clark These two explorers were sent by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase from 1804-1807.

61 Manifest Destiny This is the term that means that the United States should own all of the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans

62 1.Remain Neutral 2. Don’t divide into political parties George Washington said in his Farewell Address that the US should do these two things:

63 Alexander Hamilton This man was the leader of the Federalists, creator of the US Bank and was killed in a duel by Vice President Aaron Burr

64 Thomas Jefferson This President wrote the Declaration of Independence and became the nation’s third President.

65 James Monroe This President wrote the Monroe Doctrine and was the nation’s fifth President.

66 Monroe Doctrine This document said the United States would not interfere with European matters and that the western hemisphere was closed to European colonization.

67 Andrew Jackson This President was known as the “President of the People” and was responsible for the Trail of Tears that removed Native Americans to west of the Mississippi River.

68 Trail of Tears The event that dealt with the removal of Native Americans by President Andrew Jackson.

69 Nullification The idea that a state can make a federal law illegal if the state does not like the law.

70 Mexican Cession In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo the United States agreed to pay Mexico $15,000,000 for the areas known as the Mexican Cession

71 Gasden Purchase In 1853 the US completed its expansion in the South West with the Gadsden Purchase from Mexico for $10 million dollars.


73 Marbury v Madison The Supreme Court case that gave the court the principle of judicial review.

74 Dred Scott v Sanford The Supreme Court case that said slaves were property and not citizens.

75 Judicial Review This is the right of the Supreme Court to judge laws passed by Congress and determine if they are constitutional or not.


77 Industrial Revolution This is the time period when factory powered machines replaced household industries. Farming was replaced by manufacturing as the most important type of economy.

78 Eli Whitney This inventor created two important inventions: Cotton Gin Interchangeable Parts

79 Robert Fulton This inventor created the steamboat that made transportation easier in the United States.


81 Dorthea Dix Prison Reforms Mental Institution Reforms

82 Frederick Douglas ABOLITIONIST This man was a former slave who became of the leading abolitionist in the country.

83 Harriett Tubman ABOLITIONIST This woman was an escaped slave that became a conductor on the Underground Railroad.

84 Harriet Beecher Stowe ABOLITIONIST This women wrote the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin that focused on slavery

85 Sojourner Truth ABOLITIONTIST This women was a strong abolitionist and one of the leaders of the women’s rights movement

86 Horace Mann EDUCATION This man led the overhaul of the American Education System

87 Henry David Thoreau Literature Known for developing the strategy of “Civil Disobedience”. To refuse to obey laws a citizen believes to be unjust

88 Temperance Movement This movement was a campaign against the sale or drinking of alcohol.

89 Susan B Anthony WOMEN’S RIGHTS Women’s Suffrage Arrested for illegally leading a group of Women to vote in Rochester New York.

90 Elizabeth Cady Stanton WOMEN”S RIGHTS The movement for women’s suffrage (right to vote) was led by this women and started at the Seneca Falls Convention. Women’s Suffrage

91 Sectionalism This term means a strong sense of loyalty to a state or section of the country.

92 John C Calhoun This man was a Congressman & Senator from South Carolina and a big supporter of the South

93 Henry Clay This man was a Congressman & Senator from Kentucky who was known as “The Great Compromiser” Created the American System & Compromise of 1850

94 Missouri Compromise This plan made it illegal to have slaves above the 36’ 30 parallel and its main goal was to keep the balance of power between slave and free states.

95 Daniel Webster This man was a Congressman & Senator from Massachusetts that spoke for the North and most importantly the preservation of the Union.

96 CIVIL WAR 1861-1865

97 The years that the Civil War were fought.

98 Fort Sumter The first battle of the American Civil War.

99 Battle of Gettysburg This is the battle that was the turning point in the American Civil War for the North.

100 Capture of Vicksburg The capture of this Southern town in 1863 by the North split the Confederacy in two and gave the North control of the Mississippi River.

101 Appomattox Court House This is the small Virginia town where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant ending the Civil War

102 abolitionist This a person who wanted to end slavery in the United States.

103 Gettysburg Address This speech was given by President Abraham Lincoln to dedicate a cemetery and became a profound statement of American ideals.

104 Emancipation Proclamation This speech was given by President Abraham Lincoln that set all slaves free in the Confederate states.

105 Jefferson Davis The President of the Confederate States of America.

106 Robert E Lee The commander of the Confederate Army.

107 Ulysses S Grant The commander of the Union Army.

108 Abraham Lincoln The President of the Union during the Civil War.

109 Abolished Slavery The 13 th amendment did this.

110 14 th Amendment This amendment guarantees citizenship to people born in the United States.

111 15 th Amendment This amendment guarantees the right to vote for all citizens regardless of race.

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