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 We are proud to announce a Graduate Certificate in Mexican American Studies. UTPA's Mexican American Studies Program recognizes its role in this region.

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Presentation on theme: " We are proud to announce a Graduate Certificate in Mexican American Studies. UTPA's Mexican American Studies Program recognizes its role in this region."— Presentation transcript:


2  We are proud to announce a Graduate Certificate in Mexican American Studies. UTPA's Mexican American Studies Program recognizes its role in this region in fostering unique opportunities for research focusing on the Mexican American experience.

3 Why a Graduate Certificate in MAS? Mexican American Studies graduate students will be able to compete with other students from universities across the state and the nation. Completion of the certificate will position students as competitive job candidates in various fields including Humanities, Education, Law, Social Services, Communication, Health, among many others.

4  Fill-Out application  12 hours of Graduate coursework in Mexican American Studies from any discipline  No more than 6 hours in any one discipline  Already accepted into a UTPA graduate program  Students may count coursework from main program with permission of advisor  Present a paper on Mexican American Studies from one of your classes before graduating

5 ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH 6323-01 Mexican American Culture ANTH 6306 Anthropology of Borders ANTH 6385 Immigration, Violence & Human Rights ANTH 6350 Mexican-American Folk Medicine ANTH 6348 Peoples and Cultures of Mexico ANTH 6369 Archaeology of Mexico and Central America ANTH 6375 Mexican-American Folklore ANTH 6385 Border Visual Anthropology

6 ART * Topics must be Mexican, Mexican American, or Latin@ Art ART 6351 Topics in American Art ART 6352 Topics in Latin American Art Prior to A.D. 1521 ART 6353 Topics in Latin American Art Since A.D. 1521 ART 6354 Topics in Art History COMMUNICATION COMM 6340 Latino Theatre COMM 6352 Race, Gender, and Ethnicity BILINGUAL EDUCATION EDBE 6322 Bilingual/Multilingual Critical Issues EDBE 6324 Dual Language Enrichment Ed

7 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP EDUL 6388 Sociocultural Foundations of Education EDUL 6392 School-Community Relations ENGLISH ENG 6316 Studies in Mexican American Literature *May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. ENG 6390 Service Learning- Writing for Social Action ENGL 6339 Literary Translation Workshop A workshop course devoted to the craft of literary translation, primarily Spanish/English. ENG 6362 Studies in a Single Author *Author must be Mexican American ENGL 6390 Studies in South Texas Literature

8 HISTORY *Topic must be Mexican, Mexican American or Latin@ *Course can be repeated once as topic changes. HIST 5343 Dir Readings Chicano History HIST 5363 Readings in Borderland History HIST 5345 Directed Readings in Latin American History HIST 6306 Studies in Texas and Southwestern History HIST 6316 Mexican and American Heritages MUSIC MUS 6335 Graduate History of Mexican Folk Music MUS 6336 Border Music of South Texas MUS 6338/ANTH 6338: "Music Ethnography and Fieldwork Methods” MUS 6339: Seminar in Music and Culture: “Latino Popular Music, Migration and Identity”

9 SOCIAL WORK SOCW 6315: Social Work with Diverse Populations SOCW 6332 Social Work Practice w/ Latinos SOCW 6339: Special Topics – Latino Mental health SOCIOLOGY SOCI 6362 Mexican-American Society SOCI 6363 Borderlands & Inter-Americas Topics May be repeated up to 3 times as topics vary. SOCI 6345 Sociology of Poverty

10 SPANISH *Topic must be Mexican, Mexican American or Latin@ SPAN 6339 Novel of the Mexican Revolution SPAN 6339 Film of the Mexican Revolution SPAN 6339 Colonial Literature of the Southwest SPAN 6339 Contemporary Mexican Theatre SPAN 6339 The Worlds of Sor Juana SPAN 6345 Latino Literature in the U.S. *Can be repeated up to 3 times as topic changes. SPAN 6348 Language in Health Services *Course will be given in English. SPAN 6350 Language Policy and Planning in the Spanish- Speaking World

11 Dr. Marci McMahon MAS Graduate Certificate Coordinator Assistant Professor Department of English CASB 211 dept. 956-665-8782 Dr. Stephanie M. Alvarez Director, MAS Assistant Professor Modern Languages and Literatures CASB 316 dept. 956-665-3441 email:

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