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An introduction to E-Vetting in the GAA Fíona O’Rourke (GAA HR Manager)

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Presentation on theme: "An introduction to E-Vetting in the GAA Fíona O’Rourke (GAA HR Manager)"— Presentation transcript:

1 An introduction to E-Vetting in the GAA Fíona O’Rourke (GAA HR Manager)

2 Vetting Forms Processed for 2015 Carlow682Longford238 Cavan/Monaghan/Donegal1234Louth214 Clare411Mayo237 Cork1412Meath264 Dublin1688Offaly126 Galway394Roscommon148 Kerry423Sligo169 Kildare304Tipperary421 Kilkenny303Waterford188 Laois429Westmeath165 Leitrim89Wexford1590 Limerick671Wicklow1044 Total 12844

3 Vetting Forms Processed to date for 2016 January 2016293 February 20162150 March 20161388 April 20162704 Total6535


5 There are 9 key pieces of information subject must provide before an invitation can be issued: Proof of identity Proof of current address County (what County Board is your Club affiliated) Subjects club Subjects name Subjects date of birth Subjects email Subjects contact number The role the subject is being vetted for

6 National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 Under Sec 26(b) states that it is an offence to make a false statement for the purpose of obtaining a vetting disclosure Procedures must be adhered to in relation to proof of identity and confirmation of the current address BEFORE the vetting process can commence

7  Proof of identity, as supplied by the vetting subject, shall be retained on the GAA database or by the Club Children’s Officer* until such time as the vetting process has been completed.  The identification documents may then be disposed of once the vetting application has been completed.


9 IdentificationScoreTick Irish driving licence or learner permit (new credit card format)80 Irish Public Services Card80 Passport (from country of citizenship)80 Irish certificate of naturalisation50 Birth certificate50 Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) card50 National Identity Card for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens50 Irish driving licence or learner permit (old paper format)40 Employment ID  ID card issued by employer (with name and address) 35  ID card issued by employer (name only) 25 Letter from employer (within last two years)  Confirming name and address 35

10 IdentificationScoreTick P60, P45 or Payslip (with home address)35 Utility bill e.g. gas, electricity, television, broadband (must not be less than 6 months old. Printed online bills are acceptable. Mobile phone bills are not acceptable) 35 Public services card/social services card/medical card25  With photograph 40 Bank/Building Society/Credit Union statement35 Credit/debit cards/passbooks (only one per institution)25 National age card (issued by An Garda Síochána)25 Membership card  Club, union or trade, professional bodies 25  Educational institution 25 Correspondence  From an educational institution/SUSI/CAO 20  From an insurance company regarding an active policy 20  From a bank/credit union or government body or state agency 20

11 IdentificationScoreTick Children under 18 years (any one of the following)  Birth certificate 100  Passport  Student Photographic Identity Card 100  Written statement by a the Principal confirming attendance at educational institution on a letter head of that institution 100 Recent arrival in Ireland (less than 6 weeks)  Passport 100 Vetting Subject is unable to achieve 100 points**  Affidavit witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths 100 TOTAL * Any of the above in addition to Parental/Guardian consent


13  Vetting subject completes an E-Vetting application on line and confirms proof of identity has been submitted to the Club Children's Officer* or the relevant documentation has been uploaded onto the database system.  Clerical user enters the subjects details on the NVB system and issues Vetting subject with an e-mail containing a link inviting him/her to complete the online E-Vetting application form.  Vetting subject completes Vetting Application Form online and submits the completed form for processing  Liaison Person reviews Vetting Application Form and submits it to NVB for processing  NVB processes the application  NVB will advise the vetting subject by email if a disclosure is to be issued to the Liaison person  Liaison person reviews the Vetting Disclosure and if acceptable emails acceptance letter to E-Vetting applicant and Club Secretary






19  A Clerical User’s access is limited when compared to a Liaison Person’s access  They can only issue invitations to applicants  Completed applications forwarded by applicants are not accessible to a Clerical User and can only be reviewed and submitted for vetting by a Liaison Person

20  Mandatory Training for all appointed Clerical Users 7 th May – Croke Park  Agreement with NVB on number of Clerical Users – due on 27 th April  Not all Counties will be allocated a Clerical User

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