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The Care Certificate (Yes, it’s here!) What happens next? Why is the CareShield solution the best? How… When… Who… What… Why…

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Presentation on theme: "The Care Certificate (Yes, it’s here!) What happens next? Why is the CareShield solution the best? How… When… Who… What… Why…"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Care Certificate (Yes, it’s here!) What happens next? Why is the CareShield solution the best? How… When… Who… What… Why…

2 Why change?

3 Induction Training National Minimum Training Standards Common Induction Standards Compliance Keeping Regulators Happy Induction Training Care Certificate & Employer Specific Induction

4 Timeline April 2015 – Implementation. March 2015 – Skills for Care launching free learning resources. January 2015 – Revised standards released. April - September 2014 – Pilot / trial period. April 2014 – draft of Care Certificate Standards released. July 2013 – Cavendish Review

5 What is all the fuss about?


7 1. Understand Your Role 2. Your Personal Development 3. Duty of Care 4. Equality and Diversity 5. Work in a Person Centred Way 6. Communication 7. Privacy and Dignity 8. Fluids and Nutrition 9. Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities 10. Safeguarding Adults 11. Safeguarding Children 12. Basic Life Support 13. Health and Safety 14. Handling Information 15. Infection Prevention and Control The 15 Standards

8 1. Understand Your Role 2. Your Personal Development 3. Duty of Care 4. Equality and Diversity 5. Work in a Person Centred Way 6. Communication 7. Privacy and Dignity 8. Fluids and Nutrition 9. Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities 10. Safeguarding Adults 11. Safeguarding Children 12. Basic Life Support 13. Health and Safety 14. Handling Information 15. Infection Prevention and Control The 15 Standards

9 1. Understand Your Role 2. Your Personal Development 3. Duty of Care 4. Equality and Diversity 5. Work in a Person Centred Way 6. Communication 7. Privacy and Dignity 8. Fluids and Nutrition 9. Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities 10. Safeguarding Adults 11. Safeguarding Children 12. Basic Life Support 13. Health and Safety 14. Handling Information 15. Infection Prevention and Control The 15 Standards

10 The Main Change KnowledgeCompetence Care Certificate Theoretical understanding Perform practical tasks safely and effectively Employee ready to work in Care

11 Who needs to do it?

12 Who needs to do the Care Certificate? The official wording from Skills for Care, Skills for Health and Health Education England: “The Care Certificate is designed for new employees, new to care.” Adult Social Care Workers (ASCW) Health Care Support Workers (HCSW)

13 Who does not need to…? Qualified doctors and nurses Workers who do not have direct contact with service users Employees who have already completed CIS

14 BUT…

15 …there are exceptions. *And small print.

16 Exceptions / Considerations: Some employers have decided to put all of their caregiving employees through the Care Certificate. The Care Certificate is an expectation, not a legal requirement. Some parts of The Care Certificate could be useful for non-caregiving employees. An individual only has to complete the Care Certificate once.

17 Who is accountable?

18 Who is Accountable? The employer is responsible for assuring the quality of the teaching and assessment. The employer can delegate assessment. Assessors need to be occupationally competent. The employer is responsible for ensuring assessors are suitably skilled and experienced. They do not have to have a formal qualification.

19 When are the important deadlines?

20 Timescales 1 st April – Care Certificate takes over from CIS 6 month grace period 1 st October – Care Certificate expected Within 12 weeks of employment. Can work in line of sight of supervisor.

21 How are CareShield delivering it?

22 Delivery KnowledgeCompetence Care Certificate eLearning and Online resources Face-to-face training Observation Role-play  Assessment Signed off by manager

23 CareShield Care Certificate Products eLearning that populates an Interactive workbook Face-to-face training and assessment ePortfolio: Personal Evidence Store eXperts Train The Trainer

24 eLearning course Interactive eLearning Training to cover the theory elements of the standards Integrated workbook elements

25 Activities populate workbook eLearning course

26 Interactive Workbook

27 Integrated ePortfolio

28 Proof of concept (Not final designs)

29 Learner View of Progress

30 Manager View of Learner Progress

31 Manager View of Detailed Learner Progress

32 Activity Sign Off

33 Why CareShield? Easily see both learner progress and assessor activity at a glance. Provide easy-to-digest evidence and reports for the CQC. Learning activities in the CareShield Care Certificate programme are mapped to further qualifications.

34 Why CareShield? While some providers offer a very cheap way to assign the Care Certificate, this will have little or no impact on a workforce or service. The CareShield Care Certificate solution is the most rigorous, thorough and robust solution, resulting in better care for service users. Beware of ‘Accredited Care Certificates’ – there is no such thing! Choose a provider based on the effectiveness of their training and management tools.

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