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BACTERIA, VIRUSES, & Prions 2010 Invention of microscope led to discovery of these “microorganisms”

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1 BACTERIA, VIRUSES, & Prions 2010 Invention of microscope led to discovery of these “microorganisms”


3 Bacteria Review: Are prokaryotes Kingdom “Monera” has now been divided into 2 kingdoms Archaebacteria & Eubacteria

4 Archaebacteria -Extremophiles (can live in extreme conditions) -some anaerobic -salt loving -hot, acid springs -no peptidoglycan in cell walls Eubacteria -Live almost everywhere (very diverse) -cell wall made of peptidoglycan (a carbohydrate) -some can cause disease, some create toxins (poison), some are necessary for survival

5 Bacteria are very diverse –Some are photosynthetic (make food using energy from sun) –Some are chemosynthetic (make food using energy from chemicals) –Some need oxygen, some are poisoned by oxygen –Some vital to the living world as decomposers and nitrogen fixers (take Nitrogen from air and put in soil where plants can use it)

6 GROWTH & REPRODUCTION OF BACTERIA (Blue paragraph is not in notes!) In favorable conditions (enough food, space, proper temp, etc), some bacteria can divide every 20 minutes. At this rate, a single bacterium and all of its offspring also reproducing at this rate would reach a mass about 4000 times the mass of the earth in only 48 hours! But this doesn’t happen because of availability of food and the production of waste products by the organism. (This part is in notes) *Bacteria reproduce by binary fission, conjugation (exchange of genetic material), or spores

7 Human uses: –food and beverage production (yogurt, cheeses, etc) –Industry (digest petroleum in oil spills, etc) –Pharmaceutical (used in genetic engineering to synthesize drugs and chemicals like insulin) –Our bodies (E. coli) naturally grows in our intestines and makes a large number of vitamins that the body cannot make by itself – this is a “mutualistic symbiotic” relationship (both organisms benefit) –Research (biotechnology looking to bacteria to make heat-stable enzymes that can be used in medicine, food production, and industrial chemistry)

8 Bacterial Diseases & illnesses (antibiotics used to treat, vaccines used to prevent) Bacterial infectious diseasesBacterial Anthrax – Bacterial Meningitis – Botulism – Cat Scratch Disease – Cholera – Diphtheria – Epidemic Typhus – Gonorrhea – Impetigo– Legionellosis – Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) – Leptospirosis – Lyme disease – Rheumatic Fever; MRSA infection –Pertussis (Whooping Cough) – Plague – Pneumococcal pneumonia – – Q fever – Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) – Salmonellosis – Scarlet Fever – Syphilis – Tetanus – Tuberculosis – Typhoid Fever – Typhus– Urinary Tract InfectionsAnthraxBacterial MeningitisBotulismCat Scratch DiseaseCholeraDiphtheria Epidemic TyphusGonorrheaImpetigo LegionellosisLeprosy (Hansen's Disease) LeptospirosisLyme diseaseRheumatic FeverMRSA infectionPertussis (Whooping Cough)PlaguePneumococcal pneumoniaQ feverRocky Mountain Spotted FeverSalmonellosisScarlet Fever SyphilisTetanusTuberculosisTyphoid FeverTyphusUrinary Tract Infections

9 Ring Around the Rosie was not always so harmless; it deals with one of the grim periods of English medical history. At the time of the Black Plague in England the first signs of a victim was a ring of red rash around the neck (roseola). As the disease progressed, there was a horrible body stench which was combatted by filling the pockets of the victim with sweet-smelling flowers. Eventually those so stricken would “all fall down”.

10 What is a Virus? A typical virus is composed of a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat or capsid. T4 Bacteriophage Bacteriophages infect bacteria.


12 Influenza Virus Animal viruses infect animals

13 Plant viruses infect plant cells. Tobacco Mosaic Virus

14 Because viruses are unique, they are not part of any kingdom, class, or even Genus species – scientists can’t decide how to classify them – or even if they’re living organisms. There are DNA viruses There are also RNA viruses – called “Retroviruses” HIV (Aids) and Leukemia affect millions of people throughout the world – these are retroviruses.

15 Herpes Virus is a DNA Virus

16 Viral Infectious Diseases (not treatable with antibiotics!) AIDS – AIDS Related Complex – Chickenpox (Varicella) – Common cold – Colorado tick fever – Ebola hemorrhagic fever – Hand, foot and mouth disease – Hepatitis – Herpes simplex – Herpes zoster – HPV – Influenza (Flu) – Measles – Infectious mononucleosis – Mumps – Poliomyelitis – Progressive multifocal leukencephalopathy – Rabies – Rubella – SARS – Smallpox (Variola) – Viral encephalitis – Viral gastroenteritis – Viral meningitis – Viral pneumonia – West Nile disease – Yellow feverAIDSAIDS Related ComplexChickenpoxCommon coldColorado tick feverEbola hemorrhagic feverHand, foot and mouth diseaseHepatitisHerpes simplex Herpes zosterHPVInfluenza MeaslesInfectious mononucleosisMumps PoliomyelitisProgressive multifocal leukencephalopathyRabiesRubellaSARSSmallpoxViral encephalitisViral gastroenteritisViral meningitisViral pneumoniaWest Nile diseaseYellow fever

17 Prions Unlike viruses, prions contain no DNA or RNA – only protein. “protein infection particles” Infects many animals including humans. Mad Cow Disease is thought to be caused by prions.

18 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (similar to Mad Cow disease - in humans) The disease, first described by the two doctors in the 1920s, initially shows itself with the loss of memory, and within a few weeks it progresses to visual problems, loss of coordination, and seizure- like muscular jerking. Death usually follows within a year. Normal brain tissue Infected Brain tissue

19 **********Viral Infectious Diseases and Prions are NOT treatable with antibiotics – can only treat they symptoms until the virus runs its course. *********************

20 KINGDOM PROTISTA Protists include mostly unicellular organisms that do not fit into the other kingdoms. Characteristics of Protists: -Eukaryotes! -mostly unicellular (some are multicellular, like algae) -most live in water (some live in moist soil, or even the human body)

21 Kinds of Protists Plant-like protists (includes algae) –Many kinds –Kelp (seaweed) is a multicellular brown algae

22 Animal-like protists (called protozoa)

23 Fungus-like protists –Like fungi, the fungus-like protists are heterotrophs that absorb nutrients from dead or decaying organic matter.

24 Human Uses of Algae About ½ of all photosynthesis on Earth performed by algae, producing much of earth’s oxygen Algae is rich in Vitamin C & iron Chemicals in algae are used to treat stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, arthritis, etc. Red algae, Nori is dried and used to wrap rice, fish and vegetables to make sushi Algae used to make ice cream, salad dressing, pudding, candy bars, pancake syrups, eggnog Chemicals from algae used to make plastics, waxes, transistors, deodorants, paints, lubricants, artificial wood, and agar (for growing bacteria in labs)

25 Diseases caused by protists Malaria (protist carried by mosquitoes, the mosquito is the vector) Sleeping sickness Amoebic dysentery Giardia (see next slide)

26 Giardia, shown above in blood, is the organism that can make you extremely sick if you drink contaminated mountain water.

27 Kingdom Fungi

28 Fungi are heterotrophs that have cell walls made of chitin (a complex carbohydrate) Fungi digest food outside their bodies and then absorb the nutrients in 2 ways: –Absorb nutrients from decaying matter (like in the soil –Or they can live as parasites, absorbing nutrients from their living hosts

29 Most fungi reproduce by producing spores –These spores can stay dormant for long periods of time and grow when conditions are right (warm, moist places with available food)

30 Four main groups of Fungi 1)Common Molds -includes bread mold

31 2)Sac fungi -includes yeast (used in making bread and brewing alcoholic beverages) -reproduce by budding

32 3)Club Fungi -elaborate life cycle -includes the mushrooms -some species edible, some poisonous (can be fatal even though they look like the edible species!)

33 4)The Imperfect Fungi -All the other fungi that don’t fit the other 3 phyla -includes Penicillium genera

34 Ecology of Fungi Are heterotrophs Play an important role as decomposers Many are also parasites, causing diseases in their hosts Example: Corn smut

35 Example of human diseases caused by fungus: Athletes foot Ringworm

36 Symbiotic relationships of fungus: Lichen: fungus and a photosynthetic organism (either a green alga or a type of bacteria)

37 In soil with plant roots (allows roots to absorb more water and minerals from the soil, plants provide fungus with food)

38 The Plant Kingdom

39 Plants: - Are multicellular eukaryotes -have cell walls made of cellulose -are Autotrophs (make own food by carrying out photosynthesis)

40 4 Categories of Plants -based on water-conducting tissues, seeds, and flowers 1)Bryophytes (mosses & their relatives) -15,600 species -Depend on water for reproduction -cannot transport water up far so don’t grow very tall -includes mosses, liverworts, & hornworts

41 2)Ferns & their relatives -11,000 species -do not produce seeds -includes ferns, club mosses, horsetails

42 3)Cone-bearing plants (gymnosperms) (gymnosperm means “naked seed”) -760 species -seeds produced in cones -includes ginkgoes & conifers and a few other groups

43 4)Flowering plants (angiosperms) angiosperm means “enclosed seed” -235,000 species -about 90% of plants are flowering plants -Flowers develop into “fruit” -very diverse group -Most foods we eat are angiosperms (add to notes!)

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