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Respiratory Diseases. Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) = infection of nose & throat (common cold) Eti: bacteria or virus, spread by contact or droplets.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory Diseases. Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) = infection of nose & throat (common cold) Eti: bacteria or virus, spread by contact or droplets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory Diseases

2 Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) = infection of nose & throat (common cold) Eti: bacteria or virus, spread by contact or droplets TX: antibiotics, rest, fluids

3 Asthma Eti: triggered by exposure to allergens/dust/mold/smoke etc. S/S: SOB, mucous production, coughing, wheezing TX: steroids, bronchodilators, O2, epinephrine (severe) Bronchospasm Bronch/o- = bronchus -spasm = sudden, involuntary contraction

4 Bronchitis = acute or chronic inflammation or infection of bronchi Eti: bacteria or virus S/S: coughing, wheezing, mucous production, fever TX: antibiotic, bronchodilator, steroid

5 Empyema = localized collection of pus in thoracic cavity Eti: infection in lungs TX: antibiotic, surgery Em- = inpy/o- = pus-ema = condition

6 Legionnaire’s Disease Eti: severe bacterial infection S/S: flu like symptoms (body aches, fever) followed by severe pneumonia with liver and kidney degeneration TX: antibiotic

7 Pneumonia = infection of lobes of lung Eti: bacteria S/S: difficulty breathing, coughing, mucous production, pain on inspiration TX: antibiotic, O2 therapy, mechanical ventilation

8 Pulmonary Embolism Eti: blockage of a pulmonary artery or one of its branches by an embolus S/S: decreased O2 and dyspnea TX: O2 therapy, anticoagulant drugs

9 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Eti: acute, viral respiratory illness S/S: fever, dyspnea, cough TX: O2 therapy and ventilator support

10 Cyanosis = blue/grey discoloration of skin Eti: low level O2 and increased levels of CO2 S/S: blue discoloration around mouth TX: O2 therapy Cyan/o- = blue-osis = condition

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