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Learning with natural history museums Michael J. Reiss ASE, BERG Day, Birmingham, 7 January 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning with natural history museums Michael J. Reiss ASE, BERG Day, Birmingham, 7 January 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning with natural history museums Michael J. Reiss ASE, BERG Day, Birmingham, 7 January 2016

2 Michael Reiss, Berry Billingsley, Margaret Evans, Richard Kissel, Martin Lawrence, Menaka Munro, Mary Oliver, Jane Pickering, Chia Shen, Janet Stott and Dean Veall Funded by the Wellcome Trust and ESRC with a Phase 1 grant from the Science Learning+ initiative Partners and Funding



5 1.Undertake a critical review of the published and grey literature to examine the contributions to learning and engagement that have been made by natural history museums. Objectives

6 Objective 1 The average American spends less than five percent of his or her life in classrooms. (Falk & Dierking 2010)

7 2.Develop improved instruments that are common across school, NHMs and other out-of-school settings to determine the efficacy of learning experiences. Objectives

8 Objective 2

9 3.Devise protocols to explore the possibility of data obtained from museum evaluations being matched with national databases. Objectives

10 Objective 3

11 4.Map the areas of science curricula (using the latest version of the science National Curriculum in England and the Common Core Standards in the US) that NHMs might most valuably address. Objectives

12 Objective 4

13 5.Review, through researcher-practitioner collaboration, current pedagogical approaches employed by schools and NHMs, with a view to developing and studying new practice models in Phase 2. Objectives

14 Objective 5

15 6.Identify how NHMs can help communicate what biology and earth science means to teachers and students. Objectives

16 Objective 6

17 7.Strengthen the research and knowledge base in NHMs and the ISL sector more broadly by increasing research capacity within the sector. Objectives

18 Objective 7

19 Thank you UCL Institute of Education University College London 20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL Tel +44 (0)20 7612 6000 Fax +44 (0)20 7612 6126 Email Web

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