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Downingtown Area School District Band Program First Year Handbook Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the Downingtown Area School District Band Program!

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2 Downingtown Area School District Band Program First Year Handbook Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the Downingtown Area School District Band Program! You are starting out on a journey that holds many wonderful musical experiences and many wonderful times with friends working together to make music. Playing an instrument can be a life long experience that offers challenges and rewards at every level. This handbook explains how the band program is run at your school. It contains information about the things you will need to know. Parents, please examine this handbook and review it with your child. Welcome to the Downingtown Musical Team. Our cooperation together, parents, students and teachers will make this experience a valuable part of your child’s education. Best wishes for a great year!! Mrs. Allyson Patterson

3  Creating  Imagine  Plan and Make  Evaluate and Refine  Present  Performing  Select  Analyze  Interpret  Rehearse, Evaluate and Refine  Present ♫Responding ♫Select ♫Analyze ♫Interpret ♫Evaluate ♫Connecting ♫Connect

4 Dear Parents, Welcome to the band! The rewards of being part of a musical organization will be great. The first few weeks of learning to play a band instrument are especially important. Good practice habits need to be established from the beginning. Parents can. elp to set-up the best possible practice facility. The area should be bright, free from other distractions, and should include a straight chair and a music stand. A CD player will allow the student to play along with the professional musicians on the recording. stablish a regular time and routine for practice sessions. Students should begin with warm- up exercises and then move on to the week’s assignment. Troublesome parts should be isolated and worked out before the entire song is repeated. Students should end the practice session with a few favorites just for fun. isten enthusiastically to your child’s practicing. Recognize his or her effort. You are the audience your child will most appreciate. articipate in our three-way partnership: parents, students, and teachers working together to make band an enjoyable experience. Start by reinforcing your child’s practice routine. Acknowledge his or her practice time on the practice chart. Enjoyment in playing a band instrument and a desire to practice comes with success. Success is the result of dedicated practice. Together we can guide your child on the road to those rewards.

5 GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC IN THE DOWNINGTOWN AREA SCHOOLS GENERAL POLICY It is the policy of the school that a child must meet academic criteria in order to participate in the instrumental music program. Appropriate standards are considered to be at least a C average in all major subject areas. If at any time during the school year a child’s teacher believes he/she is not working to potential, instrumental lessons may be interrupted until the student shows steady progress and improvement. LESSON SCHEDULE AND ATTENDANCE Weekly lessons are scheduled on the rotating Day A-F cycle each week with rotating class times so that the student does not consistently miss the same classroom subject. Students are expected to attend weekly lessons but may be excused if a test has been scheduled during the same time. Sometimes students may be permitted to make up tests at another time. I will allow students to have lessons with a different group if there is a severe conflict with classroom activities during a regularly scheduled lesson. I do not want students to be caught between the demands of two teachers. Students may not skip lessons.

6 Downingtown Area School District charges a $25 music participation fee for band, orchestra, and chorus students, which covers all three performing ensembles. Log onto and pay activity fees online. More information on this method can be found on the district website ( You will need your child’s student number (which is the same one the cafeteria uses). If you are unsure of your child’s student number, please call the main office to obtain it. If your child is on free or reduced lunch then he or she is exempt from the music participation fee. You must still register but the balance will be listed as $0.

7  The single most important factor in success in anything we do depends on the effort we put into it. The “homework” of playing an instrument is to play music.  Students are expected to build up their practice time to 20 minutes a day. This is crucial in the development of muscles, muscle memory, memorization of notation and hand-eye coordination.  Learning an instrument is like learning to read. Students experience a great deal of success when they practice regularly.  Students will be asked to record their daily minutes of practice in their practice log, located in the beginning of their lesson book. Your signature will indicate that the records are valid. I will check and grade this log every week.  Students WILL improve if they practice!

8  Four-month trial period rental- The first four months of participation is considered a trial period. It coincides with the initial four-month trial periods offered by the music stores. During that time students, parents, and teachers can assess the child’s progress and long-term interest in instrumental music.  What happens at the end of the term?- If a student wishes to discontinue instrumental instruction, please follow the instrument return policy of the store from which you are renting your instrument. Any student discontinuing instruction should bring a note from his or her parents, an email will also be sufficient.  Rental Insurance- Yes! This will cover things that you can’t even imagine can happen to an instrument.  Progress reports- Beginning instrumental students receive an instrumental grade on their report card for the second and third marking period.  Quality instruments- Materials about the instrumental rental programs from several local dealers have been provided. Contact with a local store helps both the student and parent build a longer lasting commitment to music instruction and helps to develop music resources within our community. The program you choose, however, does not have to be from the ones represented here. Please read carefully through the contracts and/or rental agreements from each store. All instruments acquired by other means should be in good, playable condition. If you think that an instrument you already have is in need of repairs, please take it to a music store and have it evaluated. Sometimes it is less expensive to rent an instrument for the trial period than to have an instrument repaired.  Large Instruments- Because baritone horns and French horns are essential to band playing but are much more expensive than the other instruments, the school provides several of these for student use.

9  The lesson book used by beginning band students in the Downingtown School District is Essential Elements Band Book 1 (except Percussion) (formerly Essential Elements 2000 Book 1)  An audio CD and DVD that accompanies the music in the first 13 pages is included with the book. I encourage the students to view the DVD and use the CD when practicing.  Students should purchase the book at the music store when they rent their instrument.

10 All students need Essential Elements 2000, book 1 Flute- an absorbent square of cloth to use with the cleaning rod Oboe- three reeds (Meason medium-soft), a reed case, cork grease and a cleaning swab Clarinet- three reeds, cork grease and a reed guard Alto Saxophone- three reeds and a reed guard Trumpet- valve oil, tuning slide grease French Horn- tuning slide grease, valve oil and a mouthpiece case Trombone- tuning slide grease, slide oil Baritone- tuning slide grease, valve oil and a mouthpiece case Percussion- see next page

11  Remo Practice Pad – 8”  Remo Practice Pad stand  Sticks- Standard 5A  Book- Breeze Easy Method for Drums Book 1- John Kinyon

12  Clarinet and Saxophone reeds produce sound by means of vibration. Students will need size 2 ½ reeds.  You can purchase these reeds at area music stores.  1 box of reeds to start out.  Clean the mouthpiece with a small brush like a toothbrush.

13  Music stand  Cleaning Kit

14 Parents, All arrangements for getting instruments through stores are made entirely by the parent and the store. Do not send any money or rental forms to the school. They will be returned. The school is not involved in any financial transactions. Sincerely, Mrs. Patterson

15 The following 4 pages have information from DASD approved music vendors. You will receive copies of each of their rental agreements. Please read through these agreements carefully before deciding on a rental store. These are not the only places that you can obtain an instrument, but please remember when getting an instrument for a beginner if it is not in good playing condition that puts the student at a disadvantage and can lead to frustration.

16 Music and Arts Center: 484-875-0101 Located in Exton This store is local and has books and supplies, as well as instrument rentals (located in the Kohl’s shopping center). There is also a music lesson studio in the store. If you plan on renting from this store, please request the brand of the instrument listed below: Flute: Selmer, Artley, Gemeinhardt, Yamaha Clarinet: Selmer or Yamaha Alto Sax: Yamaha ONLY!!! Trumpet: Yamaha, Bach, King Trombone: Bach, Yamaha, King

17 Zeswitz Music Mall: 610-582-2081 Located in Reading This store is in Reading, but they have a sales representative deliver instruments, books, supplies, etc. to the school every week. Zeswitz brings all rented instruments to the school, along with a music stand for good practicing habits. Books can be ordered at this time as well. This store is great for French horns and baritone horns. They now offer a ¾ size baritone to rent that is the same price as a saxophone. If you would like to have a French horn or baritone horn at school and one at home, then this is the place to rent from.

18 Moretti Music: (610)873-6852 Located in Downingtown Moretti Music is a local music store located on West Lancaster Avenue in Downingtown. There is a music lesson studio in the store and a repair shop on site. If you decide to rent an instrument from Moretti’s Music you need to take the rental agreement directly to them.

19 Taylor’s Music: 610-696-1812 Located in West Chester Taylor’s Music Store is local and has books and supplies, as well as instrument rentals. The store is located on West Gay Street in West Chester. There is a music lesson studio in the store. Taylor’s music also repairs instruments on site. The rentals can be done on-line.

20 The following guidelines will be used for instrumental music activities: 1.Entering the classroom  Get out instrument quickly and quietly  Go quietly to and from your seat  Be ready to listen and learn 2.Listening and Following Directions  Follow directions the first time they are given  Be considerate of everyone’s right to learn  Speak only kind words 3.Class Participation/Staying on Task  Play instruments only when asked  Raise your hand to be recognized to speak 4.Positive Attitude/Best Effort  Try to do your best work  Have a positive attitude 5.Ending the Class  Clean out instrument quickly and quietly  Put instruments and music away  Leave the room quietly  Return to classrooms quickly and quietly and get back to work

21 Three areas will be considered in grading in instrumental music PLAYING This means your playing shows that you are mastering the things we are studying in class. It means you are learning to play the pitches (sounds) and rhythms correctly. It means that you are learning to play artistically in the correct styles with good tone. It means that you are making meaningful progress. CITIZENSHIP/RESPONSIBILITY This means that you are at lessons or rehearsals on time with your instrument and music. It means that you reschedule lessons if necessary. It means that you participate with a positive attitude, always try your best individually and as a team member. EFFORT/RECORD KEEPING Effort/Record keeping means that you keep records of your practice at home. Records must be signed by parents.

22 PLEASE POST YOUR LESSON SCHEDULE You will receive a rotating lesson schedule and lesson groups. Please post this in an area of your home that is visible and please have your son or daughter get into the habit of checking this schedule every week. HALF DAYS/SNOW DAYS/ALTERED SCHEDULE If there is any type of snow delay/assembly/half day/altered schedule we WILL still have lessons. I will adjust my schedule and combine groups so that everyone has a lesson. Teachers are accustomed to changes and are very agreeable when changes need to be made. HOW TO REACH ME If there are any questions during the school year, please do not hesitate to contact me. The most effective way to reach me is through email, since I travel to three schools. My email address is: I check this email every day. MY SCHEDULE: Days A, F, E (PM only): East Ward Day B: Beaver Creek Day C, D, E (AM only): Bradford Heights Thanks for your support. I hope that your child enjoys the beginning of this musical journey and I am happy to be part of it!

23 ♫ To view Mrs. Patterson’s web site, first type in the web address: ♫ Click on word: Schools ♫Choose your school’s name ♫Click on the word: Staff ♫Click on: Patterson, Allyson (band) ♫The site key is: band ♫(if you have a 5 th grade beginner, please look under the 4 th grade band information)

24 Weekly lessons are scheduled each week on a rotating Days A-F with rotating half hour blocks so that the students do not miss the same subject.

25  The beginning stages  Students need a lot of encouragement  Sense of accomplishment when harsh sounds turn into musical sounds  Patience  Working together  CONSISTENT PRACTICE IS THE KEY!!!

26  Improve concentration  Encourage responsibility  Develop a sense of accomplishment  Enjoyment  Self-Expression  Become a part of a strong music program in the Downingtown Area School District  Develop lasting friendships  Build Self-Esteem  Build Confidence

27  On the 1999 SAT, music students continued to outperform their non-art peers, scoring 61 points higher on the verbal portion of the SAT and 42 points higher on the math potion of the exam. Music Educators Journal, 1999  The scores of instrumental music students on standardized math tests increased with each year they participated in the instrumental program. Nature, 1996  Researchers at the University of California and the Niigatea Brain Research Institute in Japan have found an area of the brain that is activated only when reading musical scores. NeuroReport, 1998  A ten-year study indicated that students who study music achieve higher test scores, regardless of socioeconomic background. Dr. James Catterall, UCLA  Students in arts programs are more likely to try new things, and they can better express their own ideas to friends, teachers and parents. The President’s Council on the Arts and Humanities, 1999

28 May this be an enjoyable musical journey for you and your child.

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