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International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Trade Union Response to Globalisation Noriyuki Suzuki General Secretary ITUC-Asia Pacific.

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Presentation on theme: "International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Trade Union Response to Globalisation Noriyuki Suzuki General Secretary ITUC-Asia Pacific."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Trade Union Response to Globalisation Noriyuki Suzuki General Secretary ITUC-Asia Pacific

2 International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Objectives of this Session To outline the ITUC-AP and International Trade Union Movement To discuss key issues arising from globalisation To share trade union goals

3 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Contents Our Organisation Its Aims and Objectives Issues and Challenges In pursuit of unity and solidarity

4 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific ITUC-Asia Pacific Founded in September 2007 at its founding Conference Representing 20 million paying members (effectively 33 million) of 50 affiliates in 29 countries Leadership General Council and Executive Bureau, Auditors and General Secretary

5 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific International Trade Union Organisations ITUC and ITUC-Asia Pacific Global Union Federations OECD-TUAC WFTU/ICATU/OATU

6 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific International Institutions ILO: Instrument for creation and application of international labour standards International Financial Institutions Regional/Interregional Governments’ Groupings ⇒ Recognition of the ITUC in pursuit of international labour standards

7 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Aims of the ITUC-AP It has been the historic role of trade unionism, and remains its mission, to better the conditions of work and life of working women and men and their families, and to strive for human rights, social justice, gender equality, peace, freedom and democracy. Bread, Freedom and Peace

8 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific The Key Issue Globalisation Deficits Declining labour share Inequality: Widening gap between the haves and the have-nots Discrimination Deteriorating employment

9 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Globalisation and its Effect on the Labour Market Deregulation IT Transportation Creation of One Global Market   Rapid economic growth   Flexible labour market polict   Inequality Dynamism of global economy

10 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Inequality UNDP Statistics Percentage Share of World GDP Income Group Riches 20% get 86% Middle 60% get 13% Poorest 20% get 1% Source : Human Development Report

11 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Economic Development and Reality of Unfairness INCOME GROUPS (World) Top 20% Bottom 20% 1960 80% 2.3% INCOME DISTRIBUTION 1990 1.4% Now 86% 1% Source: UNDP

12 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific UNDP HDI Ranking 1-25Australia(2), New Zealand(3), Japan(11), Korea (12), Israel(15), Hong Kong(21), 26-50Singapore (27), UAE(32), Brunei (37), Qatar(38), Bahrain (39), Kuwait (47) 51-75Saudi Arabia (55), Malaysia(57), Iran(70) 76-100Jordan(82), Turkey(83), Tonga(85), Fiji(86), China(89), Sri Lanka(91), Thailand(92), Philippines(97), Mongolia(100) 101-125Maldives(107), Indonesia(108), Syria(111), Vietnam(113), India(119), East Timor(120), Laos(122), Solomon(123), Cambodia(124), Pakistan(125) 125-169Bangladesh(129), Burma(132), PNG(137), Nepal(138), Afghanistan(155) Source: UNDP Human Development Reports 2010

13 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Persisting Poverty   GNP$785 or below: 3.2 billion   Unable to earn $2/day: 2.8 billion   Unable to earn $1/day: 1.2 billion   No access to safe drinking water: 1.5 billion   No access to primary education: 125 million In next 10 years, more than 1 billion entering working age population 500 million entrants into workforce  2/3 in Asia Not enough jobs Poverty to be increased To reduce world poverty by 50% by 2015 To reduce world poverty by 50% by 2015 UN Millennium Goal: Achievable?!

14 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Millennium Goals 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/Aids, malaria and other diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. Develop global partnership for development UN Special Session 2000

15 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific GINI Index East Asia 25-45 South East Asia43-49 South Asia33-36 Pacific (Au NZ)35-36 Middle East35-43 0 = Perfect equality 100 = Perfect inequality

16 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Unemployment Quantity* Global Unemployment: 211.5 million Global Unemployment Rate: 6% Unemployment of Youth (15-24 yrs old): 13 % Quality Informal Economy Atypical Workforce Migrant Labour *Source: ILO Global Employment Trend, Jan. 2011

17 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Annual Growth in GDP and Employment (2001-08) (Asia and the Pacific)Average GDP growthAve. Employment growth China10.50.9 India (2001-05)7.02.4 Indonesia5.41.7 Japan1.4-0.1 Korea, Rep. of4.41.4 Malaysia5.71.8 Mongolia8.23.2 Pakistan5.33.7 Philippines5.32.8 Sri Lanka6.01.7 Thailand5.21.7 Vietnam7.62.0 Source: DG Report for 15 th ARM – Kyoto, Japan April 2011, ILO

18 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Annual Growth in GDP and Employment (2001-08) (Arab States)Average GDP growthAve. Employment growth Bahrain6.72.2 Jordan7.34.4 Kuwait7.92.9 Lebanon4.82.1 Oman4.62.3 Saudi Arabia4.23.2 Syrian Arab Republic4.24.0 United Arab Emirates7.95.0 Yemen3.94.2 Source: DG Report for 15 th ARM – Kyoto, Japan April 2011, ILO

19 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Race to the Bottom Intense international competition Structural adjustment: Cutting Cost! From North South Competition to South South Competition HOW TO STOP?

20 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific What to do? Establish adequate mechanisms of distribution and re-distribution of national wealth for faire working conditions and employment   Organising and collective bargaining   SSNs   Taxation and Fiscal Policy

21 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Average tax rates in Asia and the Pacific (percentages) Corporate and highest income tax rate Indirect tax rate 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 252010 0 2003200420052006200720082009 Indirect taxes Highest rate of income taxes Corporate taxes Note: Average of 15 Asia–Pacific countries: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam. The indirect tax rate for 2003 is not available. Source: ILO calculations based on KPMG’s Corporate and Indirect Tax Rate Survey 2009 and KPMG’s Individual Income Tax and Social Security Rate Survey 2009.

22 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Public spending on social protection, by world region (percentage of GDP) Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe North America North Africa CIS Latin America and the Caribbean Arab States Asia and the Pacific Sub-Saharan Africa Total3025 20 15 10 5 0 25.1 18.9 16.0 13.613.5 10.2 9.8 5.35.3 8.4 Public social security expenditure (excluding health) Public health expenditure Total public social security expenditure Note: Data are based on latest available year, weighted by population. Source: ILO–SECSOC estimates.

23 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific (1) (4) (3) (2) Legend: (1) (1)Orange = Europe (2) (2)Black = Japan (3) (3)Red = Other Anglo-Saxon (4) (4)Blue = US Income Share of labour by Group of Countries

24 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Informal Economy

25 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific ITUC Workplace?

26 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Who should pay his tuition?

27 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Key Indicators for Decent Work Labour Standards Employment Social Protection Social Dialogue

28 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific In pursuit of Ideal Globalisation In this Century, we want to see a situation where “the current process of globalization is generating balanced outcomes, both between and within countries. Wealth is being created, and many countries and people are sharing in its benefits. They have a voice in shaping the process. Seen through the eyes of the vast majority of women and men, globalization has met their own and legitimate aspirations for decent jobs and a better future for our children.”

29 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific The ILO Philadelphia Declaration Labour is not a commodity; Freedom of expression and of association are essential to sustained progress; Poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere.

30 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific The Mission of the ITUC-AP Realise Social Justice Through Building Strong Organisations Raise union density Create a united voice of workers

31 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Actions by the AP Defend and promote workers’ rights Organising and CBA Gender equality Youth Promotion constructive industrial relations Institutional reform

32 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific Keyword Participation Democratic institution Unity Strength of affiliates makes the AP more powerful.

33 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific KEYWORD Participation Democratic institution Unity Strength of affiliates makes the AP more powerful. Powerful ITUC-Asia Pacific

34 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific KEYWORD Participation Democratic institution Unity Strength of affiliates makes the AP more powerful. Powerful ITUC-Asia Pacific United Voice of Workers for Democracy

35 ITUC-Asia Pacific International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific SOLIDARITY FOR BREAD, FREEDOM AND PEACE

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