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Presented by- Md. Atiqur Rahman Asstt. Teacher (English) Panchua Rabea High School Gafargaon,Mymensingh Mobile : 01714747924

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by- Md. Atiqur Rahman Asstt. Teacher (English) Panchua Rabea High School Gafargaon,Mymensingh Mobile : 01714747924"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by- Md. Atiqur Rahman Asstt. Teacher (English) Panchua Rabea High School Gafargaon,Mymensingh Mobile : 01714747924 Email :

2 Let’s watch a video clips about our Today’s topic

3 So our today’s topic is

4 By the end of the lesson the learners will be able learn-

5 In this video we can see-

6 The first sentence tells us what Fleck did The second sentence tells us what was done to the ball

7 Rules of : Changing Voice from active to passive Rule-2 : Place “to be” verb before main verb according to their tense & person The ballwas Rule-3 : Place participle form of the main verb kicked Rule-4 : Place to the subject with it’s objective form at the end of the sentence with by or to by Fleck

8 Rule-5 : In the present indefinite tense we use am, is, are as “to be” verb before main verb according to it’s subject and person. For Example : I know you He calls me He makes a noise active You are known to me I am called by him A noise is made by him passive

9 Rule-6 : In the past indefinite tense we use was, were as “to be” verb before main verb according to it’s subject and person. For Example : active I knew you He called me He made a noise passive You were known to me I was called by him A noise was made by him

10 Rule-7 : In the future indefinite tense we use only be as “to be” verb before main verb. For Example : passive You will be taught by me I shall be invited by him A letter will be written by him active I shall teach youHe will invite me He will write a letter

11 Let’ see some more examples:

12 Evaluation

13 Home Work


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