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Gods & Goddesses Creatures& Monsters Mythic Places Mythic Purposes $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200.

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Presentation on theme: "Gods & Goddesses Creatures& Monsters Mythic Places Mythic Purposes $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200."— Presentation transcript:



3 Gods & Goddesses Creatures& Monsters Mythic Places Mythic Purposes $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

4 Creatures& Monsters Gods & Goddesses Mythic Places Mythic Purposes $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

5 Creatures & Monsters $100 This titan is a giant, one-eyed creature.

6 Creatures & Monsters $200 These animals ate Prometheus’ liver and stomach daily.

7 Creatures & Monsters $300 This Mexican/ Puerto Rican creature drinks the blood of goats

8 Creatures & Monsters $400 She is the gorgon that turns men to stone by looking at them.

9 Creatures & Monsters $500 He is the three-headed guard dog that guards Hades.

10 Creatures & Monsters $100- Answer What is a Cyclops?

11 Creatures & Monsters $200- Answer What are crows?

12 Creatures & Monsters $300- Answer What is El Chupacabra?

13 Creatures & Monsters $400- Answer Who is Medusa?

14 Creatures & Monsters $500- Answer Who is Cerberus?

15 Gods & Goddesses $100 She is often seen with a cow or a peacock, since she is the reason the peacock was created.

16 Gods & Goddesses $200 He crafted Pandora and the chains that held Prometheus.

17 Gods & Goddesses $300 This man and wife came together with a pomegranate, when they are together the seasons change.

18 Gods & Goddesses $400 Name three animals or objects that Zeus uses to ‘meet’ with woman.

19 Gods & Goddesses $500 Hestia gave her seat in the gods’ council hall to him to please Zeus.

20 Gods & Goddesses $100- Answer Who is Hera?

21 Gods & Goddesses $200- Answer Who is Hephaestus?

22 Gods & Goddesses $300- Answer Who is Hades and Persephone?

23 Gods & Goddesses $400- Answer What is: a swan, a bull, a shower of gold, a cuttlefish, Artemis, a Satyr, husbands, an ant or a bear

24 Gods & Goddesses $500- Answer Who is Dionysus?

25 Mythic Places $100 This mountain is the home of the gods.

26 Mythic Places $200 This is where the Titans were locked up in the Underworld.

27 Mythic Places $300 This is the name of the marketplace in Athens.

28 Mythic Places $400 This is the river one must cross to enter the land of the dead.

29 Mythic Places $500 Name the items created by Athena and Poseidon in their competition for Athens.

30 Mythic Places $100-Answer What is Mount Olympus?

31 Mythic Places $200-Answer What is the Tartarus?

32 Mythic Places $300-Answer What is the Agora?

33 Mythic Places $400-Answer What is the River Styx?

34 Mythic Places $500-Answer What is the olive branch and the horse?

35 Mythic Purposes $100 The “Abduction of Persephone” explains this natural phenomenon.

36 Mythic Purposes $200 This myth explains how cruelty came into the world

37 Mythic Purposes $300 These two Gods explain how humans survived the Ice Age.

38 Mythic Purposes $400 These two items came together to explain how Aphrodite was born.

39 Mythic Purposes $500 This myth explains the hyacinth flower

40 Mythic Purposes $100-Answer What are the seasons?

41 Mythic Purposes $200-Answer What is “Pandora’s Box”?

42 Mythic Purposes $300-Answer What is “Prometheus and Zeus”?

43 Mythic Purposes $400-Answer What is sea foam and Cronus’ “manhood”?

44 Mythic Purposes $500-Answer What is “Apollo and the shepherd Hyacinth”?

45 Final Jeopardy Hero’s Journey.

46 Final Jeopardy Guardian of the Threshold: This is the name of the Guardian and the name of the Threshold that Heracles must overcome in his Trials.

47 Final Jeopardy-Answer Who is Charon and what is the River Styx (threshold between the Underworld and the world of the living)?

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