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Purpose of Teacher Evaluation and Observation Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements Develop, improve and support qualified teachers and effective.

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2 Purpose of Teacher Evaluation and Observation Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements Develop, improve and support qualified teachers and effective teaching practices and improve student learning and success. Q Comp Program Requirements Encourage teachers to improve their knowledge and instructional skills in order to improve student learning. Encourage collaboration rather than competition. TRI-CITY UNITED Q-COMP Action Research

3 Aligned with Teaching Standards Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements Evaluations must be based on professional teaching standards established in rule (8710.2000) – Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice for Teachers. Q Comp Program Requirements Observation rubrics are based on professional teaching standards established in rule (8710.2000) – Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice for Teachers and aligned with the district educational improvement and staff development plans.

4 Aligned with Teaching Standards Cont. Q Comp Program Requirements A rubric is clear, transparent, research-based and has multiple specific categories with defined, observable performance indicators. A rubric sets “Proficient” as the standard for a successful evaluation. TRI-CITY UNITED Q-COMP Rubric aligned to Minnesota Professional Teaching Standards Proficient is the standard for a successful observation.

5 Professional Review Cycle Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements There is a three-year professional review cycle with an annual evaluation process for tenured or continuing contract teachers. A summative evaluation takes place at least once during the cycle from a qualified and trained evaluator. For probationary teachers, evaluations must occur at least three times annually. The first evaluation must take place within the first 90 days of employment.

6 Professional Review Cycle Q Comp Program Requirements Q Comp is an annual program. For probationary teachers, evaluations must occur at least three times annually. The first evaluation must take place within the first 90 days of employment. TRI-CITY UNITED Q-COMP Annual Program, one administrative evaluation, and two trained observer observations Non-tenured teachers have three administrative evaluations and two trained observer observations

7 Observation Requirements Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements Frequency of observations is not addressed in statute. Q Comp Program Requirements All eligible teachers (licensed staff members) participate in three live, full-class period observations of direct classroom instruction. Annual observation results determine eligibility for a performance award.

8 Observation Requirements Cont. Q Comp Program Requirements Feedback is provided after each observation that allows teachers to track growth and progression toward attaining performance standards. TRI-CITY UNITED Q-COMP One administrative evaluation, and two trained observer observations with feedback provided. Administrator provides feedback from evaluation. After first observation, teacher are given ideas to improve the lesson. These strategies are to be implemented in the second observation to assist the teacher in attaining the performance standard,

9 Observers Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements Trained peer reviewers/observers participate in the review cycle. Qualified and trained evaluators, such as school administrators, perform summative evaluations. Q Comp Program Requirements A locally selected and annually trained observation team that understands teaching and learning implements the observation process. Administrators may be members of the observation team.

10 Observers Cont. Q Comp Program Requirements Each teacher is observed annually at least three times by at least two trained observers. TRI-CITY UNITED Q-COMP One observer is the administrator. The other is a trained observer (Coach or Leader) that has been trained at the State Department. Annual training occurs before the school year begins. This training includes training using the rubric and looking at student work.

11 Observation Training for Observers and Inter-rater Reliability Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements There are qualified and trained evaluators such as school administrators. Trained observers serve as peer coaches. Q Comp Program Requirements Annual comprehensive training is required for all observers to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the process for ensuring inter- rater reliability.

12 Observation Training for Observers and Inter-rater Reliability Cont. Q Comp Program Requirements Comprehensive training is at least one day in duration and contains one or more high-quality, inter-rater reliability activities. Observers receive ongoing training at least twice during the year to ensure inter-rater reliability of the scoring process. TRI-CITY UNITED Q-COMP Observer (Coach or Leader) train at the State Department. Training also occurs before the start of school and during mid-year.

13 Student Achievement Results Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements Agreed upon teacher value-added assessments for the grade levels and subject areas for which value- added data are available are used as a basis for 35 percent of teacher evaluation results. State or local measures of student growth for the grade levels and subject areas for which value- added data are not available are established and used as a basis for 35 percent of teacher evaluation results.

14 Student Achievement Results Cont. Q Comp Program Requirements Sixty percent of any compensation on teacher performance is based on (1) school student achievement gains based on a standardized assessment outcomes, (2) measures of student achievement and (3) an objective evaluation program. TRI-CITY UNITED Q-COMP Site goals using standardized assessment outcomes. Each teacher has a goal aligned to the PLC goal which measures student achievement

15 Individual Growth and Development Plan Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements The professional review cycle must include an individual growth and development plan. Q Comp Program Requirements Q Comp does not require an individual growth and development plan. TRI-CITY UNITED Q- COMP Each member develops an Individual Professional Development Plan with a monthly log. A reflection with data is provided at the end of the review cycle.

16 Student Engagement Results Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements The teacher evaluation process must use longitudinal data on student engagement and connection. Q Comp Program Requirements Q Comp does not address student engagement TRI-CITY UNITED Q- COMP Each teacher has a goal aligned to the PLC goal which measures student achievement. One of the components of the Tri-City United Rubric addresses student engagement (Domain 3b).

17 Portfolio Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements The process must include an option for teachers to develop and present a portfolio demonstrating evidence of reflection and growth and include teachers’ own performance assessment. Q Comp Program Requirements Q Comp does not require a teacher portfolio TRI-CITY UNITED Q- COMP Each teacher completes 2 portfolios yearly. The portfolio includes Action Research, PLC Reflections, Early Release Training Reflections, Student Work, Pre and Post Observation Forms, and observation results.

18 Role of Teacher Leaders Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements The process must include having trained observers serve as peer coaches or having teachers participate in professional learning communities. For the years when a tenured teacher is not evaluated by a qualified and trained evaluator, the teacher must be evaluated by peer review. Q Comp Program Requirements Trained teacher leaders provide integrated, ongoing, site-based professional learning activities to improve instructional skills and learning that are aligned with student needs, consistent with the staff development plan and led during the school day.

19 Role of Teacher Leaders Cont. Q Comp Program Requirements Teacher leaders provide support that includes but is not limited to the following: 1.Teacher observation. 2.Learning team meetings. 3.Professional development activities. TRI-CITY UNITED Q-COMP While watching videos, teachers observe activities to improve instructional skills. The sharing of Action Research in the PLC provides teachers with new strategies each month.

20 Staff Development Activities Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements The teacher evaluation system must coordinate staff development activities with the evaluation process and evaluation outcomes. Teacher evaluation system may include the following: Time during the school day for peer coaching and teacher collaboration. Induction and mentoring. Q Comp Program Requirements Provide integrated, ongoing, site-based professional learning activities to improve instructional skills and learning that are aligned with student needs, consistent with the staff development plan and led during the school day by trained teacher leaders.

21 Staff Development Activities Cont. Q Comp Program Requirements There is dedicated time for learning teams to meet weekly or every two weeks for professional development aligned specifically to the student achievement goals. Learning team meetings occur for an average of at least 50 minutes per week or 90 minutes every two weeks to ensure continuity of teacher learning aligned to the student achievement goals. Learning team activities apply directly to classroom instruction and are aligned with student achievement goals. Teachers are provided mentoring and coaching.

22 Staff Development Activities Cont. TRI-CITY UNITED Q- COMP PLCs occur during school hours for 180 minutes per month. (120 minutes during the month and 60 minutes during Early Release)

23 Teacher Training Regarding Teacher Evaluation Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements Districts must coordinate the staff development activities with the evaluation process and evaluation outcomes. Q Comp Program Requirements All teachers receive one or more hours of training in the teacher observation process and on the use of the scoring rubric for observations. TRI-CITY UNITED Q- COMP This will occur during the fall workshop of the 2 nd year of the TCU Q-Comp program and will be a yearly process.

24 Summative Rating Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements Thirty-five percent of the summative evaluation is based on student growth data. The remaining sixty- five percent is based on other evidence in the local model. A minimum of three performance levels must be established per the Minnesota Elementary and Secondary Education Act Flexibility Request (waiver). Q Comp Program Requirements Q Comp does not require a summative rating except in determining annual performance pay.

25 Summative Rating TRI-CITY UNITED Q- COMP Student achievement is based on PLC goals and Site Goals, which is more than 35%. The remainder is based on the two portfolios of the teacher.

26 Teacher Improvement Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements The evaluation process must identify teachers not meeting standards. The evaluation process must give teachers not meeting professional teaching standards support to improve through a teacher improvement process that includes established goals and timelines. Q Comp Program Requirements Q Comp does not specify additional support for teachers not meeting standards. TRI-CITY UNITED Q- COMP PLCs, Coaches, and Leaders provide support to improve by the 2 nd observation.

27 Discipline Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements The process must discipline teachers for not making adequate progress in the teacher improvement process. Q Comp Program Requirements Q Comp does not specify discipline for teachers not making adequate progress in the teacher improvement process. TRI-CITY UNITED Q- COMP Teachers not meeting adequate yearly progress do not receive performance pay. If requested by the teacher, the Coach and administrator will work together to assist the teacher.

28 Payment Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Requirements None Q Comp Program Requirements Q Comp does not specify exact amounts. TRI-CITY UNITED Q- COMP $2,600.00 + 354.90 (taxes we thought we were getting) $2,954.90 (New Monthly amount)

29  Q-Comp Review – Conference call on May 14 th (change of date due to snow day)  Q-Comp Changes – We had to change from just video observation to live and video observation. We updated the rubric to align to the State’s rubric


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