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Teaching Statistics and Research Methods: Psi Chi Resources to the Rescue Maria J. Lavooy, Ph.D., Florida Institute of Technology Martha S. Zlokovich,

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Statistics and Research Methods: Psi Chi Resources to the Rescue Maria J. Lavooy, Ph.D., Florida Institute of Technology Martha S. Zlokovich,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Statistics and Research Methods: Psi Chi Resources to the Rescue Maria J. Lavooy, Ph.D., Florida Institute of Technology Martha S. Zlokovich, Ph.D., Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology Psi Chi Resources  Free member access to three publications including the Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research  Quarterly publication found in PsycINFO and EBSCO databases  Publishes empirical research by Psi Chi students and faculty mentors  Bi-weekly online newsletters  Increase student exposure to important online archives which publish original research  Students learn how to conduct literature reviews  Faculty can instruct and demonstrate how to identify legitimate, professional sources and differences between primary and secondary sources Learning by Doing  Structure stats and research courses to support a practical knowledge approach to how research is conducted  Present students with research questions  Emphasizing data collection  Using statistical software  Writing up final results  Producing a scholarly empirical report  Psi Chi students apply for research and travel grants and research awards  Psi Chi students present final products at regional (local) or other relevant conferences/conventions  Submit final product to Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 2012-present Psi Chi: The International Honor Society in Psychology  Founded in 1919, the largest student psychological organization  Over 680,000 members; over 1130 chapters, 15 international  Offers over $400,000 in grants and awards annually  Participates in six regional and two US conventions each year  Past four years participated in at least one international conference (CRPC, ECP, IACCP, ICP,) Use Journal for Statistical Analysis Examples  Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 1995- 2011  Research in any area of psychology as long as empirical  All first authors were undergraduates  Abstracts available online  Members can download full text articles  Articles can be used to:  demonstrate use of particular statistical techniques  advance understanding of psychological concepts  encourage undergraduates to conduct research  convince undergraduates to submit their work for presentation or publication. Find A Wide Variety of Research Topics  Because psychology covers a wide breadth topics, faculty teaching Research Methods in other disciplines can find examples of projects closely aligned with their disciplines. Projects often involve topics such as biology, neurology, political science, criminal justice, health, genetics, education, nursing, business, or perception. For Examples of Undergraduate Work: Carmony, T. 1999. The Effects of Exposure to Crime Reports on Perceptions of Minority Criminal Involvement. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 4, 19-26. Cooper, P., & Matchock, R. 2010. Sex Differences in 2D:4D Ratios, Aggression, and Spatial/Verbal Abilities. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 15, 72-75. Cox, C., Parnell, M., & Salvaggio, D. 2006. The Effects of Political Advertising Message and Candidate Gender on Likelihood to Vote for the Sponsoring Candidate. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 11, 95-101. Licht, C. A., & Zener Solomon, L. 2001. Occupational Stress as a Function of Type of Organization and Sex of Employee: A Reassessment. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 6, 14-20. Mai, A. 2009. Exploring the Effects of Familiarity and Synchrony on the McGurk Effect. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 14, 142-147. Markowitz, L. J. 2000. Smokers’ Perceived Self-Exemption From Health Risks. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 5, 119-123. McEntarfer, C., DiPirro, J., & Page, D. 2005. The Effects of Gender and Aging on Pain Perception. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 10, 145-149. Phillips, J., Smith, R., Modaff, E., & Morgan, B. L. 2003. “Please Don’t Call on Me”: Correlates of Small Group Participation. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 8, 28-32. Vicaría, I. 2010. Hemispheric Differences in Identifying Emotionally Expressive Body Movements. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 15, 18-23.

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