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BRAVO! and Prozkoumat! Building Bridges Internationalizing Undergraduate Research for 25 years: A Partnership between the University of South Bohemia/Czech.

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Presentation on theme: "BRAVO! and Prozkoumat! Building Bridges Internationalizing Undergraduate Research for 25 years: A Partnership between the University of South Bohemia/Czech."— Presentation transcript:

1 BRAVO! and Prozkoumat! Building Bridges Internationalizing Undergraduate Research for 25 years: A Partnership between the University of South Bohemia/Czech Academy of Sciences & the University of Arizona and Lessons Learned! *** Dr. Libor Grubhoffer & Professor Carol Bender

2 History of the Collaboration Dr. Grubhoffer -- post-doc at the University of Arizona (1992-93) Professor Bender – Director, Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) Original goals to: -Internationalize UA undergraduate education -Provide research abroad experiences for Czech and American students

3 Strategy: Work Together to Secure Funding NIH grant and HHMI grant funded BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH ABROAD: VISTAS OPEN! (BRAVO!) Program NSF Recognition Award for the Integration of Research and Education (RAIRE) Grant was funded that supported foreign graduate students and foreign faculty for short term research visits at UA

4 Advantages of Offering International Research Experiences Prepares students both scientifically and culturally to contribute to the solution of problems facing humankind Powerful impact on students’ personal and professional goals Attractive for student recruitment Potential to advance knowledge Czech Republic “Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” Louis Pasteur

5 Preparing Students for Success In International Endeavors * Students need social, cultural & disciplinary preparation Hint: Assume no prior knowledge Students need clearly stated program goals and expectations

6 Results of Collaboration from 1992-2016 MOA between the University of South Bohemia and the University of Arizona (1993-present) 29 UA undergraduates and 2 faculty members involved in mentored research at the USB/CAS 4 Czech faculty and 7 Czech graduate students involved in short term research visits to UA; 5 USB or CAS faculty gave seminars at UA in 2015-2016 Dr. Grubhoffer will receive an honorary degree from UA in May 2016

7 Lessons Learned One project can lead to another…. –BRAVO! led to Prozkoumat! –Science led to interaction on migration and immigration Collaboration can heighten visibility of Universities in local community (UA students present at community events; visiting scientists and students appear on local radio) Evaluation and tracking of student outcomes important in securing funding for collaboration

8 Key Points Trust in international partner is essential Mutual benefit is essential/look for common interests and values Responsiveness on both sides is important Agreement on goals is necessary Build on institutional strengths With these elements, anything is possible!

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