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Presentation on theme: "SESSION THREE: 2016-17 GRANT GUIDELINES WEBINAR/MEETING October 7, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 FY 2016-17 Grant Guidelines Webinar/Meeting  Welcome – Valerie Payne, WTCS Grants Coordinator  Agenda –  Newbie Training: New Grant Manager’s Training – 8:45 a.m. –9:45 a.m.  Session One – State Grants – 10:00 a.m. –11:30 a.m.  Session Two – Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins) Grants – 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.  Session Three – Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFL) Grants – 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 2


4 Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFL)  Due by January 8, 2016  Accountability  Local AEFL Plan  Local Performance Improvement Plan  Adult Basic Education Comprehensive Services  Adult Basic Education Outreach Services  Institutionalized Individuals  Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education 4

5 FY 2016-17 Grant Contact: Alejandro Nuñez 608-261-4593 E-mail: Pages 10-20 of AEFL Grant Guidelines AEFL Accountability/Plan 5

6 Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFL) Changes from FY 2015-16:  Local AEFL Plan  Part B – Updated “Use of Funds Overview”  Part C – Intensity and Duration Technology in the ABE/ELL classroom refers to instructional technology used in the ABE/ELA classroom to facilitate and improve the delivery of ABE/ELA instruction such as, but not limited to: Instructional software Interactive online learning/distance learning resources Resources for development of digital literacy skills Training in use of social media  Part D – Clarified “Technology”  Part E – Clarified “Real Life Contexts” 6

7 Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFL) Changes from FY 2015-16:  Annual Performance Evaluation Report  Updated table and added Core Measure 5: Placement in postsecondary Education or Training – Prior Year 7

8 FY 2016-17 Grant Contact: Peggy Meyers 608-267-9684 E-mail: Pages 21-25 of AEFL Grant Guidelines Adult Basic Education Comprehensive Services 8

9  Purpose  Grants in this category will be used to provide Comprehensive Adult Basic Education Services and can be used to provide instruction as well as plan, create, and develop resources needed for the implementation of Adult Basic Education/English Language Acquisition (ELA) under WIOA, including technical assistance and professional development. Funds will be awarded to eligible recipients of proven performance that provide educational services in three (3) or more of the following categories: Adult Basic Education (ABE/ASE) 0 – 12.9 Workplace Adult education and literacy activities Family literacy activities English Language Acquisition (ELA) programs Integrated English literacy and civics education Workforce preparation activities Integrated education and training Blended Instruction Health literacy Financial literacy Digital literacy Transitional Services to PSE/Training and Employment Distance learning education 9

10 Adult Basic Education Comprehensive Services  Purpose  Grants in this category will only be used to provide Comprehensive Adult Basic Education Services. Funds will be awarded to eligible recipients of proven performance that provide educational services in one (1) or more of the following categories: Adult Basic Education and Literacy English Language Learning Workplace Adult Basic Education  Purpose  Grants in this category will be used to provide Comprehensive Adult Basic Education Services and can be used to provide instruction as well as plan, create, and develop resources needed for the implementation of Adult Basic Education/English Language Acquisition (ELA) under WIOA, including technical assistance and professional development. Funds will be awarded to eligible recipients of proven performance that provide educational services in three (3) or more of the following categories: Adult Basic Education (ABE/ASE) 0 – 12.9 Workplace Adult education and literacy activities Family literacy activities English Language Acquisition (ELA) programs Integrated English literacy and civics education Workforce preparation activities Integrated education and training Blended Instruction Health literacy Financial literacy Digital literacy Transitional Services to PSE/Training and Employment Distance learning education 10 FY 2015 – 2016 Grant GuidelinesFY 2016 – 2017 Grant Guidelines

11 Blended Instruction 11  Those areas could include civics education and ELA (English Language Acquisition); numeracy and ELA/ABE; workforce preparation and ELA/ABE; ABE/ELA instruction and high school credentialing; in-class instruction and computer assisted technology.

12 Digital Literacy 12  Skills associated with utilizing technology to help users find, evaluate, organize, create and communicate information.

13 Distance Learning 13  Refers to education and instruction deliver in its majority not a face-to-face format and where the learners complete their learning activities via scheduled assignments, agreed upon time period and negotiated with their teachers.

14 Career Pathways/Career Pathway Bridges 14  Applications supportive of adult Career Pathways/Career Pathway Bridges efforts are encouraged. In addition, applications that use technology to assist, facilitate, and extend the reach of programming are encouraged.

15 Adult Basic Education Comprehensive Services  Quarterly data submission by the second week of the following months:  October 15, 2016;  January 15, 2017;  April 15, 2017, and  July 15, 2017.  Triannual Report submissions must be received by the following dates:  First term Triannual Report (July 1 – October 31) must be received on or before November 15, 2016.  Second term Triannual Report (November 1 – February 29) must be received on or before March 15, 2017.  Third term Triannual Report (March 1 – June 30) must be received on or before November 1, 2017.  15

16 FY 2016-17 Grant Contact: Alejandro Nuñez 608-261-4593 E-mail: Pages 26-29 of AEFL Grant Guidelines Adult Basic Education Outreach Services 16

17 Adult Basic Education Outreach Services  Purpose  Grants in this category will be used to provide Adult Basic Education Outreach Services and can be used to provide instruction as well as plan, create, and develop resources needed for the implementation of Adult Basic Education/English Language Acquisition (ELA) under WIOA, including technical assistance and professional development. Funds will be awarded to eligible recipients of proven performance that provide educational services in three (3) or more of the following categories: Adult Basic Education (ABE/ASE) 0 – 12.9 Workplace Adult education and literacy activities Family literacy activities English Language Acquisition programs Integrated English literacy and civics education Workforce preparation activities Integrated education and training Blended Instruction Health literacy Financial literacy Digital literacy Transitional Services to PSE/Training and Employment Distance learning education 17

18 Adult Basic Education Outreach Services  Purpose  Grants in this category will only be used to provide Adult Basic Education Outreach Services. Funds will be awarded to eligible recipients of proven performance that provide educational services in one (1) or more of the following categories: Adult Basic Education and Literacy English Language Learning Workplace Adult Basic Education Family Literacy Transition into postsecondary education/training  Purpose  Grants in this category will be used to provide Adult Basic Education Outreach Services and can be used to provide instruction as well as plan, create, and develop resources needed for the implementation of Adult Basic Education/English Language Acquisition (ELA) under WIOA, including technical assistance and professional development. Funds will be awarded to eligible recipients of proven performance that provide educational services in three (3) or more of the following categories: Adult Basic Education (ABE/ASE) 0 – 12.9 Workplace Adult education and literacy activities Family literacy activities English Language Acquisition (ELA) programs Integrated English literacy and civics education Workforce preparation activities Integrated education and training Blended Instruction Health literacy Financial literacy Digital literacy Transitional Services to PSE/Training and Employment Distance learning education 18 FY 2015 – 2016 Grant GuidelinesFY 2016 – 2017 Grant Guidelines

19 Blended Instruction 19  Those areas could include civics education and ELA (English Language Acquisition); numeracy and ELA/ABE; workforce preparation and ELA/ABE; ABE/ELA instruction and high school credentialing; in-class instruction and computer assisted technology.

20 Distance Learning 20  Refers to education and instruction deliver in its majority not a face-to-face format and where the learners complete their learning activities via scheduled assignments, agreed upon time period and negotiated with their teachers.

21 Digital Literacy 21  Skills associated with utilizing technology to help users find, evaluate, organize, create and communicate information.

22 Career Pathways/Career Pathway Bridges 22  Applications supportive of adult Career Pathways/Career Pathway Bridges efforts are encouraged. In addition, applications that use technology to assist, facilitate, and extend the reach of programming are encouraged.

23 Adult Basic Education Outreach Services Changes from FY 2015-16:  Grants previously awarded for FY 2015-16 will be extended. Funds will be awarded for an additional one-year period based on acceptable project and budget revisions and prior year satisfactory performance. 23

24 Adult Basic Education Outreach Services  Quarterly data submission by the second week of the following months:  October 15, 2016;  January 15, 2017;  April 15, 2017, and  July 15, 2017.  Triannual Report submissions must be received by the following dates:  First term Triannual Report (July 1 – October 31) must be received on or before November 15, 2016.  Second term Triannual Report (November 1 – February 29) must be received on or before March 15, 2017.  Third term Triannual Report (March 1 – June 30) must be received on or before November 1, 2017. 24

25 FY 2016-17 Grant Contact: Peggy Meyers 608-267-9684 E-mail: Pages 30-33 of AEFL Grant Guidelines Institutionalized Individuals 25

26 Institutionalized Individuals  Purpose  Grants in this category will only be used to provide educational services for inmates in correctional institutions. These services may include: Adult Basic Education and Literacy Secondary School Credit Instruction English Language Learning  Purpose  Grants in this category will be used to provide educational services for inmates in correctional institutions and can be used to provide instruction as well as plan, create, and develop resources needed for the implementation of Adult Basic Education/English Language Acquisition (ELA) under WIOA, including technical assistance and professional development. Funds will be awarded to eligible recipients of proven performance that provide educational services in three (3) or more of the following categories: Adult Basic Education (ABE/ASE) 0 – 12.9 Workplace Adult education and literacy activities Family literacy activities English Language Acquisition (ELA) programs Integrated English literacy and civics education Workforce preparation activities Integrated education and training Blended Instruction Health literacy Financial literacy Digital literacy Transitional Services to PSE/Training and Employment Distance learning education 26 FY 2015 – 2016 Grant GuidelinesFY 2016 – 2017 Grant Guidelines

27 Blended Instruction 27  Deliver blended instruction to adult learners. Those areas could include civics education and ELA (English Language Acquisition); numeracy and ELA/ABE; workforce preparation and ELA/ABE; ABE/ELA instruction and high school credentialing; in-class instruction and computer assisted technology.

28 Distance Learning 28  Refers to education and instruction deliver in its majority not a face-to-face format and where the learners complete their learning activities via scheduled assignments, agreed upon time period and negotiated with their teachers.

29 Digital Literacy 29  Skills associated with utilizing technology to help users find, evaluate, organize, create and communicate information.

30 Career Pathways/Career Pathway Bridges 30  Applications supportive of adult Career Pathways/Career Pathway Bridges efforts are encouraged. In addition, applications that use technology to assist, facilitate, and extend the reach of programming are encouraged.

31 Institutionalized Individuals Changes from FY 2015-16:  Grants previously awarded for FY 2015-16 will be extended. Funds will be awarded for an additional one- year period based on acceptable project and budget revisions and prior year satisfactory performance.  Removed “Up to ten percent (10%) of the total Institutionalized Individual grant funds awarded to each consortium may be used to purchase new software, internet- based applications or equipment that relates to the goals and outcomes of the Institutionalized Individual grant.” 31

32 Institutionalized Individuals  Quarterly data submission by the second week of the following months:  October 15, 2016;  January 15, 2017;  April 15, 2017, and  July 15, 2017.  Triannual Report submissions must be received by the following dates:  First term Triannual Report (July 1 – October 31) must be received on or before November 15, 2016.  Second term Triannual Report (November 1 – February 29) must be received on or before March 15, 2017.  Third term Triannual Report (March 1 – June 30) must be received on or before November 1, 2017. 32

33 FY 2016-17 Grant Contact: Alejandro Nuñez 608-261-4593 E-mail: Pages 34-36 of AEFL Grant Guidelines Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education 33

34 Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education 34  English Literacy/Civics grants may only be used to provide integrated English Literacy, and civics literacy, digital literacy, and contextualized/ blended instruction for occupational related trainings. The courses for civics literacy must emphasize experiential learning activities both in the classroom and in the community. Class activities for EL Civics should be based on the EL Civics Modules, developed in Wisconsin in 2000.

35 Integrated English Literacy and Civics 35  Must include instruction in literacy and ELA, and instruction on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, and may include workforce training. ELA and Civics Education, ELA and Occupational Skills, ELA and numeracy,

36 Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations  Grants previously awarded for FY 2015-16 will be extended. Funds will be awarded for an additional one-year period based on acceptable project and budget revisions and prior year satisfactory performance. 36

37 Student Support Grant Follow-Up WisLine  October 19, 2015  2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.  Toll Free: 1-855-947-8255  Passcode: 8137143#  Contacts: Karen Showers (608-267-9458) Tom Heffron (608-266-3738) 37

38 AEFLA Grants Follow-Up WisLine  October 19, 2015  10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.  Toll Free: 1-855-947-8255  Passcode: 8520431#  Contacts: Alejandro Nunez (608-261-4593) Peggy Meyers (608-267-9684) 38

39 Questions/Resources  Questions?  Resources:  MyWTCS Website  WTCS AEFL Grant Contacts (aefl)/grant-coordinators  Application Forms  Grant Resources Page FY 2016-17 Grant Guidelines Change Summary Documents FY 2016-17 Q&A/Webinar Documents Grant Audio Links 39

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