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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 20 THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN >. NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS CHAPTER 20 – SECTION 1."— Presentation transcript:



3 QUESTIONS  What landforms and rivers are found in the eastern Mediterranean region?  What climates, biomes, and natural resources does the region have?

4 LANDFORMS  The eastern Mediterranean is often called the Middle East.  Consists of six countries:  Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey.  Island of Cyprus.  Lies on two continents.  Turkey lies partly in Europe and mostly in Asia (Anatolia).  Three narrow bodies of water separate Europe from Asia.  The Dardanelles, the Bosporus, the Sea of Marmara.

5 LANDFORMS  European Turkey has plains and hills.  Anatolia contains two mountain ranges.  Pontic Mountains in north.  Taurus Mountains in south.  Anatolian Plateau lies between with continuing tectonic activity. <>

6 RIVERS  The Jordan River flows south into the Dead Sea.  The Dead Sea shore lies below sea level and is the lowest point on Earth’s surface.  It was once a part of the Mediterranean Sea.  So salty you can float on it!  Tigris and Euphrates are region’s major rivers.

7 CLIMATES AND BIOMES  Arid, semiarid, and Mediterranean climates cover most of the region.  Distance from sea, elevation, and rain shadows affect rainfall and temperatures.  Higher elevations have bitterly cold winters with heavy snowfalls.  Evergreen forests used to cover most of the highlands.  Lebanon was famous for its cedar trees.  The Syrian Desert covers most of Jordan and Syria.

8 NATURAL RESOURCES  Turkey – coal, copper, iron ore, some oil and natural gas deposits.  Dead Sea provides Israel and Jordan with minerals including potash and magnesium.

9 ISRAEL  Palestine is an old Greek name for the eastern edge of the Mediterranean.  Includes modern country of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip (autonomous Palestine).  Land of Israel is the historic homeland for Jews.  Palestine is the land of their ancestors for Palestinian Arabs.

10 ISRAEL  Many Arabs left Israel after it declared independence in 1948.  Most settled in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and neighboring Arab countries.  To protect their security, Israel captured the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the Six-Day War in 1967.  In the 1990s, Israel and Arab leaders negotiated for peace and progress was made.  In 2000, violence ended the progress.

11 ISRAEL  Many issues still divide Israelis and Palestinians.  Terrorism, recognition of Israel, Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the status of Jerusalem, and access to water.


13 QUESTIONS  How have various peoples and empires influenced the eastern Mediterranean?  How did the modern state of Israel develop?  What are the peoples and cultures of the region like?

14 THE RISE AND FALL OF EMPIRES  Over time, the Egyptians, the Hittites, the Persians, and others ruled all or parts of the region.  The Hebrews set up their kingdom in 1000 B.C. E. between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

15 THE ROMAN AND BYSANTINE EMPIRES  The Romans conquered the eastern Mediterranean between 200 B.C.E. and 106C.E.  Most Jews were exiled as they resisted Roman authority.  Western Roman Empire fell in the 400sC.E.  Eastern part of the empire came to be known as the Byzantine Empire with Constantinople as the center of the empire.

16 THE ARABS AND ISLAM  In the 600s, Arab Muslim armies took over most of the territories of the Byzantines, including the land that is Israel.  When Turkic Muslims captured Jerusalem in 1077, the pope called for the Crusades.

17 THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE  The Ottoman Turks established another Muslim empire in the region in the 1300s.  Their rulers were called sultans.  Their capital was Constantinople.  During World War I they fought on the losing side.  Mustafa Kemal created the modern Republic of Turkey.

18 PALESTINE AND MODERN ISRAEL  Zionism called for the establishment of a Jewish state in ancient homeland under Ottoman rule.  After WWI, Jews and Arabs moved to the area that was the British mandate.  Many more Jews moved during and after WWII.  In 1947, U.N. divided Palestine mandate into Jewish and Arab states.  When British withdrew, Israel declared its independence, May 14, 1948.  Arab states immediately attacked.  Egypt and Jordan took over area set aside for Palestine.

19 PALESTINE AND MODERN ISRAEL  Israel gained lands during a series of wars.  Israeli settlements in occupied lands has been an issue.  Water in the area is a source of dispute.  Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) have waged terrorist attacks against Israel since 1964.

20 CULTURE  Arabic, Hebrew, and Turkish are most common languages.  Russian was introduced with the immigration of Russian Jews.  Kurds, who make up Turkey’s largest minority, have their own language.

21 RELIGION  Most people in the region are Muslim, Jewish, or Christian.

22 SETTLEMENT  People live in communities of similar cultural backgrounds.  ‘The Old City’ of Jerusalem is divided into Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim quarters.  Cyprus is divided into Greek and Turkish sides.

23 TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS  People of the same ethnic groups may follow different religions.  Jewish religious law influences Israel’s traditions and customs.

24 CYPRUS  Cyprus is in the Mediterranean Sea near Turkey.  78% speak Greek and share a Greek heritage.  Fearing that Cyprus would become part of Greece, Turkey invaded.  Established the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.  No country recognizes the TRNC.  Island is divided by a buffer zone.  Nicosia is the capital of both countries.  Greek Cyprus joined the EU.


26 QUESTIONS  On what activities do the eastern Mediterranean economies rely?  What are the cities of the region like?  What challenges do the people of the region face?

27 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT  Factors have slowed the economic development of the eastern Mediterranean.  Earthquakes in Turkey.  Hostility toward Israel.  Palestinian refugees strain resources of Arab countries.  High unemployment.  Lack of resources.  Weak educational system.  Outdated technological base.

28 AGRICULTURE  Eastern Mediterranean economies rely heavily on agriculture.  Many places require irrigation.  Turkey is building dams and irrigation canals on the Tigris and the Euphrates cutting water to the rivers down stream.

29 INDUSTRY  Israel is the most technologically advanced country in the region.  High-tech industries.  Diamond cutting.  Chemical industries.  Textiles.  Tourism.

30 URBAN ENVIRONMENTS  Urban population is growing rapidly.  High birth rates and migration from rural areas.  Cities are ancient.  Open air markets – souks.  Damaged by war.

31 ISSUES AND CHALLENGES  Political.  Peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.  Independence for the Kurds.  Religious.  Islamic vs. secular governments.  Fighting between other religious groups.  Environmental.  Lack of water, droughts.  Growing populations.  Populations.  Overgrazing.


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