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Via Rubattino 54 - 20134 Milano Tel. 02 39921 - Fax 02 39992 5370 The RSE-mobility Days - Italian charging infrastructure - INTRASME Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Via Rubattino 54 - 20134 Milano Tel. 02 39921 - Fax 02 39992 5370 The RSE-mobility Days - Italian charging infrastructure - INTRASME Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 via Rubattino 54 - 20134 Milano Tel. 02 39921 - Fax 02 39992 5370 The RSE-mobility Days - Italian charging infrastructure - INTRASME Workshop - INTRASME Roadshow - Exhibition 21-22 May 2014 Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico, Milano RSE Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico - RSE SpA, is a joint stock company, whose unique shareholder is GSE SpA, which develops research in electro-energy, with particular focus to the strategic national projects of general public interest, financed by the Italian Electricity System Research Fund (Fondo per la Ricerca di Sistema) of the Italian Economic Development Ministry.. RSE has a human capital that represents a unique heritage of expertise and experience, whose support is a necessary condition to allow the development of innovation policies in an area of enormous importance for the national economy such as energy is. INTRASME SME Opportunity Workshop and Roadshow This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 314587  INTRASME aims at improving the capacity and capability of European SMEs to more rapidly develop and implement products and services in the low carbon transportation and smart mobility sectors focusing on the changing role that SMEs have on innovation mechanisms for the transport sector. INTRASME:  Improve SME innovation capacity by identifying difficulties and spreading best practice between established and developing clusters  Identify and help overcome barriers SMEs meet in transforming innovative technologies into products and services  Develop guidance, case studies and support on-line to enable SMEs to take advantage of new market opportunities in Electro-mobility & Smart Mobility  Establish innovation networks within and between EU clusters through workshops and roadshows to strengthen entrepreneur-ship and integration in supply chains. RSE promotes and fosters the professional development by promoting every opportunity to support the conduct of training and dissemination activities related to research topics carried out. The research and development is carried out for the entire energy supply chain in an applications and experimental view, ensuring the consistent continuation of research in progress and the development of new initiatives, both organically and in response to external and market demands.

2 Agenda FIRST DAY WORKSHOP 21/05/2014 SECOND DAY ROADSHOW 22/05/2014 RSE SPA - ROOM 2 AUDITORIUM Opening Section: 9:30 – 11:30 Recharging infrastructure: presentation of pilot project’s results Moderator: AEEG 9:30 – 9:45 Welcome 9:45 – 10:05 AEEG Presentation 10:05 – 11:05 Presentation of the four projects 11.05 – 11.30 Discussion 11:30 – 13:00 Round table: Infrastructure and business model Da invitare MIT,MISE, Agenzia delle Dogane, ENEL, ENI, Società Autostrade, TESLA, Nissan-Renault, BMW, Davide Reina -Bocconi e un referente della conferenza Stato Regioni; Moderator: RSE I – INTRASME Workshop REGISTRATION and Lunch 13:00-14.00 Welcome lunch and Networking Chair: 14:00-14:10 Welcome by INTRASME & Project presentation - Professor David Morris, Coventry University Enterprises CUE, UK II – RESULTS OF MARKET OPPORTUNITY STUDY IN LCVS, LIGHT AIRCRAFT, SMART MOBILITY Moderator: 14:10-15:00 Opportunities from new forms of transport – 15:00-15:20 Opportunities in Smart Mobility - Chris Reeves, MIRA, UK 15:20-15:40 Automotive OEM (BMW?) 15:40-16:00 Coffee break III – OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO INNOVATION (WP1,WP3&WP4) 16:00 – 16:15 Innovations barriers for organisations in EU R&D projects, and guidelines for exploitation plans - Professor David Morris, Coventry University Enterprise, UK IV –CASE STUDIES, INTERACTIVE SESSIONS and NETWORKING (WP1) Moderator: 16:15-16:30 IFEVS/Torino e-district Case Study: examples of running projects - Pietro Perlo, IFEVS, Italy 16:30-16:45 SME case study UK 16:45-17:00 SME case study Italy 17:00-17:15 SME case study Poland > Mr. Bernatt CEO of Ele- DriveCo 17:15-17:30 SME case study Bulgaria V NETWORKING (cocktail + structured activity?) 17.30-18.30: Networking area THE PARTICIPATION TO THIS EVENT IS FREE, BUT THE REGISTRATION IS REQUESTED TO THIS WEBSITE: HTTP://WWW.INTRASME.EU/ DEADLINE: 16TH MAY Presentation INTRASME project partners invite you to the second Italian roadshow for SMEs and stakeholders active in the electro mobility and smart mobility sectors. After the successful session held in Warsaw the 3rd of February 2014, this second event will address the following key aspects for Italian SMEs: Results of market opportunity study and funding opportunities followed by a Thematic Round Tables. Moreover, the INTRASME roadshow will be preceded by round Tables the presentation of the monograph about electric vehicle “E... muoviti! Mobilità elettrica a sistema». I – REGISTRATION AND NETWORKING 09:00-09.30 Welcome lunch and Networking Chair: 09:30-09:40 Welcome by INTRASME & Wrap up from D1 - Professor David Morris, Coventry University Enterprises CUE, UK II - FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Moderator: 09:40-10:00 Horizon 2020 – How SMEs can benefit and the best approach to participation - Prof Chris Pickering, Innovation Bridge Consulting, UK 10:00-10:15 Case study of SME in FP7 10:15–10:30 Intellectual Property Rights-Daniele Frezzato, SISVEL, Italy / Centro Sviluppo Brevetti? 10:30-10:45 GO4SEM- Global Opportunities for SMEs in Electro- Mobility - Beate Mueller, VDI/VDE-IT, Germany 10:45–11:15 European EV Clusters – A strategic view for Europe - Pietro Perlo, - Torino e-district, Italy 11.15-11:30 Coffee Break III – Thematic Round Tables 11:30-13:00 RT 1 H2020 calls RT 2 Internationalization RT 3 IP RT 4 Clusters and superclusters IV – LUNCH 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch During the afternoon we can include another slot > T-TRANS and TIPS? MART EVVC? V – Speed date > maybe better in the morning! Or maybe we can organize something different Open coffee VI Permanent Exhibition Area Product/technology area / Information area Roadshow end 16:30 RSE SPA - ROOM 2 AUDITORIUM

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