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Presentation on theme: "Reproduction of the contents in this demo, in any form, is strictly prohibited. Proudly Presents Click at any time to change screen. INTRO SCREEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproduction of the contents in this demo, in any form, is strictly prohibited. Proudly Presents Click at any time to change screen. INTRO SCREEN

2 WELCOME to Thank you for taking the time to view our Feedlot 3000 Accounting System. There are more than 60 screens available to the user within Feedlot 3000 to handle the myriad of features available. Capable of handling an extraordinary variety of business situations, ranging from small backgrounding feedlots, to large multi-feedlot corporations, to international trade feedlots in Australia and New Zealand. Feedlot 3000 was designed from the ground up to meet the fast changing environment in the cattle industry around the world. Our staff are dedicated to professionalism in our software and our service. The 30+ views you will see here will give you an idea of some of our many exciting features.

3 Demo Instructions Click the screen at any time to move to the next screen. To view an index of the available screens at any time, right-click, select “Go”, then “Title”, find the screen you want from the list, and click on it. Two Master Menu screens in this demo are “Interactive”, this means buttons on the screen will react similar to the actual application, in this case taking you to the screen indicated by the button selected. The yellow “i” icon in the lower left will always jump you back to the interactive Master Menu screen. To exit the demonstration at any time, press [Esc].

4 LOGIN SCREEN Access to the Feedlot 3000 Master Menu can be controlled through the log-in screen. Passwords can be created for each user that can further control the degree of access the user will have. If security is not an issue, the password can be left blank and Feedlot 3000 will remember your username from your last access; thereby, eliminating the need to even enter a log-in name each time you run the application.

5 MASTER MENU The Master Menu is the beginning and the end of all processes within Feedlot 3000. It is designed to make it as easy as possible for users to get to where they need to go, and back again. On-line Help documentation Hot button to access Quick View Color-coded background to quickly determine current date relative to last daily update Pull-down menus to access any screen

6 MASTER MENU Screen buttons are color-coded for ease of use. Yellow buttons represent screens pertaining to daily work. Green buttons are general management screens. The red button represents a major action, such as the daily update. Grey buttons are general purpose screens. User- assignable reports list Access to any report not installed in user list. Easy to find yellow buttons designate daily entry screens All views & totals effective as of the Master Menu Date

7 MASTER MENU All reports found in the white grid are placed there by the user. This allows each user to insert their commonly used reports into an area where it is easy to find again later. The Report Title and Description is user-assignable. Grid headings double as sorting tools. Click to sort the column in alternating ascending / descending order. Indicates there is another page in the Master Menu Primary view option for all Lots. Any info related to a lot can be accessed here. Date reset button. When you don’t know what the last update was, this auto-sets that date for you.

8 Interactive Master Menu, Page 1 Click the screen option you wish to view next. If nothing happens, then the button is not interactive at this time, although the screen view selected may be available in this demo.

9 Interactive Master Menu, Page 2 The second screen/page of the Master Menu is a continuation of the user’s options. The light blue buttons refer to end-of-period functions, primarily billing and end-of-period closing.

10 LOT MASTER The Lot Master screen contains all information related to a single lot, both current, and historical. The summary screen displays the totals and averages; the list box options accesses the detailed information. Many objects on the screen have drill-down capabilities that can’t be shown here. All data on the Lot Master is recalculated in its entirety each time it is viewed. This allows the screen to be used as a reconciliation tool for other screens and reports.

11 HEAD RECONCILIATIONS Ins, Outs and Deads for this lot Current Pen Inventory Animals currently in Hospital pens The lot reconciliation screen is a quick and easy means of accessing all head count data for the lot and where they are at. Correcting errors is possible within these tables.

12 MOVEMENTS – Ins, Outs, and Deads This screen allows you to enter all movements considered “external” in nature. You can choose to manually enter the movement or you can import them if you use StockaID. Ability to import movements from StockaID

13 DAILY MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES This screen allows the user to enter any entry required for any charge. These charge items may be imported from StockaID or entered manually. Individual animal capability Each entry appears automatically in the grid as it is saved for easy access and editing. Charge amount auto-calculated & changeable by the user.

14 INTERNAL MOVES This screen allows you to make all internal moves. It is simple and automatic, based on the type of pens selected. The pen inventory (yellow grid) and internal inventory (red grid) are auto-filtered based on the data combination entered by the user (great for quickly finding what’s where). EID and hospital tag tracking capable. All moves can be imported from StockaID. Current pen inventory, filtered by lot and/or pen (if present at top) Current internal animal inventory, filtered by lot and/or pen (if present at top) Easy to use FROM and TO pens. Code is auto- selected. If EID tracking on, user selects the animal(s) affected from a simple list, filtered for the pen affected.

15 DAILY FEED ENTRY This screen allows you to import feed electronically using the “Import” button, or enter feeds manually. The “Validate” feature checks feed entries against the database for any exceptions in the data and prints a reference list for you. Feed entries for the day, whether manual, or imported, can be easily reviewed & edited in the grid. Auto-checks all feed entries for valid lots, pens, ration changes, etc. & prints a warning list for you. Takes you to the data import screen. Allows for manual entry of feeds

16 COMMODITY TICKET ENTRY This screen allows you to post new commodity tickets and adjustments. As a new ticket is entered, the contract balance that it applies is automatically checked for remaining balances, and the user notified if the ticket being entered will over-extend the contract. All this before the ticket is saved to give you the opportunity to post part of a load to another contract. In addition, Feedlot 3000 will only let you post one receipt for a specific ticket number, to protect against inadvertent double-entry. “pending” tickets (tickets not updated) are displayed. This section displays relevant information about the contract.

17 DAILY UPDATE This screen allows you to set a variety of settings and options for running your end-of-day daily update. The check boxes allow any combination of events to be executed at any time. The daily update can be safely re-run any number of times for the same day as only data that has not previously been picked up will be handled. Displays warnings & errors as they occur. Status line keeps you informed of what is happening. Lets you know how many warnings & errors were found during the update. Individual functions can be turned off when needed.

18 DRAFT REPORTS This screen allows you to select and print any draft report needed. Reports can be sent to the screen, printer, or a file. Draft reports are hard coded reports that cannot be modified by the user. Draft reports can be printed to the screen, file, or printer.

19 RATION MAINTENANCE This screen allows you to view, change, or add the composition of your rations, including ingredient prices, percentages, net energies and percent crude protein. Additionally, the order the ingredients are printed can be set by the load order field for printing a batch load sheet. Pre-set mill gain/loss factors will auto-adjust the value of the ingredient.

20 INVENTORY MAINTENANCE This screen allows you to view, change, or add ingredients and/or any item that you want an inventory tracked. Pre-set mill gain/loss factors to auto-adjust the value of the ingredient in the ration. Inventory links allow multiple ingredients to be connected to other ingredients.

21 CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE This screen is your customer maintenance screen. Not visible is an unlimited length memo field where you can enter any information necessary, such as financing and/or bank instructions. An unlimited length memo box for additional information. Customer classing allows grouping customers for any selected purpose.

22 COMMODITY CONTRACTS This screen allows you to add, edit, and view commodity contracts. Contracts can be descending, or ascending, balance contracts. Many options are available for how the contract is to be handled. Freight, storage, and levy charges can all be set up for auto-calculating. The grid views can be adjusted as needed to display more or less of the desired grid. Master listing of existing contracts Tickets associated with the contract displayed at the top. Details of all vendor payments paid. Summary of current status of the displayed contract. Multiple ways to set up a contract.

23 CHARGE MAINTENANCE This screen allows you to add, edit, and view your master charges that appear on billing. A variety of features are available that allow flexibility in how the charge will be handled. Multiple charges can be further linked to a single inventory item. The actual cost-of-sales for each item is automatically tracked for you and a report generated that displays the over/under difference. Optional user- assignable mark- up codes. Reference list of existing charges. Assignable link to inventory item for deducting usage.

24 INVOICES This screen allows you to determine how and where invoices will be printed. Any aspect of billing can be run/printed any number of times, individually or collectively, until you have a correct billing. Invoices can be printed to the screen for review prior to printing a hard copy. Selectable print order Selectable output options. Single invoice option, or start in the middle capability. Optional views of what prints on the invoice.

25 STATEMENTS This screen allows you to select the destination and format of the customer statements. Statements and Accounts Receivable reports can be printed to the screen for review and can be run multiple times until correct. Selectable print order Selectable output options. Single statement option, or start in the middle capability. Optional views of what prints on the statements.

26 VENDOR MAINTENANCE This screen allows you to add, edit, or view all vendors, whether they are commodity, cattle, drug, or freight vendors. Vendors are classified as to their function to allow filtering by type of vendor. Commodity tickets can simultaneously track a commodity, freight, storage, and a levy vendor, along with a link to the specific payment information for each.

27 VENDOR PAYMENTS This screen allows you to select, add, and mark commodity tickets being paid to a vendor. All unpaid tickets for a specified contract will be automatically displayed in the grid. You select the tickets being paid for by clicking on the ticket. The line will turn yellow, and the ticket added into the total boxes at the bottom. Concurrently, a check stub description is generated automatically. Once paid for, each ticket is marked such that it will not be displayed again for subsequent payments. Option to toggle Summary sheet, Tax Invoice or None Select applicable tickets on invoice Check invoice against FY total & adjust GST if applicable

28 CLOSE-OUTS This screen allows you print Close-outs and Check-weighs in any of a number of different ways, to the screen, printer, or file. The “Format” tab allows you turn on/off any section on the close-out. Interest charges are optionally printed. If the lot number entered is still “Active”, the data grid automatically switches to the check-weigh performance history. All close-out and check-weigh data is permanently stored. Lastly, close-outs can reprinted at any time in the future. Existing historical close-outs in descending closed date order. Tabs display options to customize the format of your close-out. Close-out can be personalised for any partner.

29 BREAKEVEN PROJECTIONS The Breakeven Projection is a stand-alone program that allows you to do “what if?” scenarios before or after purchasing cattle. The projection can be saved for later retrieval, the values automatically updated to the pre-existing lot data in Feedlot 3000, and/or printed either to the screen or to a printer. Projections can be calculated for pasture cattle, feedlot cattle, or both, on a feeder, live/fat, or dressed weight performance basis. Dollar totals are represented on both a per head, and a total investment basis.

30 DRESSED WEIGHTS The Dressed Weight calculation screen allows you to enter the dressed weight information from the packer, assign the live weight movements the dressed weights apply to, assign any other costs, then let Feedlot 3000 prorate the sales and expenses back to the original live movement. Condemned animals are automatically reversed from the original In move, and a new “condemned” move created to replace it, all automatically. Kill data sent back from the packer. Live weight movements out. Automatic dressed weight record created from live movement. After all data is entered, this option calculates the results for you for review prior to the final updating of the live movement(s).

31 THANKS AGAIN Thank you again for taking the time to view our Feedlot 3000 Management System. We hope you have enjoyed seeing what Elynx Pty Ltd has to offer. Our goal is to have the most technologically advanced and easy to use feedlot software in the world. You can always contact us at (07) 4659-6000, or visit our web-site at:

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