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Peace or War – Part I Interdependence – when one nation depends on other nations for certain goods and services Sovereignty – total self-rule Nationalism.

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Presentation on theme: "Peace or War – Part I Interdependence – when one nation depends on other nations for certain goods and services Sovereignty – total self-rule Nationalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peace or War – Part I Interdependence – when one nation depends on other nations for certain goods and services Sovereignty – total self-rule Nationalism – great (intense) pride in your country National Interest – when the government decides what is in the nation’s best interest

2 Foreign Policy – the way one nation chooses to treat other nations U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) – the first “communist” nation – created after the Communist Revolution in 1917 (the U.S.S.R. no longer exists!)

3 The Communist Manifesto – 1848 – written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engles – this book was the basis for communism! The book divides the world into 2 groups: 1.*Capitalists – owners of industry; 2.Proletariat – workers.

4 The communist philosophy of world conquest: A.One day the workers of the world will unite; B.The workers will overthrow the capitalists (bosses); C.The entire world will become communist.

5 Nationalist China – the official name of anti-communist China – this nation is located on the island of Taiwan/Formosa The Peoples Republic of China – the official name of communist China – nicknamed Red China – this is the largest populated nation in the world and has ¼ of the world’s population – over 1 ½ billion people

6 Quotations of Chairman Mao Tze-tung – nicknamed “the little Red Bible of Chinese Communism” – excerpt - Every Communist must grasp the truth, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Communist China was formally recognized during the administration of President Richard Nixon (perhaps, because Red China often seemed to oppose the expansion of the U.S.S.R.)

7 Basic Defense Policies of the U.S. A.Protect the U.S. from foreign attack; B.Protect the U.S. by showing other nations how strong we are (which often leads to increased spending on the military). Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 states – only Congress can declare war Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12 states – Congress can raise and support an army

8 Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 states: A.States cannot enter into a treaty without the consent of Congress; B.States cannot have a military without the consent of Congress. The Department of Defense was created in 1947 from 2 departments: 1.*Department of War – created in 1789; 2.Department of the Navy – created in 1798

9 Civil duties of the Army include: A. Protecting U.S. Territories; B. Helping during times of “disaster”. Contents of the U.S. Army: Regular Army; Reserves; R.O.T.C.; National Guard.

10 Transition in the size of the U.S. Army: A.1789 – Small – volunteer army; B.1860 – Civil War – the 1 st national draft was used – the led to a major draft protest by immigrants in N.Y. City – 1000 were believed to have been killed! C.1950 – Congress decided to keep a large standing army, even during peace times; D.Today – All –volunteer army.

11 Draft – Conscription Operation of the last draft (during the Vietnam War) – a young man had to register 5 days before or after their 18 th birthday – nicknamed the “lottery system” Penalty for refusing to sign-up for registration, dodging the draft, etc. – 5 years in a federal penitentiary and a $10,000 fine (today its 5 yrs. + $250,000)

12 Selective Service – runs the draft Pro’s of the draft: 1.*It makes it easy to increase the size of the military; 2.All Americans should be willing to serve in the military.

13 Con’s of the draft: 1.*Causes protests; 2.Young people cannot get on with their lives. Draft Classifications: 1–A – Physically fit for duty; 1-A-O - Conscientious objector to war (you could not be set to a combat zone)

14 1 – S - you were exempt from service because you were still a student in high school 4 – F - you were exempt from service because you were physically, mentally, or morally unfit for duty

15 The C.I.A. Information gathering process: 1.*Observation; 2.Transmission; 3.Conclusion. Effects of Foreign Policy on our lives: 1.*Prices may go up; 2.Taxes may go up; 3.It may cause a war or a draft.

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