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Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Awareness Level Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Awareness Level Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Awareness Level Training

2 Structural Collapse Awareness Recognize the need for Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670

3 Structural Collapse Awareness Identify resources needed for Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670 Resources include the following... –Mutual aid Agreements –Private Sector Agreements –Construction Industry –Heavy Equipment Operators –Supplies (lumber, tools, specialty equipment) –Engineers & Technical Consultants –Communications –Food services & Sanitation services –Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) w/other public, state or federal agencies

4 Structural Collapse Awareness Initiate the Emergency Response System for Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670 Local Resources

5 Structural Collapse Awareness Emergency Response System for Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670 State Resources > Federal Resources >

6 Structural Collapse Awareness Initiating Site Control and Scene Management for Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670 »Achieve and maintain control »Management of all civilians and nonemergency personnel »Establishment of Operational Zones and Site Security

7 Structural Collapse Awareness Recognize General Hazards associated with Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670 General Hazards include the following: Utilities Hazardous materials Personal Hazards (trips, slips, falls, blows, punctures, impalement, etc.) Other Hazards (recognition of building materials, and structural components of light frame constructions and unstable collapses and collapse patterns associated w/ light frame

8 Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670 ) SAR Plan - Light Frame Bldgs Victim Access ItemsVictim Access Items –use horizontal entry thru cavities or thru walls –make vertical access thru holes in roof/floor –remove/shore hazards as required

9 Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670 SAR Plan - Heavy Wall Bldg –Hazard reduction items - URM shore hazardous floorsshore hazardous floors remaining, uncollapsed walls may be aftershock falling hazard. either avoid, remove, tieback, or raker shore them. may need to shore both in and out direction.remaining, uncollapsed walls may be aftershock falling hazard. either avoid, remove, tieback, or raker shore them. may need to shore both in and out direction. beware of all falling hazards - peeled, cracked, & split urm walls are very brittle. high potential of falling & collapse hazardsbeware of all falling hazards - peeled, cracked, & split urm walls are very brittle. high potential of falling & collapse hazards –Hazard reduction items - TU & Low Rise raker shore hazardous wallsraker shore hazardous walls shore hazardous roof/floor beamsshore hazardous roof/floor beams

10 Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670 ) SAR Plan - Conc Frame Bldg –Hazard reduction items –in partly collapsed bldg - check the floor that supports the collapse debris. Read cracks to determine if additional collapse is probable. heavy, multi story shoring may be required. –shore/avoid badly cracked beams/columns –shore/avoid hanging slabs/beams –shore/avoid heavily loaded slabs (punching) –beware of all falling hazards - parts of concrete slabs, walls, etc. may be hanging from exposed rebar - how well connected ? –monitor for movement, crack changes, etc

11 Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Operations (NFPA 1670 ) SAR Plan - Precast Conc Bldg Hazard reduction items remove/avoid hanging pieces/structureremove/avoid hanging pieces/structure shore beams adj. to badly cracked columnsshore beams adj. to badly cracked columns remove/shore tilted panels or piecesremove/shore tilted panels or pieces partly collapsed buildings may have adjacent parts (slabs, wall panels, etc.) that have damaged connections that may break in aftershock or if loading shifts.partly collapsed buildings may have adjacent parts (slabs, wall panels, etc.) that have damaged connections that may break in aftershock or if loading shifts.

12 Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Patterns (NFPA 1670 ) Lean-to Collapse

13 Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Patterns (NFPA 1670 ) Cantilever Collapse

14 Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Patterns (NFPA 1670 ) Pancake Collapse

15 Structural Collapse Awareness Structural Collapse Patterns (NFPA 1670 ) V Shaped or A-Frame Collapse

16 Structural Collapse Awareness Recognizing Potential for Secondary Collapse (NFPA 1670 –Leaning Walls –Smoke or water seeping through joints –Unusual sounds (creaking or groaning) –Recurring aftershocks –Sagging floors or roof assemblies –Missing, strained, or damaged points of connection –Excessive loading of structural elements –Sliding plaster & airborne debris –Separating walls –Lack of water runoff –Racked or twisted structure –Building Vibration

17 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 –PHYSICAL VOID SEARCH Advantages »No special equipment required »People easily trained to support effort

18 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 –PHYSICAL VOID SEARCH Disadvantages –Limited access to voids –May be dangerous –Will not locate unconscious, weak, young

19 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 AUDIBLE CALL-OUT Advantages –No special equipment required –People easily trained to support effort –Searchers can inform victim of response –Can be used with listening device

20 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 AUDIBLE CALL-OUT Disadvantages –Will not locate unconscious, weak, young –Sound of knocking may be too weak for audible detection

21 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 VISUAL SEARCH DEVICES (mostly used for location) Flexible Fiberscopes Rigid Borescopes Video Search Cameras

22 Structural Collapse Awareness FLEXIBLE FIBERSCOPES

23 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 –FIBERSCOPES & BORESCOPES Advantages –Finds position & condition of victim –Useful to verify other search tactics just prior to starting rescue operations –Used to monitor victim during rescue Disadvantages –Difficult to use in extended holes due to flexible cable, limited length of rigid scope, and limited light sources

24 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 SEARCH CAMERAS Advantages –Easily understood –Possibility to record picture –Useful to verify other search tactics just prior to starting rescue operations –Used to monitor victim during rescue

25 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 SEARCH CAMERAS –Disadvantages Size, cost, and power requirements Straight line of sight

26 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 SnakeEye Search Camera Low cost ($2000) Waterproof Flexible

27 Structural Collapse Awareness INFRARED/THERMA IMAGING

28 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 INFRARED/THERMAL IMAGING Advantages –Equipment often locally available –Can be used to survey large, open, dark areas Disadvantages –Cannot detect heat difference through solids –Sources other than human can be detected

29 Structural Collapse Awareness ELECTRONIC LISTENING DEVICES

30 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 ELECTRONIC LISTENING DEVICES Advantages –Able to cover large area as a Detector –Can triangulate on victim position –Capable of picking up faint noise/vibration –Used in conjunction w/other search tools to verify find

31 Structural Collapse Awareness Visual and Verbal searches in a Structural Collapse Environment (NFPA 1670 ELECTRONIC LISTENING DEVICES Disadvantages –Unconscious victims not detected –Ambient nose level may need to be lowered –Victim needs to create noise pattern –Limited range (acoustic=25ft, seismic=75ft) –Can be used to locate victims, but may be relatively slow

32 Structural Collapse Awareness Removal of readily accessible victims from Structural Collapse Incidents (NFPA 5 to 10% 15% 30% 50% Spontaneous Civilians Nearby Community Response Teams Lt. Rescue Teams TF US&R Lightly Trapped Non-Structure Entrapment Injured and Not Trapped Tra- pped CONDITION of VICTIMS EMERGENCY RESPONSE

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