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Eden Prairie Ordinance 5-2009 Fire Alarm Ordinance Training Program The Eden Prairie Fire Prevention Bureau provides information and training to educate.

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Presentation on theme: "Eden Prairie Ordinance 5-2009 Fire Alarm Ordinance Training Program The Eden Prairie Fire Prevention Bureau provides information and training to educate."— Presentation transcript:


2 Eden Prairie Ordinance 5-2009 Fire Alarm Ordinance Training Program The Eden Prairie Fire Prevention Bureau provides information and training to educate those affected by the Ordinance. The entire text of the ordinance is available online at under “Codes and Policies”, City Code Chapter 9 [PDF]. Section 9.10 covers Fire and Burglar, Robbery and Safety Alarms. Section 9.10-A regulates Fire Alarm Systems.

3 What Is A False Alarm? "False alarm" means an audio, visual or electronically transmitted alarm signal eliciting a response by fire and police personnel when a situation requiring a response does not in fact exist and which is caused by the activation of the alarm system through mechanical failure, alarm malfunction, improper installation or the inadvertence of the alarm user or lessee of an alarm system or of his or her employees or agents. False alarms do not include alarms caused by climatic conditions such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, violent conditions of nature or any other conditions which are clearly beyond the control of the alarm manufacturer, installer or alarm user. Next Back

4 Definitions Alarm user - The person in control of any alarm system. Enforcement Official - The Fire Chief or his designated representative. Fire Alarm System - Any alarm installation designed to be used for the prevention or detection of fire on the premises which contain the alarm installation including monitoring of water flow alarms for fire sprinkler systems. Fire Protection Business - Any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity that is appropriately licensed in the state to install, alter, maintain, repair, replace, service, provide runner services or monitors any Fire Alarm System, fire sprinkler system or special fire protection system. Police/Fire Communications Center - The City facility used to receive emergency requests for service and general information from the public to be dispatched to respective police/fire units. UL Certificate/Certification - A certificate issued by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) that indicates that a Fire Alarm System meets the NFPA 72 code requirements for a central station monitored Fire Alarm System. Next Back

5 What is the purpose of the Fire Alarm Registration Ordinance? All Fire Alarm Systems in the City of Eden Prairie which are required by the Adopted Codes must be registered with the Eden Prairie Fire Department. The purpose of the new ordinance is to protect the emergency services of the City from misuse and to provide for the maximum possible service to alarm users. The ordinance is intended to provide for the regulation of Fire Alarm Systems, establish a user fee for false alarms and the registration of Fire Alarm Systems in order to improve the reliability of such systems and reduce or eliminate false alarms. Next Back

6 When you register, you must include (at least) the following information: The address of the property protected by the Fire Alarm System; The name(s) of the property, if applicable; The name and mailing address of the alarm user (if different from the occupant); The name, address and telephone number of the Fire Protection Business which has contracted to service the Fire Alarm System; Proof of state licensing of the Fire Protection Business. Proof of proper state licensing may be a valid state licensing number; The date the Registration is signed or the Fire Alarm System is placed in operation for any reason; and Any other documentation that is required by the Adopted Codes. Next Back

7 What you need to do… 1.Every Fire Alarm System alarm user shall notify the Fire Department Fire Department prior to the Fire Alarm System being placed into operation. 2.Each Fire Protection Business installing Fire Alarm Systems shall provide the alarm user with notice of the existence of this ordinance, registration information and a copy of the Fire Alarm System operation instructions in accordance with Adopted Codes, and the manufacturer’s instructions. 3.The Fire Alarm System alarm user shall complete this Fire Alarm System Registration and Training before the Fire Alarm System is activated or placed into service. 4.The alarm user is required to file an amended registration whenever there is a change of service providers responsible for maintaining, servicing and/or monitoring of their alarm system. Next Back

8 My existing system already has a UL Certificate. Do I still need it? Yes. UL certificates are separate from this registration and they are still required. Among other things, they provide guidelines for alarm system monitoring and service as required by fire code. All required Fire Alarm Systems installed after January 1, 1986 shall have a UL72 certificate. All required Fire Alarm Systems that are updated, modified or replaced must have a UL72 certificate issued certifying that the Fire Alarm System is in compliance with Adopted Codes. The certificate shall be signed by a Qualified Fire Alarm Technician. Next Back

9 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance The Fire Alarm System alarm user shall have all Fire Alarm Systems inspected and tested in accordance with Adopted Codes. The Fire Alarm System alarm user shall maintain all Fire Alarm Systems in accordance with manufacturer specifications and Adopted Codes. Next Back

10 How often do I need to complete Alarm System Training? You must complete this Annual Alarm User Training course no later than March 31 of each year. The course may be completed either online or at the offices of the Enforcement Official. You may designate representative(s) who have responsibility to supervise the maintenance of the alarm system to complete the training, or other person(s) as approved in writing by the Enforcement Official. Next Back

11 How much does the training and alarm certificate cost? There is no charge for the initial registration of a Fire Alarm System. The training and certificate are FREE. No fee shall be charged for any registration that is required to be resubmitted for any reason other than suspension. Any registration that has been suspended for false alarms as stated below will be charged a registration reinstatement fee as set forth in the fee schedule adopted by the City Council. Next Back

12 False Alarm Fee Schedule False alarms are serious. They tie up response resources that might be needed for actual emergencies. Per Subd. 1 of the Ordinance you can be charged fees for false alarms, as calculated in a single calendar year: First false alarm: No fee 2 nd false alarm: $100 3 rd false alarm: $200 4 th false alarm: $300 5 th & up false alarm: $400 In addition, your alarm certificate can be suspended on the 6 th false alarm in a single calendar year, subject to a $200 reinstatement fee. Next Back

13 What would cause my alarm registration to be suspended? If you fail to complete the Annual Alarm System Training (as required above) or your alarm system reports more than six (6) false alarms to the Police/Fire Communications Center in a single calendar year your Fire Alarm System registration will be suspended. If the registration has been suspended for failure to complete the Annual Alarm System Training you must complete the training and submit to the Enforcement Official the required fee to reinstate the registration. If the registration has been suspended for reporting more than six (6) false alarms as specified above, you must make the necessary corrections and/or repairs to your alarm system and submit documentation to the Enforcement Official, along with the required fee to reinstate the registration. Next Back

14 If my alarm certificate is suspended, can I appeal the suspension fee? If your Fire Alarm System is suspended you may request in writing a hearing on the suspension. The hearing shall be held by the Hearing Officer, who shall be appointed by the City Manager and who may be an employee of the City. If the Hearing Officer's decision is to affirm the suspension, the Hearing Officer shall include findings and conclusions supporting the decision. The decision of the Hearing Officer shall be final. Next Back

15 Ways to Prevent False Alarms Always put your alarm instructions in writing When granting access to your property to private contractors (cleaning crews, domestic help, realtors, etc.) be sure to instruct them on your alarm system operating procedures Contact your alarm company prior to performing maintenance, renovations or improvements such as: – Working on fire protection systems – Working on phone systems – Changes in room configuration – Any work that produces dust, steam, fumes or vapors, etc. Perform maintenance and inspections by qualified contractors as required to ensure system is operating properly Next Back

16 Ways to Prevent False Alarms Before doing any work on your premises that produces dust, steam or vapors contact your alarm monitoring company and place your system in test prior to beginning work, and again when work is completed. Place your system on test before work begins. Wait 5 minutes, then call back and verify the system is on test. Alarms are transmitted to a monitoring station which can be located anywhere (in the world). When an alarm is received it is then called in to the Eden Prairie Police/Fire Communications Center (9-1-1). Waiting 5 minutes and calling back to verify the test allows time for the information to be relayed to the operators at the monitoring station. Next Back

17 Ways to Prevent False Alarms Some alarm companies require that you give them a “window” of time that the system will be in test. Often times a contractor will start work early or continue working after the time window closes which results in an unintentional transmission of alarm. Even if you phone in a time “window” it is always best to call before work begins and after work ends. Next Back

18 Ways to Prevent False Alarms Fire code requires that your fire suppression and fire alarm system be maintained and inspected by qualified individuals at regular intervals by licensed, qualified contractors. Commercial kitchen hood suppression systems (such as Ansul systems, etc.) are to be tested and inspected every 6 months. The contractor should leave documentation of the inspection at the sprinkler valve and fire alarm panel. They should also send a copy of the documentation to the office of the Enforcement Official. Next Back

19 Ways to Prevent False Alarms Ensure your system will operate properly in case of fire. Have scheduled maintenance and inspections done on a regular basis. Employ qualified contractors to perform scheduled maintenance and inspections as required by code. Just like your car, fire protection systems that are properly maintained should give you years of worry- free protection. While the best system is the one that’s never needed, in the event it is you want it to perform as designed. Next Back

20 Ways to Prevent False Alarms Remind your contractors to contact your alarm monitoring company prior to performing work on the system, such as changing alarm system batteries, etc. Contractor errors account for a large percentage of false alarms. The majority of contractors who work on fire protection equipment are aware of the procedures to prevent false alarms while they are working on your system (i.e. placing the system in test, etc.). That being said, it never hurts to remind them to double check that they have taken the necessary steps to prevent a false alarm before they begin work. Next Back

21 Ways to Prevent False Alarms Cover smoke alarms when performing any work that produces dust, steam, fumes or vapors, etc. In addition to calling your alarm company and placing the system on test, it is a good idea to cover your smoke alarms. Not only can this prevent false alarms, it will also keep contaminants from damaging the delicate sensing devices in the smoke alarm. Smoke alarm covers can be purchased at most hardware stores (they resemble little shower caps), or they can be as simple as using plastic baggies and a rubber band. One important thing to remember: ALWAYS remove the covers when the work is completed! Next Back

22 Ways to Prevent False Alarms Install photo-electric smoke detectors in kitchen areas to avoid nuisance alarms caused by burnt food. Have you ever burnt popcorn in a microwave and set of the smoke alarm? Photo-electric smoke detectors are designed to detect slow smoldering fires, which can smolder for a long time before bursting into flame. Unlike ionization detectors that detect fast flaming fires and smaller volumes of smoke, a photo- electric detector is more ‘tolerant’ of nuisance smoke, dust or steam and are less likely to go into alarm before the smoke dissipates. Next Back

23 Ways to Prevent False Alarms Install protective covers over manual fire alarm pull stations. False alarms are often activated by fire alarm pull stations when no fire exists. This can happen when they are inadvertently bumped or jarred, or when a curious or malicious child pulls them. Protective “screech” covers emit a loud noise when the cover is removed, which will often deter the child from pulling the actual fire alarm. The fire alarm is not activated until the user removes the cover to reach the pull station and then pulls the manual alarm. Next Back

24 Always put your alarm instructions in writing. The contractor who comes in to steam clean your carpets on the weekend, the cleaning crew who comes in at night or the employee that unlocks the store in the morning need to know how to deal with your fire alarm system; the reset code, how to put it in test, the password to give the alarm company, how to cover the smoke detectors and any other pertinent information to prevent (or deal with) false alarms. Put your alarm instructions in writing for the people you entrust. It also helps the fire department in the event we are called to your business. Next Back

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