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Marketing international Sarah Mischler – M1 ISA. Objectifs, organisation, évaluation Objectifs Découvrir les concepts clés du marketing, du marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing international Sarah Mischler – M1 ISA. Objectifs, organisation, évaluation Objectifs Découvrir les concepts clés du marketing, du marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing international Sarah Mischler – M1 ISA

2 Objectifs, organisation, évaluation Objectifs Découvrir les concepts clés du marketing, du marketing sportif et du marketing international Être capable d’analyser et comprendre les marques et les marchés internationaux Les 4P du marketing mix d’un point de vue international

3 Objectifs, organisation, évaluation Organisation 14h de cours magistral 6h de travaux dirigés Evaluation 100% contrôle continu Ecrit 1 : 4 novembre de 13h30 à 14h30 Ecrit 2 : 9 décembre de 13h30 à 14h30 Exposé oral : 24 novembre à 14h30

4 Objectifs, organisation, évaluation Exposé oral Présentation de 10 minutes avec support powerpoint ou autre + Questions/réponses Choisissez une marque de sport que vous aimez et en faire l’analyse marketing d’un point de vue international Quelle est son origine géographique ? Dans quels pays est-elle présente ? A-t-elle le même positionnement dans chaque pays Quel est le marketing mix en termes de produit, prix, distribution et communication Est-ce le même marketing mix où existe-t-il des spécificités par pays, par zone géographique ?

5 Theme 1 : What are marketing and sports marketing ?

6 What marketing is, what marketing is not Marketing = identify and meet needs profitably 2 important issues in marketing Know the needs and the marketHave influence on the demand Studies Environment persuade the demand to buy/use

7 Who do marketing ? Companies from profit private sector Organizations from not profit private sector Organizations from public sector

8 Brands in public sector in France

9 Brands in public all over the world

10 What sports marketing is Definitions from Sam Fullerton, G. Russel Merz, The four domains of sports marketing, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2008, vol.17 2 dimensions for sports marketing The type of productsThe level of sport integration Sport products Nonsport products

11 What sports marketing is Gray and McEvoy (2005). Sport marketing strategies and tactics. In B. Parkhouse (Ed.), the management of sports : its foundation and application. NY First dimension : « The activities of consumer and industrial product and service marketers who are increasingly using sport as a promotionnal vehicle » = Marketing through sport

12 What sports marketing is Gray and McEvoy (2005). Sport marketing strategies and tactics. In B. Parkhouse (Ed.), the management of sports : its foundation and application. NY Second dimension : « The application of marketing principles ans processes to market goods and services directly to sports participants and spectators » = Marketing of sport Michel Desbordes, Fabien Ohl et Gary Tribou (1999), Marketing du sport, Economica

13 What sports marketing is Mullin B., Hardy S., Sutton W (2000), Sport Marketing. Champaign, Human Kinetics 2 issues of sports marketing « Sport marketing consists of all activities designed to meet the needs and wants consumers through exchange processes. Sport marketing has developed two major thrusts : the marketing of sports products and services directly to consumers of sport, and the marketing of other consumer and industrial products or services through the use of sports promotions »

14 Domains of sports marketing G. Russel Merz, The four domains of sports marketing, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2008, vol.17 4 domains of sports marketing based on : -Sport products vs nonsport products -Level of sport integration

15 Domains of sports marketing Sport product : 3 categories -spectator sports : live audience/media-based -participation sports, -sporting goods, apparel, and sports related products Nonsports products : Marketers of nonsports products have used sports plateforms or themes as part of their marketing strategy

16 Synthesis S. Fullerton & G. Russel Merz, The four domains of sports marketing, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2008, vol.17

17 Domains of sports marketing Level of sport integration : -Traditional integration -Sponsorship integration : -Traditional sponsorship -Venue naming right -Endorsements -Licensing

18 Synthesis G. Russel Merz, The four domains of sports marketing, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2008, vol.17

19 The 4 domains of sports marketing environment Theme-based strategies Product-based strategies Alignment-based strategies Sports-based strategies

20 Basic principles of sports marketing G. Russel Merz, The four domains of sports marketing, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2008, vol.17

21 Theme-based strategy Incorporate a sports theme into the marketing program for nonsports products Example : a company that advertises in a sport magazine or during a TV broadcast of a sport event This domain represents the lowest level of integration of sport

22 Product-based strategy Marketers has no official relationship with the sports entity being used in its marketing efforts. Example : a sporting goods retailer who chooses to give away free caps at a baseball game in an effort to create awareness of its brand. The staregy is the result of the retailer providing compensation for the right to distribute the caps and not on the basis of an official sponsorship

23 Alignment-based strategy Many marketers of nonsports products officially align themselves with sport properties via one or more of the fours forms of sponsoring previously described. This strategy reflects a higher level of integration of sport within the sports marketing environment. A common strategy involves a sponsor who use an association with sports to market non sports products.

24 Aligment-based strategies : traditional

25 Aligment-based strategies : venue naming rights

26 Aligment-based strategies : endorsement

27 Aligment-based strategies : licensing

28 Sport-based strategies : venue naming rights

29 Sport-based strategies : endorsement

30 Sport-based strategies : licensing

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