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Manicure Nail Terms. Objectives Explain Onychophagy and what causes it. Explain the importance of the nail matrix. Explain the importance of nail hardeners,

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Presentation on theme: "Manicure Nail Terms. Objectives Explain Onychophagy and what causes it. Explain the importance of the nail matrix. Explain the importance of nail hardeners,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manicure Nail Terms

2 Objectives Explain Onychophagy and what causes it. Explain the importance of the nail matrix. Explain the importance of nail hardeners, top coat and base coat.

3 Aromatherapy Use of aromatic fragrances to induce relaxation Therapy through aroma

4 Essential oils essential means that the oil carries a distinctive scent, or essence of a particular plant

5 Parts of the nail

6 Onychophagy Clients who suffer from chronic or severe nail biting.

7 Nail Matrix It is the part of the nail bed that is beneath the nail and contains nerves, lymph and blood vessels.

8 Free Edge The portion of the natural nail plate that extends over the fingertip of toes & fingers.

9 Lunula Half moon shape at the base of the nail The area under the Lunula is the matrix The light color of the lunula is due to the reflection of light where the matrix and the nail tissue join.

10 Nail plate Is the whole nail, including the white tip and the nail bed.

11 Cuticle The narrow band of epidermis extending from the nail wall onto the nail surface.

12 hangnail or agnail Is a small, torn piece of skin next to a fingernail or toenail. Caused by dry skin.

13 Leuconychia White lines or spots in the nail plate and may be caused by tiny bubbles of air that are trapped in the nail plate layers due to trauma.

14 Nail Buffer Implement that is used to add shine to the nail and to smooth out wavy ridges on nails.

15 Nail Hardeners Nail strengthener that, besides forming a protective barrier, prevents chipping, peeling and splitting of your nails.

16 Paraffin Wax Machine Aids in moisturizing and conditioning the skin by opening the pores and allowing the massage/aromatherapy oils to deeper penetrate the skins outer layer.

17 Top coat A liquid sealer that is applied over the nail polish that will minimize chipping or cracking of the nail. Any clear nail polish can be used as a top coat or sealer. On natural nails, a clear coat can be used every day for seven days to give the nail protection and keep the moisture in.

18 Base coat Clear polish that is painted on the nail under the color polish to ensure a smooth finish and to prevent staining of the nail. Just like top coat, any clear nail polish can be used as a base coat.

19 Bevel To slope the free edge of the nail surface to smooth any rough edges.

20 Squoval nail Nail shape with square free edge that is rounded off and extends just slightly past the finger tip.

21 Oval nail Nail shape that is similar to squoval with even more rounded corners the shape is attractive for most women's hands.

22 Square nail Nail shape that is completely straight across with no rounding edges. the length of the nail can vary. Strongest nail shape

23 Pointed Or Stiletto nail Nail shape suited to thin hands with narrow nail beds. The shape is tapered and somewhat longer than usual. Weakest nail shape.

24 Round nail Nail shape that is slightly tapered and extends just a bit past the tip of the finger. This natural looking shape is common for male clients.

25 Nail Disorders

26 Paronychia Infections of the nail fold can be caused by bacteria, fungi and some viruses.

27 Onychomycosis tinea unguium (ringworm of the nail) is a fungal infection of the nail. It is the most common disease of the nails and constitutes about half of all nail abnormalities.

28 Onychatrophia is an atrophy or wasting away of the nail plate which causes it to lose its luster, become smaller and sometimes shed entirely. Injury or disease may account for this irregularity.

29 Onychogryposis Are claw-type nails that are characterized by a thickened nail plate and are often the result of trauma. This type of nail plate will curve inward, pinching the nail bed and sometimes require surgical intervention to relieve the pain.

30 Onychorrhexis Are brittle nails which often split vertically, peel and/or have vertical ridges. This irregularity can be the result of heredity, the use of strong solvents in the workplace or the home, including household cleaning solutions.

31 Onychauxis Is evidenced by over-thickening of the nail plate and may be the result of internal disorders -- seek medical advice.

32 Beau's Lines Are nails that are characterized by horizontal lines of darkened cells and linear depressions. This disorder may be caused by trauma, illness, malnutrition or any major metabolic condition, chemotherapy or other damaging event, and is the result of any interruption in the protein formation of the nail plate.

33 Brittle Nails Are characterized by a vertical splitting or separation of the nail plate layers at the distal (free) edge of the nail plate. In most cases, nail splitting and vertical ridges are characteristic of the natural aging process.

34 Vertical Ridges Are also characteristic of aging, although are not limited to the aged or elderly. The nail plate grows forward on the nail bed in a 'rail and groove' effect, much like a train rides on its' tracks.

35 Hematoma or Bruised Nail Is the result of trauma to the nail plate. It can happen from simply trapping your finger or toe in the car door to friction from improperly fitting or 'too-tight' shoes, to a sports related injury. A hammer does a pretty good job at causing a hematoma as well! The nail bed will bleed due to this trauma, and the blood is trapped between the nail bed and the nail plate.

36 Essential Questions What is meant by Onychophagy? What causes Onychophagy? How can we prevent our nails from breaking? What happens if we damage our nail matrix?


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