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2016-2017 Cheerleader & Mascot Tryouts. Meet the Coaches & Assistant Principal Jordan Perucca AACCA Certified Safety Instructor Courtney Solomon AACCA.

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Presentation on theme: "2016-2017 Cheerleader & Mascot Tryouts. Meet the Coaches & Assistant Principal Jordan Perucca AACCA Certified Safety Instructor Courtney Solomon AACCA."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016-2017 Cheerleader & Mascot Tryouts

2 Meet the Coaches & Assistant Principal Jordan Perucca AACCA Certified Safety Instructor Courtney Solomon AACCA Certified Safety Instructor Mrs. Liz Brod, Assistant Principal

3 Courtney Solomon Married to Wes Solomon- KPHS Assistant Principal 3 Kids-Coley (6 th ) Carlie (5 th ) Dane (2 nd ) Teach Special Education/15 th year Cheered 3 rd -12 th grade, Coached Humble JV, Waller Varsity, Tahoka Varsity and lots of Upward teams!

4 Jordan Perucca Married to Steven Perucca- CMS 6th/Swim Coach 2 nd yr at RMS (TX History); 4 th yr of teaching Finishing MA in Autism with a Board Certification in Behavior Analysis Dance - ages 2-18;KHS Fillie Sad she is missing this meeting…! #technology #nerd

5 Am I eligible to tryout? Must have a 2016-2017 physical on file –6 th graders need new physical –7 th graders can use current school year physical (athletes or current cheerleaders) Candidates who have been academically ineligible for 2 or more 9 weeks during the current school year must seek athletic council approval. Must seek approval from the athletic council if you have been removed from the squad during the current year.

6 2 sections: Online and Doctor portion 1.https://humbleisd.rankonesport.com 2.Rank one sports 3.Register now 4.Fill out boxes 5.Click register 6.Verify account with email sent to you 7.Log in 8.Need last name and id number of your student 9.Link my athlete (will show up in red when complete) 10.Clink to view forms/status 11.Fill out and sign (student too) each form 12.Visit the doctor and turn that portion into Coach Sisco and wait for a receipt. How do I get a physical?

7 What are the Procedures for Tryouts? Packets are due Friday, February 12th at 4:00 PM to Mrs. Brod in the RMS A.P. Office. No packets will be accepted after 4:00. NO EXCEPTIONS! Physicals are due Friday, February 12 th at 4:00 P.M. to Coach Sisco in the RMS Girl’s Athletics Office.

8 What are the dates/times for tryouts? Clinic (Feb. 16 & 17) February 16 4:10-6:15 February 17 5:00-7:00 Mock Tryouts (Feb. 24) February 24 4:00-7:00 Tryouts Feb. 25 & 26 4:00-7:00 both days Feb 25: 8 th grade first, followed by 7 th (numerical order) Feb 26: 7 th grade first, followed by 8 th (reversed numerical order)

9 What do I wear for Practices? Athletic Shorts (any color) (no spanx) Hair in a Ponytail (headbands/bows are fine) T-Shirt with Sleeves (any color) Tennis shoes NO jewelry!

10 What do I wear for tryouts? Black Athletic Shorts (no writing on butt) Hair in a Ponytail (headband/bow) Black T-Shirt (short sleeves, no writing) White Socks Black Sports Bra NO Jewelry of any kind

11 Judges, Scores, & Results Who judges tryouts? A panel of 2 outside judges, 1 district high school coach, and 1 RMS coach will judge each day Tryout Results will be posted on the RMS Cheer website on Friday, February 26 th by midnight

12 Judging Sheet for Cheer Running Tumbling Skills Jumps –Technique, Flexibility, Height, Form Cheer –Voice project, Facials, Confidence, Memory, Execution, Sharpness Dance Technique –Motions, Timing, Expression, Memory Appearance –Neatness, Grooming, Correct attire

13 Judges, Scores, & Results How many students make it? There is no set number! The line is drawn at the natural score break. How important is tumbling? It is worth 5 points out of a possible 100. How do I find out if I made it? Names will be posted on the cheer website by midnight on February 26 th. How many girls tryout? It varies anywhere from 50-100 girls. Are parents allowed to watch or videotape? No parents or siblings are allowed in the gym during clinic, mock tryouts, and the actual tryout.

14 Tryout Order Series of 3 different style jumps (1 toe touch and 2 of your choice; must be whipped) Spirit to the center of basketball court Perform cheer taught during Tryout Clinic Afterwards, in groups of 3-4, perform the cheer dance to music

15 Mascots Those interested in mascot need to develop a skit to perform for the judges. You may use the mascot costumes. You may tryout in pairs. You are encouraged to use music and props. Please make sure that your music does not contain inappropriate lyrics (2-3 minute max).

16 Judging Sheet for Mascot Appearance5 Spirit and Enthusiasm10 Music10 Technique10 Creativity20 Props5

17 Summer 2016 NCA Camp June 12-15 August Practices Team Building August Sign parties Spring 2017 Basketball Practice Pep Rallies Tryouts Spring 2016 Parent Meeting: Mon 2/29 Uniform Fitting: Wed 3/2 *Both at 5 Team Stunt Practice *Mondays from 8:30-9:30 *April and May *$40 per month Fall 2016 Football games(A, B, & C) Basketball games 1 Saturday Competition Cheer Clinic Pep Rallies Other RMS Events Commitment

18 Attendance is mandatory at ALL football and basketball games. Cheerleading is a team sport! Participation in another RMS activity are the ONLY absences that are considered excused. All other absences will be subject to demerits. Leaving early or arriving late without prior approval from Coach will also earn cheerleaders demerits. Attendance

19 Cheer Class Required for ALL cheerleaders Fall semester only Students will practice cheers, dances, improve form and technique, help develop pep rallies, improve squad stunts, and condition. Worth 1 semester of P.E. or Athletics 7 th graders must take two semesters of P.E. 8 th graders must take one semester of P.E.

20 Uniform shell & skirt cheer shoes hair bows spanks/socks jacket Camp Camp Clothes Practice clothes Game day shirts Cheer Bag Approximate Total = $1,200 Fees Involved

21 $$ Dates to Remember New Cheerleader Meeting Mon, February 29 @ 5 (Camp Fees of $400 are due at this meeting. You may also opt to pay for game day and practice gear this evening. Please have several blank checks with you this evening.) Uniform Fitting / Game Day Gear Due Date:* Wed, March 2 @ 5 (Credit Card is the only form of payment accepted by the uniform rep. Please bring this information with you. A parent is required to attend. Orders will not be placed without a parent present. If you have not already ordered game day gear, payment by check is due for this merchandise. Credit Card Processing Date for Uniform Order: March 21 st Team Stunting Practice April Payment ($40): April 4 Team Stunting Practice May Payment ($40): May 2

22 Dates to Remember Cheer Camp : *June 12-15 Summer Practices: –2 practices per week in August (6 practices) –Specific dates/times to come with release of 2016-2017 Calendar 1 st Day of School Pep Rally: TBD

23 As RMS athletes, cheerleaders are held to a higher standard. We strictly follow the RMS Cheerleader Code of Conduct. Discipline and academic success are stressed! As a cheerleader, you are to represent your school in an honorable fashion AT ALL TIMES! WHAT TO REMEMBER:

24 Code of Conduct 1.I understand the procedures and requirements for try- outs. 2.I understand that if I do not fulfill the procedures and requirements that I will not be eligible to try-out for cheerleader / mascot. 3.I pledge to participate in all required activities for the entire year, as addressed in the Mandatory Cheerleading Meeting, once I make cheerleader or mascot. 4.I understand that outside activities cannot interfere with participation in required cheerleading activities. 5.I understand that if I have an unexcused absence (not sick or participating in another RMS activity), I will be subject to demerits and discipline from cheer Coach(es). 6.I agree to abide by all decisions made by the Coach and/or the review board. 7.I pledge to follow all rules, protocols, and regulations contained in the Riverwood Middle School Cheerleading Handbook. 8.I understand that my attitude is of major importance to the success of the squad. The example I set as a member of the Riverwood Middle School Cheerleaders is of great importance to each member. I pledge to set a worth example. 1. I understand the procedures and requirements for try-outs. 2. I understand that if I do not fulfill the procedures and requirements that I will not be eligible to try-out for cheerleader / mascot. 3. I pledge to participate in all required activities for the entire year, as addressed in the Mandatory Cheerleading Meeting, once I make cheerleader or mascot. 4. I understand that outside activities cannot interfere with participation in required cheerleading activities. 5. I understand that if I have an unexcused absence (not sick or participating in another RMS activity), I will be subject to demerits and discipline from cheer Coaches. 6. I agree to abide by all decisions made by the Coach and/or the review board. 7. I pledge to follow all rules, protocols, and regulations contained in the Humble ISD Cheerleading Handbook. 8. I understand that my attitude is of major importance to the success of the squad. The example I set as a member of the Riverwood Middle School Cheerleaders is of great importance to each member. I pledge to set a worth example.

25 Application Packets / Evaluations ___ Checklist ___ General Information/Parental Permission ___ Cheerleader / Mascot Acknowledgment ___ HISD Cheerleader Handbook Signature Page ___ Principal Evaluation Form ___ 2016-2017 Physical (Turned in to Sharon Sisco) ___ HISD UIL Forms(Submitted Online)

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