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Business Culture Impacts Business Results Business Culture.

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2 Business Culture Impacts Business Results Business Culture

3 WHAT IS BK® OUR WAY? BK® OUR WAY is a series of leadership and team building concepts that allow a positive culture to:  Maximize business performance by unlocking your employee’s potential  Generate teamwork, productivity and strong communication by redefining the beliefs and behaviors of your team  Increases operational efficiency and excellence  More engaged employees  More satisfied customers  Increases sales and traffic and profits !!!

4 Build a winning culture Embrace accountability Coach others and offer continual feedback Build an atmosphere of teamwork Embrace change Identify behavioral styles in yourself and others Set values for the team Improve results through leadership Spend time and focus energies on the right things Be present to others and to the moment BKOW Teaches participants how to:

5 BKOW Cascade Phased Approach Phase 1 Phase 2 90 Days Later Phase 3 90 + ONGOING Process Who 2-Day Leader Unfreezing Via DMAs Franchisee and Senior Leadership DO, MUM 2-Day Leader Reconnect & Next Level Cascade Franchisee, Senior Leadership, MUM and RGM Franchisee “Owns It” Have It Your Way Service Everyone in the Organization Reinforce/Apply

6 How BKOW “Shows up” in the Restaurant How BKOW “Shows up” in the Restaurant BKOWHIYW ® Service Be Here Now  Attentiveness to Guest Beliefs  Effective Behaviours Appreciation  Repeat customers Mood Elevator, Positive Intent  Courtesy, Problem Resolution “Fix it Fast and Easy” Leader Recognition  Peer Recognition How you feel  How you make Guests feel Employee Satisfaction  GuestTrac OSAT “The Guest experience rarely exceeds the Employee experience.”

7 Franchisee Engagement : North America 120+ Franchisees Engaged 2700+ Rests Represented Markets that have completed the process  Seattle  Reno  Denver  Minneapolis  Chicago  Raleigh  Huntsville Many markets in progress Restaurant participation since 9/06

8 Cost What is covered by the FranchiseeWhat is covered by BKC $250 per person for Unfreezing Event 2 facilitators for Unfreezing, meeting room, breakfast and lunch for participants, and workshop materials $50.00 per person for the re-connect / next level down event 2 facilitators for Re Connect, meeting room, breakfast and lunch for participants, and workshop materials Any and all labor costs Pre session intake and survey, tools and materials, audio/visual if needed Costs for ongoing activities after second session BKC will provide electronic reinforcement materials

9 To Register for Sessions…

10 Steps for Registration For additional information please contact your FBL or Alvaro Bustos at or 305 378 3220 Enroll in Workshops

11 AppendixAppendix

12 Topics Covered Unfreezing Event (2 Days)  Case for Culture  Human Operating System  Behavior Styles  Change  Teamwork  Coaching and Feedback  Sharing  Levels of Listening  Accountability  Blue Chips – Prioritizing  Support  Appreciation

13 Topics Covered during the Reconnect / Next level FRANCHISEE and Leadership is expected to stay 2 days, to model behaviors and cast a positive and engaging shadow Re connect / Next level cascade (2 Days)  Franchisee and leadership only (1/2 Day) Poster Walk At your best Essential Value Set Shadow of influence  Entire team / Next level (1½ Day) Case for Culture Human Operating System Behavior Styles Teamwork Sharing / Levels of Listening Accountability Blue Chips / Prioritizing Appreciation

14 Franchisee Facilitator Criteria Certified in 6 months Benefits of BKOW Facilitators Leadership Enhancement Networking with other Leaders Experience across Functions Master Coach Support Better Personal Results “Pay it Forward” 3* days per Workshop *Includes travel to Market + 6-8 hrs prior prep Time Commitments 2 Weeks Initial Training Twice a Year Facilitation OUTSIDE of Organization

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