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Asa Clark Math and Science Teacher Training Learning without Limits.

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Presentation on theme: "Asa Clark Math and Science Teacher Training Learning without Limits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asa Clark Math and Science Teacher Training Learning without Limits

2 Introductions Elizabeth Helfant ehelfant – twitter ehelfant – delicious and diigo

3 Survey Time introductory-survey.html

4 Being a Student

5 OneNote Basic Use for students Math Functions Clip to OneNote Search Print to OneNote Send to Office Shared Session for Group Work Interface and Classroom Management Audio and Video Inserts Suggestions Notes in faculty Meeting Brainstorming Lessons

6 RSS – copy the logo What is it? Why is it Important? How can I use it? iGoogle Google Reader Ning Ways to Use PD Follow student work What if there isn’t an RSS feed

7 Classroom 2.0 Kim Cofino Always Learning - Kevin Jarrett Darren Kuropatwa -

8 A Little Math or Science Homework Solve a math problem or a science problem on a OneNote page. Send to Word Email to Teacher

9 Inking In Office Peer Editing PPT FlashCards Label in ppt (or print into OneNote

10 Scribe Blogging 04/

11 Annotating Text Diigo – Fleck –

12 Annotating Multimedia Viddler Flickr Voicethread



15 Teacher Uses Deliver Content Ning Moodle Blog

16 Create Content Wiki Google Docs

17 Collaborative Uses GoogleDocs/Forms/Spreadsheets/ Presentations Science Data Collection and Presentation example Zoho Notebook Math Research Project example Wiki Wiki Labs Wiki Data Analysis

18 Creative Uses

19 Assessment Uses Blog responses Polls Google Forms MyStudiyo Moodle

20 Create Content Wiki Google Docs

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