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如何善用網上資源 學習實用英語 How to learn practical English on the Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "如何善用網上資源 學習實用英語 How to learn practical English on the Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 如何善用網上資源 學習實用英語 How to learn practical English on the Internet

2 English skills Listening Speaking Writing

3 Pronunciation A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

4 Pronunciation Leave Leaf No Low Them Damn Beach Bitch Market Enjoy Game

5 Phonetic symbols IPA Plate [pleit] Foot [fut] Food [foo[fu:d] Bad [bad[baed] Bed [bed[bed]

6 IPA Phonetics More pronunciation resources online

7 Word Stress

8 Pronunciation and Intonation 6 5 4 (Cantonese accent) ------ 3 ---------- Basic Pitch of English 2 1

9 3 6 1 I saw him.

10 3 3 6 3 3 3 6 1 When I see him, I will tell him. (object pronoun) (object pronoun)

11 低音 1 3 高音 4 6 Unstressed words Stressed words 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 Say hello to your sister. ‧ ‧‧‧‧ ‧ Say hello to your sister. Say hello to your sister. ‧

12 Stress Patterns

13 Connected speech What time is it? (What-tim-mi-sit?) How much is it? (How-muc-chi-sit?) Tell him what you want. (Te-lim-wha-cho-wahnt)

14 Connected speech Tom climbed up on that steep roof. Tom climbedupon that steeproof. I like it.I likit. Not at all.Notatall Thank you.Thankyou. Get out of here. Getou tof here.

15 More tricks about oral English About -> ‘bout’ Have -> ‘ave’ And -> ‘n’ See you later -> See you lader. Better -> Bedder /s/ 後面的 /k/, /t/, /p/ -> /g/, /d/, /b/ School -> Sgool Student -> Sdudent Spring -> Sbring 以某音結尾的單字 + 同音起首的單字, 只發音一次即可 You ate too much. I don’t know what to do. I like deep purple. 以 /p/, /t/, /k/ 作結尾的單字 + 以 /p/, /t/, /k/ 為首的單字, 前面的 /p/, /t/, /k/ 點 到為止, 舌頭達到發音部位, 但不送氣, I’ll think twice about it. Mary painted that picture herself.

16 American slang and idioms: Grab a bite to eat 8489F0 Cut from the same cloth _query=american+slang+%26+idioms&aq=f Online video transcription: CAED0D7B-A93E-4FB7-BA79-BBE031AE0A0F

17 Two ways of learning English Communicative approach 以溝通為主的 教學法 Grammatical approach 以文法為主的 教學法

18 Communicative approach Problem: “broken” English Advantage: better listening and oral skills Grammatical approach Problem: “deaf-and- dumb” English Advantage: 100% accuracy in writing

19 Eight parts of speech Nouns Pronouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs Conjunctions Prepositions Interjections

20 Part of speech I watch the game. Joe gave me a watch. We have a watch dog.

21 Six elements of a sentence S = Subject 主語 / 主詞 V = Verb 動詞 O = Object 賓語 / 受詞 C = Complement 補語 / 補足語 ( ) = Phrase 片語 / 短語 [ SV ] = Clause 子句 / 從句

22 Sample sentence patterns 1. S Ve.g. I cried 2. S V Oe.g. The dog killed a rat 3. S V C -------------- 4. S V O O 5. S V O C

23 (1) (In response to your advertisement in S V the SCMP dated 14 March, 1998) I have O and much pleasure (in applying for … )

24 Simple questions S V O. … it must be handled (with____.) prep. N. A. caring B. careful C. care D. carefully

25 Simple questions S V Desktop publishing software ___ ( produce documents cheaply and quickly.) A. helps B. help C. helping D. to help

26 Common mistakes in English Clear and accurate - e.g. The baby was crawling upstairs X - e.g. They are frightening people X - English thoughts, not Chinese thoughts - e.g. Do you get what I mean? XDo you know my meaning? - e.g. I don ’ t think I can. - X I think I can ’ t.

27 Grammar & sentence diagramming Common mistakes in English

28 American English vs British English Differences in words, pronunciations, and spellings: More resources on American vs British English:

29 Learn English through songs Close to you: Top of the world: Ocean deep: Careless whisper: Right here waiting: That’s what friends are for: You’ve got a friend:

30 Thank you! By Jack Cheang E-mail:

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