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In what ways are our superstitions and beliefs in the supernatural different to Chinese people?  The following is an example to help with your Tangjia.

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Presentation on theme: "In what ways are our superstitions and beliefs in the supernatural different to Chinese people?  The following is an example to help with your Tangjia."— Presentation transcript:

1 In what ways are our superstitions and beliefs in the supernatural different to Chinese people?  The following is an example to help with your Tangjia survey project  It is not specifically about your survey topic, but one that s similar  As with previous examples, it is not always complete or of a high standard  Some details about this ‘similar’ survey:  Topic: How different are children and adults?  Students from Year 3 and 4 were interviewed, face-to-face, by Year 8 students  Their parents were asked to complete the survey via email

2 How different are the beliefs of children and adults?

3 Introduction  Investigated with a survey  Year 3 & 4 students at ZIS and their parents participated  On February 23 rd  Students completed surveys in class  Parents were asked to respond via email  Year 4 responses – 27  Parent responses - 17

4 Aim  Do kids hold different views to adults about all things?  Compare the views of kids and adults

5 Method  This presentation will report on this survey by looking at: 1.Sampling method 2.Collection method/s 3.Survey design – my question only 4.Survey results – my question only, for each group (adults and children) 1.Data 2.Presentation of results 3.Analysis of results 4.Comparison between adults and children 5.Analysis – Overall survey 6.Conclusion

6 Survey Sampling  All children in Years 3 and 4 at ZIS were surveyed  17 out of 54 possible parents were surveyed  The survey questions ‘How different are the beliefs children and adults’ is not specific about ZIS children and ZIS parents – asks about all children and all adults  How random was the selection of respondents  Children  Adults  How representative, then was this survey for  Children  Adults

7 Survey Collection  Student surveys were collected by interview from Year students  What was good  What might not be good

8 Survey design – my question  My question on the survey was “Some people have magical powers’ with 5 answers from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.

9 Survey results – my question

10 Presentation of results of my question

11 Analysis of results of my question

12 Comparison of responses between adults and children

13 Analysis and interpretation of the entire survey’s results

14 Conclusion

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