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Overview  What is the Global Partnership for Education?  Background on Strategic Plan  GPE’s Proposed Principles and Values  Proposed GPE Strategic.

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2 Overview  What is the Global Partnership for Education?  Background on Strategic Plan  GPE’s Proposed Principles and Values  Proposed GPE Strategic Plan 2016-2020  Goals  Strategic Objectives  Strategic Plan Development Process and Next Steps  Consultation Process  Consultation Questions  Questions?

3 What is the Global Partnership for Education? The Global Partnership for Education (‘the Global Partnership’ or GPE) is a multi-stakeholder partnership that supports the development of equitable, efficient, and high-quality education systems in low- and lower-middle-income countries so that all girls and boys learn and achieve their right to good- quality education

4 Background on Strategic Plan  The Global Partnership for Education’s current Strategic Plan is for the period 2012 to 2015  A process is currently underway to update and adopt a new Strategic Plan that will guide GPE activities and set out key priorities for the next five years (2016-2020)  A Concept Note has been developed as a consultation tool that presents the proposed principles, vision, mission, goals and objectives for the new Strategic Plan  Your feedback will be crucial for shaping and defining the new strategy Make your voice heard – Your views and perspectives are important to us!

5 GPE’s Proposed Principles and Values  Education is a human right and an enabler of other rights.  Resources focused on equity and inclusion, and the most vulnerable.  Country ownership based on inclusive and effective policy dialogue.  Support linked to country commitment, performance and nationally identified need.  Improved development effectiveness through harmonization and the use of modalities aligned to country systems.  Mutual accountability and increased transparency across the partnership.  Inclusive partnerships as an effective means of achieving development results.

6 Proposed GPE Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. Vision The Global Partnership for Education mobilizes global and national efforts to achieve quality education and learning for all, through inclusive partnership, a focus on effective education systems, and financing for basic education. Mission Goal 1: Equity and Inclusion Goal 2: Quality Teaching and Learning Goal 3: Stronger Educational Systems Goals SO1: More and Better Financing SO2: Stronger Sector Planning and Policy Implementation SO3: Effective and Inclusive Policy Dialogue SO4: Building a Stronger Partnership Objectives

7 Goals Goal 1: Equity and Inclusion Goal 2: Quality Teaching and Learning Goal 3: Stronger Educational Systems Increase the proportion of girls and boys in GPE partner developing countries receiving a full cycle of quality education of at least 10 years (including at least one year of pre-primary education), targeting the poorest and most vulnerable, including girls, children affected by conflict and crisis, and children with disabilities. Significantly improve teaching and learning in order to increase relevant learning outcomes as measured by standards agreed by national and/or subnational authorities. Significantly improve the capacity, effectiveness, and efficiency of education systems to achieve tangible gains in equity and learning for all children.

8 Strategic Objective 1: More and Better Financing  Mobilize and advocate for more and better quality financing for basic education for countries and populations most in need.  Advocate for expanded, effective domestic financing of basic education by: A.Investing in the national capacity to utilize financing equitably and efficiently B.Promoting transparency in monitoring and reporting on educational finance and its allocation.  Improve the development effectiveness of GPE financing by: A.improving the Global Partnership’s financing mechanisms; B.Promoting financing modalities aligned to country systems.  Diversify the Global Partnership’s financing mechanisms and its donor base.

9 Strategic Objective 2: Stronger Sector Planning and Policy Implementation  Effectively finance sector analysis and planning as fundamental building blocks in the creation of stronger education systems capable of delivering improvements in equity and learning.  Monitor and assess the quality of sector policy and planning processes through to implementation, so that all involved can learn and improve.  Support capacity development and the dissemination of knowledge and best practices to improve sector planning and policy implementation, especially on issues related to equity and learning.

10 Strategic Objective 3: Effective and Inclusive Policy Dialogue  Support governments, Coordinating Agencies and Local Education Groups (LEGs) in the effort to utilize consistent and evidence-based approaches for monitoring and evaluating progress on the implementation of national education sector plans and policies, with a focus on financing, equity, and learning.  Build the capacity of national stakeholders, including civil society, to engage in evidence-based policy dialogue on equity and learning, leveraging social accountability as a tool to enhance the delivery of results.

11 Strategic Objective 4: Building A Stronger Partnership  Promote and support consistent roles, responsibilities, and practices across the partnership using cross-national learning, capacity development, and monitoring and evaluation to enhance the common understanding of the roles and responsibilities of LEGs and their individual members, Coordinating Agencies as well as Supervising/Managing Entities.  Make strategic, cross-national investments in monitoring, mutual accountability, and south-south capacity development, drawing on resources and experiences from across the partnership.  Improve the organizational effectiveness of the GPE Secretariat through the strengthened capacity to support technical excellence, promote partnership principles, assure quality, and ensure sound grant management and fiduciary oversight in the Global Partnership’s country-facing activities.  Invest in monitoring and evaluation, recognizing this as a fundamental tool for mutual accountability and essential if the partnership is to learn and improve its effectiveness.

12 Strategic Plan Development Process and Next Steps PHASE 1 (Dec 2014 – June 2015) PHASE 2 (July – Sept.) PHASE 3 (Oct. – Dec.) PHASE 4 (Early 2016) Dec 14-16: Board Strategic Planning Retreat Jan-May: Development of Workstream 1 and Workstream 2 with consultations from Board committees, Board of Directors and constituencies June: Concept note finalized by Board Reference Group July 1- August 30: Partner consultations July 6: Launch of concept note July 10 – August 10: Launch of the online survey September 10: Consultation feedback report October 1: Final Evaluation released to the Board October: Board retreat to discuss the Independent Evaluation and the Strategic Plan December: GPE Board approves new Strategic Plan Launch of 2016- 2020 Strategic Plan Further details are available on the GPE’s websiteGPE’s website

13 Activity and formatDateConvenerParticipants Face to Face Consultations at International Events:  Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers, Nassau, The Bahamas  Oslo Summit on Education for Development, Oslo, Norway  Financing For Development International Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  Jun-July  Board Chair  Secretariat (informal discussions)  All partners Online Survey  July 10-August 10  Secretariat  Donor partners  Developing country partners (in consultation with Minister)  Civil Society – North and South  Private Foundation/Private Sector  Teaching Profession – North and South  Multilateral Agencies/Regional Banks  Sample of Coordinating Agencies (in consultation with development partners) Webinar Seminar Series on the Concept Note (English, French and Spanish webinars)  July 24 (English)  July 27 (French)  July 30 (Spanish)  Secretariat  All constituencies  Other interested partners Individual Audio-conference calls  July 30-August 07  Board Chair  Secretariat  DCP Board and Alternate Board members  CSO 2 and CSO 3 Board and Alternate Board members  Committee Chairs Consultation Process The GPE Secretariat and the Board Chair will be reaching out to GPE partners from June to August to discuss the Strategic Plan Findings from these consultations will be used to draft the GPE’s new Strategic Plan and Results Framework, which will be presented to the Board at its October 2015 meeting

14 Activity and formatDateConvenerParticipants Technical and Thematic Issues  Equity and inclusion  Learning  Teachers and teaching  Sector planning and Systems strengthening  Financing – mobilizing additional resources  July - August  Technical Reference Group Chairs (where in place)  Other Partners  Secretariat  Partners  Webinars on the evaluation with the Independent Evaluation Committee  July 28 to 29  Independent Evaluation Committee  Board and Alternate Board Members Consultation Process

15 Consultation Questions Past In which 3 ways do you think the Global Partnership for Education added value to the provision of basic education in the poorest countries ? Present How is the Global Partnership making a unique difference today? Future What does the Global Partnership need to do to have a stronger impact on it goals – learning, equity and stronger educational systems – over the next five years? Concept Note Are you satisfied with the broad direction of the Concept Note? Is there anything you would like to see added to the Global Partnership’s 2016-2020 Strategy that is not in the Concept Note?

16 Questions? We invite you to participate in the Strategic Plan consultation process Please contact the Secretariat with any questions via ( Additional information on the new Strategic Plan and the consultation process is available on the GPE’s websiteGPE’s website

17 Thank you!

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