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The Future of Public Service Radio First Cross-Radio Conference Frascati, 29 May 2009 María del Pilar Martínez-Costa University of Navarra, Spain.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Public Service Radio First Cross-Radio Conference Frascati, 29 May 2009 María del Pilar Martínez-Costa University of Navarra, Spain."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Public Service Radio First Cross-Radio Conference Frascati, 29 May 2009 María del Pilar Martínez-Costa University of Navarra, Spain

2 A process of radical change Break with the traditional media processes It is not only a technology problem: –content –dialogue with the audience –radio identity

3 Edward Pawley, 1973 “It is in the scope of the distribution where the technique exerts its more direct effects on the structure of the broadcasting”

4 Diversity and decentralized radio model Radio is a service Public service radio coexists with and complements with the other broadcasters Commercial radio is now competing on the international market Non-commercial radio is a growth area with new strengths

5 Natalie Swed Stone, 2006 “The digital revolution has forever changed attitudes, expectations and content. The competition is now infinite”

6 The audience is also changing Redistribution of audience Younger listeners The public is using more media, including the radio

7 Radio World International, 2008 “At the present time people do not buy radio receivers, they buy "things" that have a radio receiver (cars, clocks, phones..).”

8 Digital systems are not a success Offer great opportunities but traditional broadcasters do not see them

9 Jack Messmer, 2006 “ It’s a multiplatform world”

10 An identity crisis of radio Audio on line and on the other platforms question what radio is Multimedia or audio Point-to-point or point-to-multipoint Live radio or download content

11 Chris Priestman, 2007 “What radio means to us as a media”

12 Decalogue for change

13 #1 Have a positive and active attitude towards the change: lead the way

14 #2 Make decisions on the broadcasting model and choice of complementary platforms without waiting for European or global decisions

15 #3 Study, listen and work with the audience

16 #4 Be where the media are used

17 #5 Win back the concept of radio and the roots of its public role

18 #6 Establish new production and transmission structures depending on the new audience situation

19 #7 Gamble on new content, change liabilities into assets

20 #8 Make the most of market globalization for better sales of world broadcasting services

21 #9 Train professionals

22 #10 Talk to researchers

23 Quo vadis, radio? Onward, always onward

24 Thank you very much Merci beaucoup Grazie mille Muchas gracias Art Source: Gerd Arntz, The Gerd Arntz Archive, Municipal Museum of The Hague

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