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Using the knowledge gained in biomechanics, try and describe the following. What muscles/prime movers/antagonists/levers will the basketball player use.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the knowledge gained in biomechanics, try and describe the following. What muscles/prime movers/antagonists/levers will the basketball player use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the knowledge gained in biomechanics, try and describe the following. What muscles/prime movers/antagonists/levers will the basketball player use in performing the free throw shot from this start position to the balls release. Describe also the players force summation in his body in performing the shot. If the player is to score how will projectile motion/height /angle of release etc have an effect? In performing this shot how is the player altering the balls state of inertia?

2  In the basketball set shot, first the knees flex/extend. This is caused by the hamstrings [flexion] and quads [extension of knee] It continues with shoulder extension/elbow flexion, wrist extension. It moves quickly through to shoulder flexion, elbow extension, wrist flexion.  Homework Task. Try and analysis force summation for 2 sports actions. Front foot cricket drive and volleyball float serve.


4  Sequence and timing are important.  Movement should begin with the big muscle groups and move out through the progressively smaller muscles, from big to small. The more body parts involved in completing a movement, the greater the force generated/transferred to racket/bat  Each body part is activated when the previous segment being used in the movement sequence has reached maximum speed.  This pattern produces optimal forces and flowing, continuous movement.

5 Study the slides opposite. Describe the servers preparation to serve in detail. concentrate on muscle/prime movers/ Antagonists/levers used. Describe the process of force summation used here, and comment on projectile motion/ height of release/angle of release/base of support. How is the affecting the balls inertia?

6 Opposite is the contact phase of a volleyball float serve Comment on the following in detail. Muscles/prime movers/antagonists/levers involved in this shot. Can you describe the players base of support? Also describe force summation involved in this shot, projectile motion and height/angle of release. How is the player affecting the balls inertia?

7 From studying the slides above of a badminton overhead smash can you again describe the following in detail? The muscles/prime movers/antagonists/levers used to perform this movement from the start to the finish of the movement sequence. The force summation used to perform the smash and the projectile motion/ height of release/base of support involved. Describe how the player has changed the shuttles inertia.

8  "All bodies continue in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by some external force. “  Inertia is an objects tendency to remain at rest or in motion[ state of motion]  Example: When performing a set shot in basketball unless the shooter applies a force through the hand to shoot the ball into the air the ball sits in the shooters hand remaining at rest.

9  "The acceleration of a body is proportional to the force causing it and takes place in the direction the force acts.“  Example: If you increase the force by kicking a football you increase the acceleration[ If the object has less mass then it will accelerate greater.  Example; forward defensive cricket stroke versus drive. What difference would there be if the drive was performed on a golf ball?

10  Mass is how heavy something is  Acceleration is how quickly something speeds up

11  "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."  Example A basketball player leaps into the air to rebound by the action of driving his feet into the ground. There is an equal and opposite reaction of his body being propelled up into the air. If he uses 50 N of muscle force [his action] to push down into the ground an opposite force of 50N is produced. This is the reaction force

12  A runner exerts a force against the ground. This creates an equal and opposite reaction force which moves the body over the ground.

13  Line of gravity is the vertical line that passes through the centre of gravity to the ground.  The line of gravity is important when determining stability:  If the line of gravity falls within the object/person’s base of support [area in contact with the ground] the object is relatively stable.  If the line of gravity falls outside the object/person’s base of support….

14  Base of support is the area within an object or person’s point of contact with the ground.  The larger / wider the base of support = more stable  Narrow base of support = less stable

15 Line of gravity Top of body moves towards line of gravity Direction of movement Leg pushes against ground Base of support


17  Stability is vital for all movements. Improved stability often allows skills to be executed more effectively.  Stability can be improved through increasing abdominal strength. This improves body control and speed as a person is able to move their centre of gravity in a direction more effectively.

18  Widening the base of support

19  Lowering the centre of gravity

20  Keeping the line of gravity within the base of support


22  The speed, height and angle of release of a projectile has important implications for the projectile’s flight path and distance.  A projectile’s speed of release is largely determined by muscle force and leverage a body possesses.  Angle of release is the angle (measured from the horizontal) that a projectile is released from. Activities requiring a large angle of release are usually projected from ground level (as occurs when hitting a golf ball).

23  Activities requiring a smaller angle of release usually have a larger height of release (above ground level), as occurs when diving or bowling a cricket ball.  When projecting an object for maximum distance;  Optimal angle of release is around 45 degrees.  The greater the speed of release, the more distance is covered.  The greater the height of release, the more distance is covered.



26  Increasing height of release improves the horizontal distance objects can be projected. Achieving maximum height of release usually involves creating long levers. Elbow extension causes the arm to straighten when shooting a basketball, making it possible to release the ball at its highest point, allowing it to travel maximum distance.  In activities where the projectile is propelled from above ground height and is aimed downwards, the angle of release is negative. Eg tennis/badminton smash [-40 degrees]. The higher the ball/shuttle is hit from the ground, the smaller the angle of release will be, the shorter the distance the ball/shuttle travels,making it harder to return


28  When an athlete launches himself or an object into flight gravity will act as a force pulling the athlete or object towards the ground.  The flight path of the centre of gravity of a body is a curve called a parabola.

29  Speed of take off or release  Angle of take off or release  Height of the athlete's CoG at take off, or CoG of implement at release

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