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Link Tutor Update 17 th March 2016. Inspection of Leeds Beckett ITE We anticipate being inspected this year as an ITE provider The Ofsted window opens.

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Presentation on theme: "Link Tutor Update 17 th March 2016. Inspection of Leeds Beckett ITE We anticipate being inspected this year as an ITE provider The Ofsted window opens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Link Tutor Update 17 th March 2016

2 Inspection of Leeds Beckett ITE We anticipate being inspected this year as an ITE provider The Ofsted window opens on the 18 th April and closes at the start of June Inspections are now two phase – so we would expect a second visit in the Autumn mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

3 The Inspection Framework I The key purpose of teaching and training observations is to evaluate the quality of teaching and training, and their contribution to the learning of pupils. … These observations and discussions with trainees, mentors and trainers must provide robust evidence to enable inspectors to: judge the accuracy of the ITE partnership’s assessment of trainees and the precision of its self- evaluation transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

4 The Inspection Framework II Inspectors would normally expect to see a detailed written lesson plan for every lesson they observe taught by trainees. They will also expect trainees to have the following documentation with them in their school: teaching files containing lesson plans, schemes of work and teaching resources trainees’ self-evaluations and/or reflective journals information about children’s/pupils’/learners’ progress profiles/portfolios of evidence subject knowledge audits and records records of feedback, meetings with mentors and tutors, and reviews of targets

5 1. Weekly Meetings Mentors are expected to meet weekly with the trainee teacher for up to 1 hour of uninterrupted time to provide critical feed-back and to set precise and achievable targets for the trainee. Progress against targets should be discussed and monitored in the weekly meeting. mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

6 Week 1 On Weekly Meeting agenda, mentors to sign and date appropriate level descriptors in the Trainees Teacher Standards assessment booklet Teaching Standard 1 TS2 TS3 TS4 Week 2 Repeat week 1 but for TS5-8 Teaching Standard 5 TS6 TS7 TS8 Week 3 Revisit standards 1-4 to see improvement (sign and date again) TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 Week 4TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8 Week 5 Revisit to show a third improvement (sign and date for a third time) TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 Week 6TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8

7 2. Weekly Meetings Fixed items on the weekly agenda must include trainee subject knowledge development and discussion of Teacher Standards. Any in-school subject knowledge training received by the trainee should be recorded. mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

8 3. Weekly Meetings Trainees should keep notes of weekly meetings and each meeting record should be signed by mentor and trainee. Trainees should file a copy of each meeting record in their Portfolio and send a copy to education admin each week along with electronic copies of Lesson Observations for that week. mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

9 4. Weekly Meetings For each placement, mentors should carry out a subject knowledge audit relating to each trainee’s teaching timetable and identify any weaknesses in those subjects. mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

10 mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

11 5. Observation Mentors are expected to observe trainees in a minimum of one lesson each week during placement. For each lesson observed, a Leeds Beckett observation form should be completed. For each phase of training a range of key stages and activities need to be formally observed and recorded. mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

12 6. Observation Grades for each Teaching Standard should be entered on lesson observation forms (the boxes should not simply be ticked). Written feedback should include judgements evidenced clearly against the level descriptors in the trainee’s Teacher Standards Assessment booklet. The feedback text should always match the grade given. mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

13 7. Observation Feedback to trainees should be subject/curriculum specific and indicate where progress is (or is not) being made in specific developmental areas. mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

14 mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

15 8. Observation An overall best fit grade for the lesson should always be entered in the general comments box for each observation. This grade should take into consideration the grades allocated in the grade boxes and the language used in the feedback against the Level Descriptors in the Standards Assessment Booklet mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher


17 9. Teacher Standards Assessment Booklet Each trainee brings a Teacher Standards Assessment Booklet for their phase of placement. This is the key document that should be part of discussion in each weekly meeting in order to show trainee progress. Comments in the booklet should be signed and dated by mentors It is essential that mentors should use the Standards Assessment Booklet in their weekly meetings mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher



20 10. Teacher Standards Assessment Booklet Mentors should clearly understand that the descriptors in the Teacher Standards Assessment Booklets are developmental i.e. specific to the phase of the trainee. mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

21 11. Teacher Standards Assessment Booklet Mentors should annotate the sections on Part 2 of the Standards in the Assessment Booklet with language outlining excellent practice (this standard is judged as pass/fail and not given a grade). mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

22 mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

23 mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

24 12. Information Sharing Mentors should request each trainee’s previous phase Assessment booklet and in particular their targets and action plans in order to set challenging and appropriate targets for development mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

25 13. Information Sharing Trainees and mentors will be sent a report on how the Prevent Strategy should impact on lesson planning. Mentors need to ensure trainees are using this report as a point of reference for their planning mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

26 14. Mentor Feedback Link tutors are expected to give Quality Assurance feedback to mentors for each placement using the standard University proforma. This supportive and developmental feedback will be shared with the ITE Coordinator. mote and enhance the transition of the trainee from learner to teacher

27 Leeds Beckett Data Sheet It’s important that all partners are aware of the characteristics of our partnership The data sheet and SED help share key messages

28 What next? 3 hour visit to schools at meeting rate Will pay for today plus expenses Meeting should be ½ -1hr Meeting needs to involve ITE Coordinator and as many mentors as possible Aim to be finished by 15 th April In exceptional circumstances – Skype or phone

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