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Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) How did Napoleon come to power? Why did the citizens of France welcome a dictator? What sort of changes did Napoleon make.

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Presentation on theme: "Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) How did Napoleon come to power? Why did the citizens of France welcome a dictator? What sort of changes did Napoleon make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) How did Napoleon come to power? Why did the citizens of France welcome a dictator? What sort of changes did Napoleon make to France? What actions of Napoleon caused the French empire to fall apart?

2 1.Government officials should be allowed to secretly search a citizens home without informing that person their house has been searched if they think that person is dangerous to society. completely agree, agree, slightly disagree, strongly disagree 2.Businesses including hospitals, bookstores and libraries should be forced to turn over to the government records on terrorist suspects but they should not be permitted to inform their customer / clients. completely agree, agree, slightly disagree, strongly disagree 3.Governments agents should be able to investigate a persons private bank account without the approval of a judge. completely agree, agree, slightly disagree, strongly disagree 4.It is more important for a government to protect its people than it is to protect civil rights. - completely agree, agree, slightly disagree, strongly disagree

3 NAPOLEON BRINGS STABILITY AND ORDER In general, dictators are welcomed in times of war, panic and disorder. How Do Dictators Achieve their Power? COUP D’ ÉTAT - sudden seizure of power by internal forces. Legitimize rule - often with a plebiscite - vote by citizens to approve or deny

4 What is similar about Napoleon Bonaparte and Frank?

5 Napoleon Cements the Revolution Revolution Goal Greater Tax equality and reduced inflation; more opportunity Gov’t of the people; more qualified people govern; Reduce the power of the Catholic Church; keep Church out of politics Napoleon’s Action Economic Reforms –Flat Tax –Sets up national bank –Gov’t provides loans to businesses Government Reforms –Official appointed by merit system - a system of appointing public officials based on ability –Lycees (gov’t schools) set up to train all people Religious Reforms –Concordat signed between church and state Reaffirms the importance of the Catholic Church in France Catholicism is not the state religion Church agrees not to try to reclaim land taken in revolution Before the Revolution Third estate Pays 50% of Income in tax, Nobility doesn’t pay tax Absolute monarchy Only second estate allowed to govern Church is seen as increasingly corrupt and too powerful E C O. G O V’ T CHURCHCHURCH

6 Napoleonic Code Rules and laws before Napoleon –Different depending on class, job, gender, etc. –created by non-state organization eg. guild, Church, nobility Napoleonic Code - a uniform set of laws that all citizens of France must follow. –One set of laws for the entire state –Society regulated by state Laws made to match the principles of the revolution –Strips privilege of the nobility –Laws are uniform for all citizens –Protects individual liberties –Property rights are guaranteed Codes brought to the rest of Europe by Napoleon’s conquest

7 Napoleonic Code Did all of Napoleon’s Reforms match the goals of the revolution? pp. 585 - 586 –Men are declared leader of their homes –Freedom of speech and of the press is restricted –Slavery is restored in French colonies –Napoleon declares himself Emperor

8 Napoleon’s Europe

9 The Battle of Trafalgar (1805) Only England Stands in the way of Napoleon Plans to Invade England  first secure the seas England crushes French Navy –N–Napoleon gives up plan to conquer England –B–BRITISH NAVAL SUPREMACY FOR OVER 100 YEARS

10 Napoleon’s Empire Collapses The Three BIG Mistakes

11 MISTAKE ONE THE CONTINENTAL SYSTEM Attempts to blockade England –Hurt English economy –Make continental Europe’s economy better British smugglers and Napoleon’s allies continue to trade England makes blockade of their own –Neutral ships sailing for France forced to England FRANCE HURT MORE THAN ENGLAND

12 MISTAKE TWO THE PENINSULAR WAR Invasion of Portugal and Spain Napoleon’s brother made Spanish King –Enflames Spanish Nationalism Spain and Portugal devoutly Catholic, fear the French Napoleon now in protracted guerrilla war Other liberated countries start to resent the French occupation PEOPLE START TO RESENT NAPOLEOAN

13 MISTAKE THREE (THE BIG ONE) June 1812 starts out for Russia –Soldiers recruited from all over Europe (690,00 men) Russians have scorched- earth policy –Burn everything on retreat Napoleon Captures a burnt Moscow Retreats in October Three Most Famous Russian generals –Ice –Snow –Mud 28,000 make it out of Russia INVASION OF RUSSIA

14 Napoleon’s Downfall European countries rally to fight a weakened France Napoleon finally defeated at Waterloo, Belgium What did the French statesman, Alexis de Tocqueville mean when he said, “[Napoleon] was as great as a man can be without virtue”?

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