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Bellringer  Read the following quote and explain why you agree or disagree. Is this quote true? Defend your answer.  "Those who don't write well, don't.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer  Read the following quote and explain why you agree or disagree. Is this quote true? Defend your answer.  "Those who don't write well, don't."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer  Read the following quote and explain why you agree or disagree. Is this quote true? Defend your answer.  "Those who don't write well, don't think well. If you don't think well, other people will do your thinking for you."

2 Homework  Complete the poem “Sketch” by Carl Sandburg.  You must respond to all 8 questions in complete sentences.  This is due Friday (9/18/15).

3 I’ll be Absent Tomorrow…  Do NOT embarrass me.  You will sit in your normal assigned seats.  There are NO bathroom breaks or water breaks.  You WILL follow the directions of the substitute just like you follow my directions.  Talking is prohibited. DO NOT TALK. You have plenty of work to get done.  If my substitute, or another teacher, reports that you did anything other than you were supposed to, be prepared consequences and reprecussions.

4 Objectives  SWBAT complete literary t-shirt project presentations.  SWBAT differentiate between implicit and explicit messages.

5 Literary Term T-Shirt Presentations  Take the next 3 minutes to prepare your thoughts for your literary term T-shirt presentation.

6 Literary Term T-Shirt Presentations Expectations  You must display your shirt will giving your presentation.  Eye contact with the audience is key.  Your presentation must be between 1-2 minutes. You will be timed.

7 Literary Term T-Shirt Presentations Audience Expectations  As an audience member, you are responsible for the following:  Be respectful; It is not appropriate to laugh or make fun of another student’s presentation/work.  You will complete a peer evaluation for each student that sits in your group.  Remain engaged and aware. We’ve all created some awesome pieces of work that we want to sure with one another.

8 Video Clip  WvaGc WvaGc  Purpose: What kind of messages does this clip send?

9 Explicit Message  An explicit message is one that is clearly or obviously said  Example: "Go home now!" was Dr. Martin’s explicit command.

10 Implicit Message  An implicit message is one that is not actually stated, but that can be inferred based on clues.  Example: For example, the implicit message in the sentence, “My stomach is rumbling,” could translate into the explicit message, “I’m hungry. When are we going to eat?”

11 Prezi Time! 

12 Practice 1  Explain what implicit and explicit messages are being displayed in this photo?  Defend your answer.

13 Practice 2  Explain what implicit and explicit messages are being displayed in this photo?  Defend your answer.

14 Practice 3  Explain what implicit and explicit messages are being displayed in this photo?  Defend your answer.

15 Partner Work  Turn and talk with your partner to create one example of an implicit message and one example of an explicit message.  You have 4 minutes to complete this task.

16 Independent Practice  Going back to the text "Rosa Parks: My Story“ on page 107, identify AND explain 2 explicit messages and 2 implicit messages.  Be sure to provide specific page numbers and explain your answers.  You have 6 minutes to complete this task.

17 Exit Ticket  Answer the following in complete sentences:  What is the difference between explicit and implicit messages?  Create two implicit messages of your own.

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