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Assessor Training 11 TH FEBRUARY 2016. Key Messages from Ofsted  Strengths  The partnership has a clear vision for improving the quality of practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessor Training 11 TH FEBRUARY 2016. Key Messages from Ofsted  Strengths  The partnership has a clear vision for improving the quality of practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessor Training 11 TH FEBRUARY 2016

2 Key Messages from Ofsted  Strengths  The partnership has a clear vision for improving the quality of practice in early years settings. This focuses on developing professional and effective early years teachers, capable of managing change and leading improvements in early years provision.  Trainees and former trainees model positive values, attitudes, and appropriate behaviours for the birth to five age range and have high expectations for the outcomes of children in the early years.  Trainees are conscientious and keen to ensure their practice impacts on young children’s learning and development.  University assessors and centre-based tutors know their trainees well and give valuable support both personally and professionally.

3 Key Messages from Ofsted Weaknesses Improve the leadership and management of the early years ITT to:  strengthen quality assurance systems to ensure greater consistency in trainees’ practical experiences and quality of training  review monitoring and evaluation processes, so that there is greater clarity in the partnership’s self-evaluation and improvement planning  ensure that there is a more formal approach to setting targets for trainees’ continuing professional development in their employment context. Improve the quality of training by ensuring that:  all trainees receive feedback that focuses on the difference their teaching has made to the learning and progress of children and precise targets to improve their practice  university assessors and mentors apply the grading criteria for the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) consistently Other messages….  The assessment of trainees’ progress towards Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) is not always as accurate as it should be. Insufficient attention is paid to how the standards interlink and impact upon one another. As a result, assessment at the end of the training is sometimes over generous.

4 Addressing the key messages from Ofsted Aims  To revisit SMART target setting and introduce the GROW model  To focus on the grading of standards and how these link  To identify examples of good practice linked to grading and ensure consistency of judgments

5 Looking at the Ofsted key message; Target Setting Targets need to be;  Reflective of current trainee’s progress  Linked to grading amplification  Linked to standards  SMART

6 Refresh SMART Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timely

7 The GROW Model GROW  Goal  Reality  Options  What

8 Looking at the Ofsted key message; Early Years Teacher Standards  The assessment of trainees’ progress towards Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) is not always as accurate as it should be. Insufficient attention is paid to how the standards interlink and impact upon one another. As a result, assessment at the end of the training is sometimes over generous.

9 Activity 1 In partners/groups, look at the printed slips of standards and consider which ones are closely linked to others which may have an impact on grading.

10 Looking at the Ofsted key message for; Using the Grading amplification Improve the quality of training by ensuring that:  university assessors and mentors apply the grading criteria for the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) consistently

11 Activity 2 In partners/ group choose one of the pieces of evidence below (it may be something that one of your trainees has been working on) and using the grading amplification, discuss what our expectations for a good grading would be:  Observation of child  Planning  Incident/accident form  Risk assessment  Leaflet for parents about sensory play  Staff meeting minutes

12 Activity 2.2 Once you have agreed on a good, explain:  Why a higher judgement was not given?  What the trainee needs to do in order to reach a higher grading  Make it SMART

13 Where we are now Work in progress to meet the other actions raised  Partnership team working together to clarify the roles and responsibilities of leaders and managers  Rebecca and Michelle working with assessors on joint visits to strengthen quality assurance systems to ensure greater consistency in trainees’ practical experiences and quality of training  Leaders and managers working together to review monitoring and evaluation processes, so that there is greater clarity in the partnership’s self-evaluation and improvement planning  Assessors are revisiting former trainees to ensure that there is a more formal approach to setting targets for trainees’ continuing professional development in their employment context.  Working towards the next Ofsted visit in May/June 2016

14 Further group discussions and Questions

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