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Effectiveness and Perceptions of a Peer Teaching Evaluation Program Lorin Sheppard, PhD Mary Kiersma, PhD, PharmD Manchester University College of Pharmacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Effectiveness and Perceptions of a Peer Teaching Evaluation Program Lorin Sheppard, PhD Mary Kiersma, PhD, PharmD Manchester University College of Pharmacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effectiveness and Perceptions of a Peer Teaching Evaluation Program Lorin Sheppard, PhD Mary Kiersma, PhD, PharmD Manchester University College of Pharmacy

2 Poll  Is your teaching evaluated by a supervisor?  Is your teaching evaluated by a peer?  What are some of the specific areas you are evaluated on?  What is the purpose of these evaluations?

3 Background  Manchester University – Small school – Emphasis on teaching and active learning  MU College of Pharmacy – New school – Two departments

4 Demographics n = 21

5 Demographics

6 Preparation for Teaching  Teaching certificates  Faculty development teaching seminars – Basics of instructional design – Writing goals and objectives – Structuring a lesson – Teaching facts, concepts, principles, and skills – Incorporating active learning  On-site “consultants”

7 Development Process  Institutional teaching focus  Similar process at both campuses – Participation required in FW  Form developed by Curriculum and Assessment Committees – Based on factors faculty felt were important – Input from all faculty

8 Peer Evaluation Process  Who – All faculty are reviewed during the academic year – All non-chair faculty participate as reviewers  When – Class is selected by person being reviewed  How – Using form – Debrief with reviewed, reviewer(s), and Director of Instructional Design

9 Areas Evaluated  Content  Organization  Interaction  Verbal/Nonverbal  Use of Media  Strengths  Areas for Improvement

10 If you were evaluating a peer review process, what are some things you would want to know?

11 Process Evaluation Instrument  Demographics (4 questions)  Being reviewed (12)  Being a reviewer (10)  Confidence (2)  Stress (1)  Open-ended questions (3)

12 Faculty Being Reviewed n = 15

13 Faculty Being Reviewed n = 15

14 Faculty as Reviewers n = 17

15 Faculty as Reviewers n = 17

16 Classes Evaluated

17 Confidence


19 How stressful would it be for you to go through this process?

20 Stress of Evaluation

21 Uses  Guides changes to instruction  Used as support for self-evaluation  Included in promotion and tenure dossier

22 Comments  “Good process.”  “Enlightening ideas that I could utilize.”  “Better than I expected.”  “Offer training for faculty on using the tool and how to give appropriate and constructive feedback.”  “I didn’t receive quite the amount of feedback I was hoping for.”  “Make sure evaluators have lecture material prior to the class.”

23 Limitations  One semester’s data  Faculty with limited teaching experience  Experience giving feedback

24 Future Directions  Provide training on use of form  Revise form – Based on changing needs/focus – Based on different types of instruction

25 Questions?

26 Contact Information Lorin Sheppard 260-470-2670 Mary Kiersma 260-470-2668

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