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PROGRAMMING In Lesson 6. RECAP  Discuss with the person next to you...  what you have enjoyed about python programming  What you have found difficult.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGRAMMING In Lesson 6. RECAP  Discuss with the person next to you...  what you have enjoyed about python programming  What you have found difficult."— Presentation transcript:


2 RECAP  Discuss with the person next to you...  what you have enjoyed about python programming  What you have found difficult  What question would you like to ask the teacher..  2 mins and be ready to talk…

3 OBJECTIVES  Understand what a multi_selection statement  Understand how to use a multi_selection statement O UTCOMES  All-Level 4 written if.. Elif.. Else code using while - with help developed programs using pseudo code scored 50% in the plenary quiz  Most-Level 5have written these with little help. scored 75% in the plenary quiz  Some-Level 6Independently write these and adapt them and complete the extension tasks. scored 90% in the plenary quiz

4 PYTHON MULTI SELECTION  If statement as you already know  Elif is new. It is executed if test_1 is false  Else statement as you already know

5 SPECIFICATION  I want a program to ask a student for their percentage mark, and convert this to a grade.  The conversion will be done in a function called mark_grade  I want you to complete the function.

6 Add you code in here – then test it against the grades above. You can open this code from mark_to_grade start in lesson 6 folder.

7 EXTENSION ACTIVITIES  Ask the user for their target grade and print this with their mark  If their target grade > exam grade display a suitable message  If their target grade = exam grade display a suitable message  If their target grade < exam grade display a suitable message

8  With your classmate you have 2 mins to discuss…  What was most difficult in the program?  What was most fun?  What question would you like to ask the teacher?  Write these 3 answers in your self evaluation book. CLASS DISCUSSION

9 JOKE TIME  You are to write a program that asks a user for their favourite number and then tells them a joke. The program will call a joke printing function with the users favourite number.  The function will accept one numeric parameter and use it to choose the joke to tell. You will probably use multi_selection if statement to match the joke against the number.

10 PSEUDO CODE Print a joke using the users number Start End Ask user their name Ask then for their number Call the joke telling function Joke Telling function End Extension activities: Get jokes from the internet Give the user a range to choose from Give the user an option to pick a random joke.

11 PLENARY  Complete the End of unit test

12  Open the ICT levels spread sheet and find python tab  Read each Yellow box and answer in the yellow box, as well as the www and ebi. H OUSEKEEPING

13 PLENARY  Spend a few minutes playing the hangman game.

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