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Conflicts After WWII What effects did the outcomes of WWII have on relationships between opposing governments?

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Presentation on theme: "Conflicts After WWII What effects did the outcomes of WWII have on relationships between opposing governments?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflicts After WWII What effects did the outcomes of WWII have on relationships between opposing governments?

2 Conflict 1: Dividing Germany Background The U.S. and Russia were allies during WWII The Soviets occupied the parts of Europe that they freed from Nazi rule Stalin promised to allow free election in the area the Soviets controlled When the war ended, Stalin instead put pro-Soviet governments into place

3 What were Stalin’s reasons for wanting communism control? The Soviet Union suffered massive death and destruction in both World Wars By keeping “friendly” governments, he was trying to assure that would not happen again

4 How was Germany Divided? Germany was divided into 4 zones Soviet Union, United States, France and Britain controlled one of each of the zones

5 How was Berlin Divided? Berlin was the capital of Germany and was also divided into 4 zones Berlin itself lay within the Communist controlled Soviet Side of Germany

6 What were Stalin’s fears and reactions? France, Britain, and the U.S wanted to combine their zones into a United West Germany Stalin was afraid a United Germany would threaten the Soviet Union Stalin forced a blockade to West Berlin

7 What was the purpose of Stalin’s blockade? Stalin banned all traffic from Western Germany to Berlin through Highway Railroad Canal He also banned all shipment from the Soviet zone into West Berlin Stalin was trying to force the U.S, France, and Britain to give up their control in West Berlin by withholding water, food, medicine, coal, and other daily supplies

8 How does the U.S. respond to the blockade? A past agreement gave the Allies permission to use 3 air lanes over the Soviet zone into Berlin. The U.S starts a series of airlift routes to drop in supplies to the people of West Berlin

9 Was the airlift effective? People thought there was no way the airlift would keep West Berlin from starving The airlift started small and grew in size and organization At the height of its operation a plan was taking off and landing every 90 seconds and 12,900 tons of supplies were being delivered every day After 321 days Stalin called off the blockade without any conditions

10 Conflict 2: Korean War After WWII Korea was established It was divided at the 38 th parallel North Korea is run by Soviets and communist government South Korea (Republic of Korea) was established by the U.N. and was anti- communist

11 How did the Korean war start? On June 25 th, 1950; North Korea crossed the 38 th parallel and attacked South Korea North Korea’s goal was to unite the country by force

12 Why should the U.S. get involved? North Korea’s attack was a threat to our containment policy Containment policy: Truman’s strategy of stopping the spread of communism through military and non- military ways Since the Republic of Korea was established by the U.N., people felt the U.N. would lose power if it fell

13 What are the steps the U.S. take towards war? Only U.S. planes and ships went to help South Korea Pressure is put on Truman to send troops On June 30 th, Truman orders troops to help, other members of U.N send small forces as well Mostly made up of U.S. soldiers but called U.N army

14 What were the movements of the war? North Korea pushes further into South Korea U.N soldiers land behind the troops in North Korea trapping the North Korean army North Korean soldiers in South Korea gave up and were chased back over the 38 th parallel MacArthur is ordered to cross the 38 th parallel to destroy North Korea’s army China warns if that happens they will get involved

15 What happens to MacArthur? MacArthur thought that China was bluffing and he ordered U.N forces to advance into North Korea China does come to the aid of North Korea and after a major attack and many deaths, they push the U.N forces back to South Korea MacArthur wants to bomb bases inside China Truman and his staff think this could lead to a Third World War MacArthur publicly disagrees with Truman Truman fires MacArthur

16 Outcomes of the War In June of 1951 the war came to a stalemate All major nations wanted a truce Peace talks went on for two years with shooting continuing over the 38 th parallel More than 1 million Korean civilians killed U.S. lost 33,000 soldiers AND………..

17 Still Divided

18 Conflict 3: Cold War In this “war” the U.S. and Soviets never shoot at each other It is a “war” of Threats Military build-up Diplomatic actions

19 What exactly was the Cold War? The Americans and Soviets had very different ways of life due to the way the countries were run Both nations worked to win the support of other nations for their ways of life The “arms race” –a race to see who could build the most powerful weapons and military forces- was a big part of the Cold War Democratic ways of life vs. communism

20 What is the difference between democracy and communism? Democracy In a democracy, citizens have rights Lands and businesses are controlled by individuals or corporations People work hard and keep what they earn Communism In a communist run country, citizens have no rights Lands and businesses are all owned by the government People work hard, and give everything to the government and it is then divided equally among the people

21 Why was the U.S. so against Communism? The ideals of communism themselves are not the problem When you have a leader become a dictator and the citizens have no rights, that is the problem Communism cannot work if there is freedom of choice No one can “choose” to live in a communist society, so since it is forced upon people, it doesn’t work

22 Conflict 4: The Hunt for Communists After WWII America developed a deep fear of the spread of Communism Many Americans thought we were losing the cold war These fears started a hunt of communist traitors within the U.S. FBI investigates every federal employee for loyalty to the U.S.

23 Who is Joseph McCarthy? A senator from Wisconsin He made exposing people who were traitors to communism his personal campaign It was hard to prove disloyalty, but that did not stop him Many peoples careers were ruined over what people now refer to as “witch hunts”

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