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 Reading  Writing  Math April 4-April 22nd Log in to LEARN: High Schools Desert View AzMerit Test Prep February 4-13.

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2  Reading  Writing  Math April 4-April 22nd

3 Log in to LEARN: High Schools Desert View AzMerit Test Prep February 4-13

4 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: English/Language Arts CAT Practice Test Read and text mark/annotate the passage.  You can use the Word toolbar or the Google toolbar annotate the text  You can use a blank sheet of paper to take notes

5 Question #1  What is the question asking you to do? Select the sentence from the text that best supports the conclusion that the clothing manufacturers have not been operating in an ecologically sustainable way. Notice two things: 1. The sentence should support a conclusion (or claim) 2. The word not means I am looking for something that manufacturers are doing that is not good for the environment

6 1. Select your answer 2. Compare your answer with a neighbor and explain why you chose the one you chose. 3. When the class has arrived at a consensus, check the answer with the teacher 4. Were you correct? Why or why not?

7 QUESTIONCHOICES Question #2 Choose the sentence that supports the conclusion that the fashion industry has become more sustainable (You cannot see the highlighted sentences on the LEARN document. Check to see which are highlighted on the right and read them on the document)

8 What is the question asking you to do? Read the conclusion … The fashion industry has started to become more sustainable. I notice two things: 1. The sentence should support a conclusion (or claim) 2. The word has means I am looking for something that manufacturers are doing that is good for the environment

9 1. Select your answer 2. Compare your answer with a neighbor and explain why you chose the one you chose. 3. When the class has arrived at a consensus, check the answer with the teacher 4. Were you correct? Why or why not?

10 Questions 3 and 4 #3 - I am looking for the best summary #4 – As a way of choosing the best word, I can substitute each word for ‘touts’ in the sentence to see which best fits.

11 1. Select your answers 2. Compare your answers with a neighbor and explain why you chose the ones you chose. 3. When the class has arrived at a consensus, check the answers with the teacher 4. Were you correct? Why or why not?

12 Question #5 This a two-part question. You will need to choose your answer and then select a sentence that provides evidence for your chosen answer Part A – A conclusion (claim) about the fashion industry Part B – Which sentence supports the claim you selected in Part A?

13 1. Select your answers 2. Compare your answers with a neighbor and explain why you chose the ones you chose. 3. When the class has arrived at a consensus, check the answers with the teacher 4. Were you correct? Why or why not?

14 Question #6 This is another two part question Part A – Choose the statement that best describes what the use of the cotton t-shirt example shows about the fashion industry’s attempt to become a more sustainable industry Since the cotton t-shirt is just an example, I know the statement should be a more general one about the industry

15 QUESTIONCHOICES Question #6B Choose the sentence that supports your answer to Part A(You cannot see the highlighted sentences on the LEARN document. Check to see which are highlighted on the right and read them off the document)

16 1. Select your answers 2. Compare your answers with a neighbor and explain why you chose the ones you chose. 3. When the class has arrived at a consensus, check the answers with the teacher 4. Were you correct? Why or why not?

17 Question #7 What is the question asking me to do? How does paragraph two affect the structure of the text as a whole? Which option best describes the role of paragraph two in the passage?

18 1. Select your answer 2. Compare your answer with a neighbor and explain why you chose the ones you chose. 3. When the class has arrived a consensus, check the answer with the teacher 4. Were you correct? Why or why not?

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