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What were some factors for the post World War I recession?

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2 What were some factors for the post World War I recession?

3 Demobilization- war time factories closed, crop prices fell, government canceled contracts with businesses Decreased crop production Unemployment skyrocketed inflation Soldiers returned home needing jobs

4 Define recession

5 A decline in economic activity and prosperity

6 What is the term for the economic factor where the value of the dollar decreases and the price for items increases?

7 Inflation

8 Describe the Red Scare.

9 The Red Scare was a time of post-war fear of communism.

10 How did a speculator hope to earn his fortune?

11 They would take a risk and buy something with hopes of selling it later at a higher price. Ex. Florida real estate. Stock market

12 Books that were seen to be radical and were banned from libraries was based on a fear of communism. What did we call this in the 20’s?


14 Define radicalism

15 A point of view favoring extreme change in social or economic structures

16 Define the characteristics of free enterprise

17 Economic system characterized by private ownership of property including land and resources, Need competition for profits and forces supply and demand to determine products and prices

18 The KKK was reborn in the 1920’s. What groups of people were they most likely to target?

19 Jews, Catholics and African Americans

20 Another trend in the 1920’s that contributed to the consumer culture allowed buyers to purchase things without being able to afford them all at once. This practice contributed the most to the consumer culture. ___________________________

21 The payment plan

22 Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, Zora Neale Hurston were among a group of African American poets, writers and artists during a time period in the 1920’s called the _________________________?

23 Harlem Renaissance

24 What invention led the development of a national popular culture in the 1920’s?

25 Radio….people listened to sports, news and other shows

26 What limitations were placed on African American rights during the 1920s?

27 African Americans still faced discrimination. They were not allowed to play professional sports with white athletes. They were not allowed to publish poems or novels. African Americans were not allowed to vote or attend white schools.

28 Who might say, “Alcohol leads to crime and violence. It may well lead to the breakup of families.”? Modernist or traditionalist

29 traditionalist

30 Why did people come to oppose prohibition?

31 Bootlegging alcohol around the U.S. led to higher rates of crime and lawlessness.

32 After soldiers returned from World War I, what happened to the rights of workers?

33 They had to work more hours and made less money

34 In the 1920’s Republican policies were put in place to try and help the economy. What happened to unemployment & wages?

35 Unemployment decreased and wages increased

36 U.S. farmers were not required to grow as many crops after the end of WWI. What happened to many of the farmers in the 1920’s?

37 Falling crop prices drove many farmers into bankruptcy.

38 How did the role of women change in the 1920’s?

39 Women could go to school for better education, be elected to office and have a real career.

40 What is undercomsumption?

41 Americans consumed fewer goods

42 How did underconsumtion affect jobs?

43 Underconsumption increased unemployment

44 What happened to stock prices in the late 1920s? (inflate or deflate)

45 Stock prices inflated (stocks sold for more than a company could pay out)

46 What did stock speculation & inflated prices cause?

47 The Crash of 1929

48 How did overproduction of goods lead to the Great Depression?

49 There was a surplus of goods and prices dropped

50 Why did farmers find themselves in trouble during the 1920s?

51 Farmers had borrowed money to buy more land and machinery. They overproduced crops & prices dropped. Farmers couldn’t pay back loans & lost their farms.

52 What four factors caused the Dust Bowl?

53 Drought High heat High winds Poor farming/ranching practices

54 What part of the U.S. was most affected by the Dust Bowl?

55 Mid-West or Great Plains

56 C—L—R Believes the government should play a larger role in the economy, protecting workers, and keeping food & drugs safe

57 Liberal

58 C—L—R Believes the federal government should own all businesses

59 Radical

60 C—L—R Believes taxes should be increased on the wealthy & corporations

61 Liberal

62 C—L—R Believes the poor should be taken care of by charities

63 Conservative

64 C—L—R Believes the government should not interfere with the economy—laissez faire

65 Conservative

66 C—L—R Believes the government should create jobs through public works & raise money for social welfare

67 Liberal

68 What did President Roosevelt call his plan to help the economy & the poor?

69 The New Deal

70 Name that New Deal Program: Raised market prices for crops & livestock Provided subsidies to farmers

71 Agricultural Adjustment Act

72 Name that New Deal Program: insures money in U.S. banks

73 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

74 Name that New Deal Program: Built dams along TN River Provided jobs, factories, electricity to millions

75 Tennessee Valley Authority

76 Name that New Deal Program: Employed millions of men ages 18-24 in national parks & building public works

77 Civilian Conservation Corps

78 Name that New Deal Program: Employed 8.5 million workers $1 billion for public works Provided grants to artists & writers

79 Works Progress Administration

80 Name that New Deal Program: Federal aid to the elderly, disabled, children & unemployed Paid for by a tax on workers & employers

81 Social Security Act

82 Name that New Deal Program: set a minimum wage & maximum work hours

83 Fair Labor Standards Act

84 Right Wing or Left Wing: the New Deal went too far

85 Right Wing

86 Right Wing or Left Wing: the New Deal didn’t do enough to help the poor

87 Left Wing

88 What “new rights” were introduced by the New Deal?

89 right to a job right to a fair wage right to a decent home right to economic security

90 True or False: the New Deal expanded the power of the federal government

91 True

92 True or False: The New Deal ended the Great Depression

93 False

94 True or False: The New Deal laid the foundation for a welfare state

95 True

96 True or False: The New Deal increased deficit spending

97 True













































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