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Ancient Rome 509 B.C. – A. D. 476 Continued from SMARTBoard lesson.

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1 Ancient Rome 509 B.C. – A. D. 476 Continued from SMARTBoard lesson

2 I. Geography A.Rome is located near the center of the Italian Peninsula on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

3 I. Geography B.Unlike Greece, 12/09/italy-satellite-photo-science-photo- lab.jpg Rome’s geography helped unite its people.

4 I. Geography B.Unlike Greece, Rome’s geography helped unite its people. 1.Low mountains weren’t barriers to travel

5 I. Geography B.Unlike Greece, Rome’s geography helped unite its people. 2.Fertile plains fed the country’s population

6 I. Geography B.Unlike Greece, Rome’s geography helped unite its people. 3.Its location gave it easy access to the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. eAtHeight.jpg

7 I. Geography C.Roman Republic – all of Italy was conquered by 270 B.C. D.Roman Empire – By 27 B.C. Rome was an empire expanding its lands to include all of the Mediterranean World pireAtHeight.jpg

8 II. Political A.Roman Republic was established ~ 509 B.C. 1.Republic – representative democracy: officials chosen by the people a.Centralized government b.Senate: governing body c.Senators were from the landholding upper class d.Senators elected two consuls who supervised government and commanded the armies. e.The lower class had little power

9 II. Political B.Roman Empire: 27 B.C. to A.D. 476 1.In 48 B.C., Julius Caesar began the transition from republic to empire. a.He made new conquests and important reforms.

10 II. Political B.Roman Empire: 27 B.C. to A.D. 476 2.In 31 B.C., Caesar Augustus became an autocratic emperor (31.B.C. to A.D. 14) and the Roman Empire was born. a.Augustus stabilized the centralized government. 1)Created civil service system to ensure well-trained and well- educated government officials.

11 II. Political B.Roman Empire: 27 B.C. to A.D. 476 2.In 31 B.C., Caesar Augustus became an autocratic emperor (31.B.C. to A.D. 14) and the Roman Empire was born. b.Pax Romana – 200 years of Roman Peace 1)Begun during the reign of Augustus and ends with the death of Marcus Aurelius. (FYI: beginning of Gladiator)

12 II. Political B.Roman Empire: 27 B.C. to A.D. 476 2.In 31 B.C., Caesar Augustus became an autocratic emperor (31.B.C. to A.D. 14) and the Roman Empire was born. b.Pax Romana – 200 years of Roman Peace 2)During this time, because Rome had conquered, and therefore controlled, the Mediterranean World, it was able to ensure stability throughout its empire.

13 II. Political B.Roman Empire: 27 B.C. to A.D. 476 3.Roman military power a.Strong, well-disciplined army b.During the Pax Romana. Roman legions maintained the roads and guarded borders.

14 II. Political B.Roman Empire: 27 B.C. to A.D. 476 4.Roman Law applied to all people under its dominion which helped create stability. a.Basic principals became basis for many system of justice, including those of America.

15 II. Political B.Roman Empire: 27 B.C. to A.D. 476 4.Roman Law applied to all people under its dominion which helped create stability. b.450 B.C., the Twelve Tables of Roman Law were inscribed because the lower class wanted their laws written down.

16 II. Political B.Roman Empire: 27 B.C. to A.D. 476 4.Roman Law applied to all people under its dominion which helped create stability. b.450 B.C., the of Roman Law were inscribed because the lower class wanted their laws written down. 1)Later, this led to the plebeians electing their own officials and serving in government jobs.

17 II. Political C.A.D. 285 -- Division of the Roman Empire 1.As the Roman Empire begins to suffer from many internal and external troubles, the emperor Diocletian decides to divide it. This is a temporary fix.

18 III. Intellectual A.Written language of Rome was Latin, which, like Arabic and the Muslim Empire, helped unite the empire. B.Pax Romana= Golden Age= many intellectual achievements C.Aeneid, written by the poet Virgil. D.Invented concrete to use in construction.

19 III. Intellectual E.A big OOPS!!!! The mathematician Ptolemy decided that the Earth is the center of the universe  His geocentric model lasted until Copernicus proves otherwise during the 16 th century and the Renaissance. F.Roman-controlled Egypt becomes a center of learning.

20 IV. Religious A.Originally, Rome was a polytheistic religion based on Greek mythology. However, the Roman gods were stronger and more powerful than the Greek gods. B.Christianity 1.In A.D. 313, Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and ended the persecution of the Christians. 2.In A.D. 392, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

21 V. Artistic A.Used Greek style statues but were larger, grander and more realistic than the Greek statues.

22 VI. Technological A.Borrowed Greek concepts in architecture, but larger and grander. B.Engineering 1.The use of concrete allowed them to create arches and domes. shows-the-pronaos-or-portico-and-the-interior-of-the-temple.jpg IMG_0558RD.jpg

23 VI. Technological Pont du Gard in France

24 VI. Technological Pont du Gard in France

25 VI. Technological Pont du Gard in France

26 VI. Technological Pont du Gard in France

27 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

28 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

29 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

30 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

31 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

32 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

33 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

34 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

35 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

36 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

37 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

38 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

39 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

40 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

41 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

42 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

43 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

44 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

45 VI. Technological Nîmes, France

46 VI. Technological A.Borrowed Greek concepts in architecture, but larger and grander. B.Engineering 2. Romans built roads throughout their empire to move their armies. 2BZw4/s1600/DSC03339.JPG

47 VI. Technological A.Borrowed Greek concepts in architecture, but larger and grander. B.Engineering 3. They built ships and harbors. ships%20Triremis.RomanEmpire.BCE31.SvenLittkowski.001.jpg Ancient Roman harbor of Kalecei in Antalya

48 VII. Economic A.Economic 1.Caesar Augustus reformed the tax system and issued new coins.

49 VII. Economic A.Economic 2.During the Golden Age of the Pax Romana, trade flowed freely throughout the Roman Empire via the Mediterranean Sea and their road system which brought tremendous wealth to Rome.

50 VII. Economic A.Economic

51 VII. Economic A.Economic 3.In declining years the gap between the rich and poor widens; increasing taxes drive the middle class into poverty

52 VIII. Social A.Patricians: landholding upper class B.Plebeians: farmers, merchants, artisans, traders C.Slaves: an enormous slave population causes laziness. Why invent an easier way to do something when you have slaves to do it? Contributes to Rome’s decline.

53 VIII. Social D.Patriarchal: Roman law gave the male head of the household all authority E.Eventually women gain more freedom; hold prominent public roles; own successful businesses

54 IX. The Decline of the Roman Empire – very slowly until A.D. 476 A.Often compared to the decline of the Han Empire – both empires grow weak as a result of internal problems and external pressures.

55 IX. The Decline of the Roman Empire – very slowly until A.D. 476 Causes of the decline Han EmpireRoman Empire Military 1. Warlords overthrew the emperor. 2. Invaders overran the Great wall and set up their own kingdoms. 1. Visigoths and other Germanic peoples invade. 2. Roman army lacks training and discipline. 3. Romans forced to hire mercenaries or foreign soldiers to defend borders.

56 IX. The Decline of the Roman Empire – very slowly until A.D. 476 Causes of the decline Han EmpireRoman Empire Economi c 1. Emperors began to neglect canals and roads which impacted commerce which caused the economy to decline. 2. Taxes increased which oppressed the peasants and led them to revolt. 1. Heavy taxes necessary to support the government. 2. Farmers leave land. 3. Middle class disappears. 4. Romans use too much slave labor.

57 IX. The Decline of the Roman Empire – very slowly until A.D. 476 Causes of the decline Han EmpireRoman Empire Political 1.Emperors after Wudi were unable to control the powerful warlords in outlying areas. 1.Government becomes too strict. 2.People stop supporting the government,

58 IX. The Decline of the Roman Empire – very slowly until A.D. 476 Causes of the decline Han EmpireRoman Empire Political 1.Emperors after Wudi were unable to control the powerful warlords in outlying areas. 3. Many corrupt officials. 4. Divided empire becomes weak.

59 IX. The Decline of the Roman Empire – very slowly until A.D. 476 Causes of the decline Han EmpireRoman Empire Social 1. Population declines because of disease and war. 2. People become lazy and selfish.

60 Works cited Apennine Mts: 2TxKZhLMYr8/TbW9NFhpNOI/AAAAAAAAFJ4/OdZQr8Ag_ DQ/s1600/0205%2B-%2BItaly%2B%255B0001FE%255D.jpg 2TxKZhLMYr8/TbW9NFhpNOI/AAAAAAAAFJ4/OdZQr8Ag_ DQ/s1600/0205%2B-%2BItaly%2B%255B0001FE%255D.jpg Twelve Tables: Division of Roman Empire:

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