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Something to talk about: While we wait for class to start at the top of the hour, please share at least one healthy tip that you think others can benefit.

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Presentation on theme: "Something to talk about: While we wait for class to start at the top of the hour, please share at least one healthy tip that you think others can benefit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Something to talk about: While we wait for class to start at the top of the hour, please share at least one healthy tip that you think others can benefit from, too, as we proceed through the next ten weeks together! Welcome to HS100: Introduction to Health Science

2 Student Technical Support Phone Live Chat If experiencing any technical difficulties, please call Technical Support at: 1-866-522-7747

3 Instructor Information Dr. Rebekah Marsh, PhD (Dr. Marsh) HS Online Adjunct Professor School of Health Sciences Kaplan University AIM: RSMPhD9

4 Poll Time! Throughout seminar, I may do a poll. A poll window will pop up on your screen, with a question, and below you will have choices to select. The purpose of polls is to reinforce key information that I feel is important for you to know. Please do not type your answer in the class activity box for everyone to see. The polls are completely anonymous, no one knows who votes how (including me), so don’t worry if you don’t get one right…it’s ok:)

5 “Like” SHS on Facebook

6 Student User Guide

7 Course Home Page

8 Syllabus (Table of Contents)

9 Campus Tour & Professor Information

10 Course Materials & Course Description Microsoft Word is required; also is Microsoft PowerPoint

11 Course Outcomes By the end of this course, you should be able to: HS100-1: Identify current issues in health science and how they relate to chosen health science professions. HS100-2: Define the required education, certification, and credentials needed at the national and state level for a given health care profession. HS100-3: Create a portfolio that outlines relevant career resources and support materials for a health science profession. HS100-4: Discuss the roles and responsibilities of selected health science professionals. HS100-5: Define the professional traits and skills needed to be successful in the field of health science.

12 Course Outcomes (continued) General Education Outcomes: In addition, the following General Education outcomes are assessed during this course:  GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.

13 1201C Term Calendar

14 Syllabus: Page 3 (Course Calendar)

15 Syllabus: Page 4 (Course Calendar continued and Grading Criteria [point breakdown])

16 Syllabus: Page 5 (Kaplan University Grading Scale)

17 Important Dates for the 1201C Term  First Day of Classes: February 1, 2012  Last Day to drop/add without “W”: February 7, 2012  Last day for students to request an Incomplete: April 2, 2012  End of Term: April 10, 2012  Incomplete coursework due (for UG): April 20, 2012

18 Syllabus: Page 6 (Grading timetable, Late Policy & Tutoring)

19 Syllabus: Page 7 (Work/Projects/Seminars)

20 Syllabus: Page 8 (Discussion boards)

21 Syllabus: Page 9 (Attendance policy)

22 Syllabus: Page 10 (Plagiarism policy)

23 Syllabus: Page 10 (Plagiarism policy continued)

24 Syllabus: Page 11 (Netiquette)

25 Syllabus: Page 12 (Rubrics – Discussion board participation)

26 Syllabus: Page 13 (Seminar)

27 Syllabus: Page 14 (Project Rubric)

28 Are there any questions so far?

29 Unit 1 Introduction: Defining Careers in Health Science

30 Watch Two Videos/Movies Overview Introductions

31 Overview

32 Unit 1: To-Do list Introductions This week, you will introduce yourself and discuss your area of interest in the health sciences field. Discussion Board (40 points) This week, you will explore more about the program you have chosen. Seminar (20 points) In this week’s Seminar, we will discuss the online platform, course objectives and syllabus, and review the university support services available. Assignment (50 points) You will complete a short questionnaire that will assist you in mapping your degree plan. Reading Page: The Online Learning Experience – Exploratory Activity Kaplan wants to be sure online learning is a great fit for you. For your reading and learning this unit, view this presentation to help you compare online and traditional education and explore some of the myths associated with online learning.

33 Introductions

34 Reading (there is no textbook)

35 Seminar (Option 1 or 2)

36 Seminar Option 1: Participate in a synchronous Seminar Seminars will be held using the KHE Flex Seminar tool. Instructions for accessing Seminars are found on the Course Home menu under Seminar Information and under the Additional Help icon. Option 2 Respond to the questions below by writing an APA paper. Your response to the questions should be composed in complete sentences and paragraphs and be approximately 100-150 words in length in content, excluding repeating the questions verbatim, your title page, and reference page. Submit your responses as a Microsoft Word document to the Dropbox by the end of the unit, Tuesday, 11:59 PM (EST). Spend some time exploring your KUPortal Page and listen to the Unit 1 Seminar archive when it becomes available (one day after your scheduled Seminar). What type of university support services are available to assist with writing and math skills? What should you do if you have technical difficulties including not being able to upload a document, access Seminar, or log into your class? Where can the assignment calendar and late policy be found for this course? How will you be graded (what criteria) for discussions, Seminars, and projects? If you are unsure of how to submit your Option 2 Seminar, please see the Academic Tools Button, Dropbox Guide link.

37 Discussion Board (DB) This view is through the Unit overview.

38 Unit 1: Discussion

39 Typing Discussion board posts (“Initial post”) Type ‘Subject’ of post here – check spelling & grammar Type your post here. You can select ‘Font name’ (Times New Roman is the easiest and most clear to “see”). Select ‘Size’ 3 or 4; anything less than 3 is too small and greater than 4 is too BIG. Also check spelling and grammar before you click ‘Post Response’. [DO NOT attach any discussion board posts as documents; all discussion board posts are to be typed directly onto the discussion board.]

40 Responding to fellow classmate or the Professor (“Response posts”)

41 O*Net & Careers in Health Science

42 Academic Tools

43 Select the survey based upon the program you are enrolled in.

44 Survey Example

45 Questions? Comments?

46 Looking ahead to Unit 2

47 Have a great first week!!

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