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Welcome to Intensive Training Programme-Training for All-Regional Workshop in Guwahati on 08.04.2011 Training Division Department of Personnel and Training.

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1 Welcome to Intensive Training Programme-Training for All-Regional Workshop in Guwahati on 08.04.2011 Training Division Department of Personnel and Training Government of India

2 Is Government of India making an effort to improve public service quality ? The Economist, 12-18 March 2005 “We sometimes assume that policies will implement themselves.” “The civil service requires a better delivery culture.” “How do we connect policy with operations?” Citizens Politicians Civil Servants

3 Reforms in Public Service Delivery have taken Center Stage “Effectiveness and efficiency of public service delivery is increasingly being demanded as a basic right of the citizen. Government is expected to be a service-provider rather than a mere administrator of a public service delivery system”. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Civil Service day speech, 21 April 2006 Getting the “Public” in the Service ! – Laxman’s Comman Man need not be a mere spectator

4 Emerging Strategies for reforming Public Services Purpose Level Create-performance pressure Incentivise desirable behaviour Strengthen the entity Institutional  Promoting Competition  Right to Information  Encourage civil society  Performance based pay  Accountability Mechanism  Public Service Bill  PPP Organisational  Social Accountability  Decentralisation  Public Grievance Mechanism  Civil Service Awards  e-Governance Awards  Simplifying Transactions  Restructuring Agency Processes  Quality Management Systems  Partnership with civil society  PPP Individual  Accountability Mechanisms  Public Grievance Mechanism  Civil Service Awards  Training of frontline service delivery personnel

5 The Mechanics- How service delivery impact the poor Tangible asset- Land, equipment etc. Intangible knowledge, skill, labour information etc. Conversion Entitlement Set Endowment Set Goods and services a person can legally obtain Production- Agr. extn, credit, contract enforcement Transfer – admin of oldage pension Exchange- Employment exchange, Mandi mgt Tangible- Land record, security of tenure, law order Intangible – Health & Education

6 Background ITP- CBPR-Training Initiative The Mandate As per the National Training Policy training would be imparted to all rungs of the Civil Services starting from the lowest and cutting-edge to the highest in policy making. The Challenge The existing training infrastructure and methods of the Government inadequate to train the large number of personnel at the cutting edge. The Approach Develop training models for the frontline service delivery personnel, which are scalable, cost effective and transferable and thereby capable of being used with marginal changes across the country. Civil Servants in India Central Government (*) 0.43 1 million Sate Government and Local Bodies 9.41 2 Million Total10 million (Approx) (*) Excluding paramilitary, railways, defense, IT & Communication 1 estimates from Census of Central govt employees 2004 2 Economic Survey 2008 tab 3.1

7 Underlying Principal of ITP Capacity Building for Improvement in Public Administration Better Service Delivery Positive Impact on Poverty Individual level Developing model for training of frontline Service Delivery Personnel (training initiative under the ITP for CBPR )- DoPT financed Input Mediating VariableOutput

8 Implementation Approach Training Division DoPT Funding, Concept, Handholding, Oversight State ATIs State ATIs State ATIs Management, Logistics, ToT, TNA, Training Material, Monitoring Pool of Trainers created by ATI from Line Departments/NGOs Conduct Actual Training at Decentralised locations Line Deptts Line Deptts Front line Service Delivery Personnel /PRI/PTA/User Group Members (Trainees) Nominate Trainees, Define the training needs, assist in preparation of training manuals NDC YASHADA

9 Category I – Utilised the full amount committed under LOA: Kanataka, Hyderabad, Maharashtra Category II – have utilized the first instalment: West Bengal, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakahnd, MadhyaPradesh, Punjab Category III – have partially utilized the first instalment: U.P., GOA, Gujarat, Haryana Category IV – No report of utilization of funds from: J&K, Sikkim, Assam, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Bihar, Jharkahand, Orissa Utilization of GOI funds Under ITP

10 ATIImplementation Hyderabad (AP)Kurnool district-water management, public health and welfare ( completed, funds fully utilized) Nalgonda district-revenue, medical and health, rural development, panchayati raj ( being taken up) Pune ( Maharashtra)Nanded District- Revenue and rural development, agriculture and cooperation, health and education, women and child development (funds fully utilized) Across the State- Water supply and sanitary sector (being taken up) Chennai (Tamilnadu)Tiruvannamalai District - Revenue, health, rural development, panchayati raj, agriculture, water supply and drainage (to be completed) Implementation status under ITP – region/district/sector specific

11 ATIImplementation Mysore (Karnataka)All 30 districts of state- revenue sector ( completed, funds fully utilized) Aizwal (Mizoram)3 distircts – Aizwal, Kolasib and Champhai- good governance training to all employees of various levels of 40 Deptts. ( funds given in first instalment utilized) Imphal (Manipur)Training on various aspects of computer applications to the employees of state govt. ( funds given in first installment utiilized ) Bhubaneshwar ( Odisha) 17 select districts- improvement of livelihood through small animal development ( to be completed) Implementation status under ITP – region/district/sector specific-cont…..

12 ATIImplementation Nainital ( Uttarakhand) District Bageshwar- water and sanitation sector ( first installment funds utilized, completed) Districts of Almora, Bageshwar, Champawat, Nainital, Udhamsingh nagar and Pithoragarh-urban development, social welfare, food and civil supplies, tourism and transport ( being taken up) Chandigarh (Punjab )7 districts of Patiala division – General Management and behavioral skills (funds given in first installment utilized) Jaipur ( Rajasthan)Bikaner district project completed (first instalment funds utilized) district Ajmer and Tonk-public service deptt in social sector ( being taken up) Agartala( Tripura)Across the state-Education deptt. officials (funds given in the first installment utilized) Implementation status under ITP – region/district/sector specific cont…….

13 ATIImplementation Shimla( HP)Across the state-officials of HP electricity board (funds given in first installment utilized) Ahmedabad (Gujarat) Bharuch district project ( first installment funds partially utilized, to be completed) Gurgaon ( Haryana)Jhajjar district project ( first installment funds partially utilized, to be completed) Implementation status under ITP – region/district/sector specific cont…..

14 ATIImplementation Kolkata (WB)District Nadia-agriculture, animal resource development, backward classes welfare, horticulture, women and child development, social welfare District Burdwan-Burdwan collectorate, Food and supplies, Backward class, welfare, women and child development, social welfare, land and land reforms Across the state- Excise deptt. (funds given in first installment utilized) Lucknow (UP)District Jhansi- rural development/public distribution, revenue, education, health and social welfare ( first installment funds partilly utilized, to be completed) Gurgaon ( Haryana)Jhajjar district project ( first installment funds partially utilized, to be completed) GoaNorth and South district- officials of district collectorates ( first installment funds partially utilized, to be completed) Implementation status under ITP – region/district/sector specific cont….

15 Approaches adopted for implementing CBPR Project Name of Approach Centralized (district level) Decentralized (block) Decentralized (village cluster) ResidentialYASHADA Pune UPAAM Lucknow ATI Mysore None Non ResidentialNoneHIPA, Gurgaon UAA, Nainital ATI Kolkata MATI Meghalaya RCVPNAA, Bhopal MATI, Meghalaya (for remote areas) HIPA Gurgaon (for elected reps & village committees) ATI Punjab Centralised Residential: Training venue organized at a centralized place where the trainees are expected to stay full time. Rigorous and resource intensive. Decentralised Non-Residential: Training more closer to the workplaces of the trainees, day program. Less resource intensive, larger geographical reach.

16 Some Innovations Life Space and Work Space YASHADA, Pune Both work space and life space training was imparted, including personal finance management and communication in family along with the KSA inputs which comprised the workspace component Pilot DistrictPilot Sectors Pune Revenue Rural Development The concept being that life space issues impact significantly on work related performance.

17 Emphasis supplied on some lessons to be learnt ATI has to emerge as the facilitator: ATI has to transform its role from an actual provider/implementer of training to that of a catalyst and facilitator. Existing infrastructure and facilities with the ATI should not be a constraint: The reach and capacity of the ATI to provide large scale training has to be extendable. Demand driven training in close partnership with the client departments: District administration and the line departments are two important partners whose cooperation has to be successfully obtained. Systematic approach to training: The States have to closely follow DoPT model on systematic approach to training

18 Emphasis supplied on some lessons to be learnt…….. Providing the citizen’s perspective to the trainees through involvement of Civil Society Organisations: Apart from trainers from the departments and the ATIs, trainers with NGO affiliations also to be involved to provide an “outside the government” perspective to the trainees Convergence of development schemes and processes through training: has to be attempted through bringing all stakeholders in a particular sector to one common training programme or through making a frontline functionary repository of all knowledge on development schemes for enabling one source information. Potential trainers drawn from the concerned departments and trained as trainers: Large scale training capacity has to be created by drawing candidates from line departments and developed as trainers.

19 Training of grass root functionaries leads to improvement in public service delivery : The reports from the field should indicate that the trainees (post training) have taken up interesting and innovative initiatives at their job sites. Emphasis supplied on some lessons to be learnt…….. Concurrent process documentation: This may help internalise the learning from the programme and build an intellectual capital and knowledge management with the help of the National Documentation Centre

20 Did Training Work ? Develop Model for Frontline Service Delivery Personnel-case study reviews of CBPR training initiative

21 Faces of Transformation Smt Kaushalya Bai, PTA President, Village Padhariya Rajadhar,Begumganj Tehsil, Raisen District, Madhya Pradesh Transformed the Primary School in the village, the school is now rated amongst the best in the region Smt. Pramila Maruti Sulke,Gram Sevak, Shelgaon Village,Panchayat Samiti Khed,Pune District, Maharashtra Has done commendable work on drinking water situation of her village. Scaled the overhead village water tank for cleaning it. Shri Rakesh Chandel, Sarpanch, Village Mehragaon, Itarasi Block, Hoshangabad District, Madhya Pradesh Created a park at the garbage dumping site in the village using waste and discarded material

22 Thank You for your kind attention

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