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ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors / For More Best A+ Tutorials

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1 ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors / For More Best A+ Tutorials

2 ABS 417 Entire Course ABS 417 Week 1 DQ 1 ( The Power of Many ) ABS 417 Week 1 DQ 2 ( Social Change Model ) ABS 417 Week 2 DQ 1 ( Empowerment, Disempowerment and Social Change ) ABS 417 Week 2 DQ 2 ( Non-Profit vs. For-Profit Organizations ) ABS 417 Week 2 Assignment ( Reflection Paper ) ABS 417 Week 1 DQ 1 ( The Po wer of Many ) The Power of Many Watch From the grassroots- Understanding community or ganizing. Consider the African proverb: “A single bracelet doe s not jingle.” ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors /

3 ABS 417 Week 1 DQ 2 ( Social Change Model ) ABS 417 Week 2 Assignment ( Reflection Paper ) ABS 417 Week 1 DQ 2 ( Social Chan ge Model ) Social Change Model From Table 3.4 in your text, select two social change models and com pare and contrast the similarities and differences between them. Ide ntify their social change tactic, an d give examples of representative groups, coalitions, organizations, or entities that exemplify them. Sp ecify the components of successful progressive organizations. ABS 417 Week 2 Assignment ( Reflection Paper ) Reflection Paper Watch the following video, 21st Century Enlightenment and co nsider the video’s concluding st atement,” Never doubt that a s mall group of thoughtful comm itted citizens can change the w orld. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has”. ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors /

4 ABS 417 Week 2 DQ 1 ( Empowerment ABS 417 Week 2 DQ 2 ( Non- Profit vs. For-Profit ABS 417 Week 2 DQ 1 ( Empowerm ent, Disempowerment and Social Change ) Empowerment, Disempowerment and Social Change In 250– 300 words, discuss the ways in wh ich individuals can be empowered, disempowered and how they can combat personal disempowerment. How does personal empowermen t lead to collective empowerment? ABS 417 Week 2 DQ 2 ( Non- Profit vs. For- Profit Organizations ) Non-Profit vs. For- Profit Organizations Discuss what it means to be mi ssion driven as opposed to prof it driven in 250 – 300 words. Give an example o f an organization that is missio n driven and one that is profit ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors /

5 ABS 417 Week 3 Assignment Draft for Final Paper ABS 417 Week 3 DQ 1 ( Social Problems ) ABS 417 Week 3 Assignment ( Dra ft Paper ) Draft for Final Paper For this assignment, include a min imum of a title page, reference pag e, a cohesive introductory paragra ph, and a representative part of th e body of your paper which may b e unpolished and in need of rewor king. For uncompleted parts of yo ur paper, please report the directio n that you are taking and any spec ific ideas ABS 417 Week 3 DQ 1 ( Social P roblems ) Social Problems In 250– 300 words, discuss what is me ant by a social problem. Select one social problem and describ e where you could begin to ma ke a difference locally. Support your comments with at least t wo scholarly references ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors /

6 ABS 417 Week 3 DQ 2 ( Social Science Research ) ABS 417 Week 4 DQ 1 (Social Activist ) ABS 417 Week 3 DQ 2 ( Social Scie nce Research ) Social Science Research In 250– 300 words, identify the importanc e of understanding the history of s ocial problems, the policies involve d, and reasons for conducting rese arch. Discuss the role of research i n the social change process. Give a n example of a question or issue yo u could study, what methods you would use ABS 417 Week 4 DQ 1 (Social A ctivist ) Social Activist Complete the iPersonic Person ality Test (you do not need to c omplete the Personality Profile s section) and answer the follo wing questions: Suppose you s aw a job advertisement such as the ones included on pages 173, 179, and 180 of your text. ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors /

7 ABS 417 Week 4 DQ 2 ( Support Sector ) ABS 417 Week 5 Assignment Final Paper ABS 417 Week 4 DQ 2 ( Support Se ctor ) Support Sector Watch the Faith in Action: PICO O rganizing Model and The Playing f or Change Foundation videos. The se organizations have different rol es and goals. In 250- 300 words, describe the different t ypes and roles of support organiza tions in social action and change ( Refer to text, p. 248). ABS 417 Week 5 Assignment ( Research Paper ) Focus of the Final Paper Consider from the authors of th e course text the following quot e: “Progressive social change is about defending the weak fro m the strong, gaining resource s to reduce human hardship, a nd striving to promote an equit able society. ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors /

8 ABS 417 Week 5 DQ 2 ( Lobbying ) Lobbying In 250- 300 words, describe the process of political lobbying. · What makes a good lobbyist? · What techniques do they use? · What do they hope to accomplish ? ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors /

9 ABS 417(ASH) Apprentice tutors / For More Best A+ Tutorials

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